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Posts posted by Growlith1223

  1. there's only been 2 bans within the past few weeks, not sure where yall are comin from with there's been over a million bans a day? and tbh about the donation thing, you shouldn't really have special privledges to be a dick just because you have donated lol
  2. @'God':

    > Growlith- Haven't you been doing that since 2014? Do you keep restarting it or something?
    > Jc- Is it another "Pay for features" type engine where you don't get source access unless you pay?
    > Xer - Have you got a thread about it?
    > Good luck to all who try. It's the thought that counts.

    Have i ever said i worked on it daily? lol
  3. Designs of roads is more subjective than anything, you don't really need random roads to make a player get involved/immersed, that's more opinionated than anything else that has been said imo
  4. Eclipse works in a weird way with textures, for sprites and such, everything needs to be divisible by 32 without producing a decimal, if it doesn't produce one you're perfectly fine
  5. @Benjo, it's 4GB on a 64-bit OS however if you're on a 32-bit OS, you only get about half that. reason being 64-bit, since it can use more ram than 32-bit, it can handle mapping programs to certain parts of the memory, thus the extra amount of memory for systems.

    Anywho, I do $5 hosting! *Shamelessadvertising*
  6. I wasn't even shifting the blame, i was saying that there was more than one person at fault for this atrocity. and there's a big difference between the analogy you just gave and the security issue right now being as MyBB has permission options to prevent such cases.

    Again im not shifting the blame, i simply said that the blame is not only on her. yes she stole the database but at the same time it was Link who is trusting to literally anyone and everyone when it comes to this sort of thing.

    And i can do the same thing, just because you said that you didn't do it doesn't mean you have, not attacking you but it can go both ways with the attacks of "you could have done that yourself!" bullshit.
  7. no, that's what i know, there is literally no topics, no members on the site either, whether she has a backup of the DB somewhere else, that's her decision. Personally i'd rather not know if she has one or not.

    Regardless, there's nothing i can do about her taking the DB, and tbh, it's more Link's fault for not restricting certain access rights in that scenario, wouldn't have happened to begin with if the owner of this site knew how to work a forum. not trying to avoid the situation, just wanted to say that there's more than just her at fault here.
  8. i have said this time and time again, and i'll say it again, i genuinely do not care if i am banned or not. You can call me out all you like but it's not going to phase me, you're talking to someone who doesn't care what others think.

    Anywho, she DID have them, however she no longer does. and yes i know im going to get your incessant whining of "regardless she still done it!", yes i know this, but you also have to remember, people make mistakes, im not defending her, im defending the fact that everyone makes mistakes, whether it's something severe or not.

    @or3o i meant that if you're that superstitious about a picture and trying to suspect literally anything on said image, then there's no point in trying to say it any other way than you are beyond help.
  9. you know, assuming makes an ass out of u and me. never once did i defend her, i know it's a dick move, try and understand that please.

    anywho, if you're that worried about an encrypted password to the point of paranoia of "that could be anything!" then im sorry but you are beyond help.

    ima say this again but did i say everything was sunshine and rainbows? no, i simply said that i got her to get rid of it, nothing more, nothing less.
  10. Would just like to put my information on this, after she stole the Database on this site, i talked her into just getting rid of it, afterwhich she did, and her site no longer has the DB on it.

    if you don't believe me, http://prntscr.com/b5msc7 here's a screenshot of total members and posts/topics
  11. i have seen actually, glad to see more is happening right now, let's just hope that it stays this way, Eclipse died off on bad terms, people are trying to revive it but this place shouldn't be revived, it should be changed to make it better than what it is and what it used to be
  12. #bringbacktheeclipsegreentheme

    in all seriousness, i suggest maybe changing how the current board designs are, the Questions and Answers board specifically is confusing as all hell to find, the entire boards section imo is just a clustertruck of a thousand different sub-boards lol
  13. There's also the issue that Eclipse doesn't know how to fragment the map data to help with that lag. simple fix but i would stay around 50x50 and below unless you plan on doing what i said, which is to send the initial parts of the map then send the rest as fragments of the actual map
  14. @'Grilo13':

    > @'Abyss':
    > > Then…. maybe... This is not.... the place for you....
    > Haters… haters everywhere...
    > never helps, only critics….

    Rather than complain that you can't do something and try to blame the members for your own issues, try and actually learn to do it or hire someone to do it for you, there's multiple people out there that do paid work for this kind of stuff.
  15. GetTickCount is changing, but remember, it's in the negative values. TickCount basically just does a val = val + 1

    Atm it would be in the negatives, so it's still counting up but it's going "down" if you can understand that(-999, -998, -997, etc.)
  16. it's because of GetTickCount

    GetTickCount tends to "rollback", meaning it goes to the max negative value of a Long. This essentially means that all values of tmr vars are still positive so when it checks to see if GetTickCount is higher, when in reality it's below 0\. i've posted a fix to this, somewhere on the forums for this

    the flash timer might be for the weather, probably for like lightning and such.
  17. Thank you, now that you have said that, your issue is with a line of code inside the engine on the client that does this flashing type thing, it checks GetTickCount, however since the value is within the negatives, it doesn't remove the white texture being applied.

    If FlashTimer > GetTickCount Then RenderTexture Tex_White, 0, 0, 0, 0, frmMain.ScaleWidth, frmMain.ScaleHeight, 32, 32, -1

    It would be this line here under sub Render_Graphics, i really haven't figured out why it's there so i usually just comment it out
  18. You would just need to send a packet to every player stating there's a warp here, along with it's positions and then just add the tile to the client instead and just save the position on the server. cooldowns same thing, remove portal, send packet to clients to remove portal, and you're done, no reason to directly save it to the map. just check on the server if the warp is still there and if so, warp them, this will prevent lag switches
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