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Everything posted by gallighanmaker

  1. Thank you, if you happen to find any further modification inform us.
  2. These were the changes from version 6 to 7?
  3. What are the available chat channels in the engine and how to access them?
  4. I'm thinking of a system where the player receives damage if you are not wearing armor on certain maps as Icelands (taking damage because of freezing). Does anyone have a base for me to look up to or know any functional method ?. The poblema do not know where to put this method, it would be in the server loop? someone could help create such a system?
  5. the attack animation I used a tutorial but I want to do the same thing except that when using a skill.
  6. at the time the player activates a spell execute an animation to the default template of the character like a attack animation frame such as this: [LINK](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/124845-attack-frame-working/) But I want to run a animation when the player cast skill. I already have this attack animation system and I will add one more to the skill, but I not know how to do it or where to modify, already tried modifying the sub castspell and a few more things, but I did not succeed.
  7. Anyone know how to create such a system? to use a skill to run an animation template character, I already add a template that runs animations to attack but i can't adapt to when using the skill. Anyone help me in this system?.
  8. I believed that it would be but does not work as well, but not of any error in modcombat or elsewhere.
  9. Hello guys, I'm using the crystalshire and I think this engine does not have the function to use the skills to press a key, it only works if I click on the icon of the skill that is in the hotbar. Ex: ``` ' hotbar Public Sub Hotbar_DoubleClick() Dim slotNum As Long slotNum = IsHotbarSlot(GlobalX, GlobalY) If slotNum > 0 Then SendHotbarUse slotNum End If End Sub ``` but this way works properly, but I would like to use shortcuts to get the skills when you press the button according to the hotbar. I think I could use the: **Public Sub CheckKeys() **that contains the keys to move the character etc, but as would be to detect the key correctly? Would look like this?: ``` ' hotbar For slotNum = 1 To MAX_HOTBAR If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey0) + slotNum Then SendHotbarUse slotNum End If If GetAsyncKeyState(111) + slotNum Then SendHotbarUse slotNum End If Next ``` I left as the method above but are trying to use the skill in the first slot repeatedly ;x And how i get skill name used? to use em SendActionMsg Ex: SendActionMsg mapNum, "Skill Name", BrightGreen, 1, (GetPlayerX(index) * 32), (GetPlayerY(index) * 32)
  10. I followed the tutorial as I said already is added, I found it very strange not save the npc and save item ;z ![](http://i.imgur.com/5F5lDUj.png)
  11. Sorry revive the topic but I have a problem, in item editor he usually saves the weapon element but the npc editor he's not saving the element, save any other changes unless the element but not of any error in compiling etc, did exactly as it is on topic. what could it be?
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