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Everything posted by GalacticGlum

  1. @James Very cool game! Great work. Is this still in development?
  2. @[member="dxxknight"] no problem as for the contest the quest is about paranormal activity in the house and you have to solve it?
  3. Here is a good cheap WINDOWS VPS [https://www.stablebox.com/](https://www.stablebox.com/)
  4. > Well it depends on how you wish to host your game. If you want to run it from home you can do one of two things. Buy/use another computer as the server host or use your own computer as the host. The only problem with this is the host computer will need to be on all the time. You will also have to portforward, there's a few tutorials on how to do that here on Eclipse and YouTube but it'll be slightly different depending on your router. Your second option is to buy a VPS also known as a Virtual Private Server (basically a computer you pay monthly for that you can connect to). The good part about a vps is that it's online 24/7\. The only issue is it costs money so I wouldn't suggest buying one unless your game is really popular. > > > > Anyway since you're most likely going to be hosting from home there's quite a few tutorials that can teach you how to portforward. Other users have had this same question before so if you type in portforward in the search bar here on Eclipse you'll find quite a few threads about it. what @Colonello said! You beat me to it. You little sneaky bastard :D Here are a few tuts [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/118123-tut-port-forwarding/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/118123-tut-port-forwarding/) [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/132729-how-to-port-forward/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/132729-how-to-port-forward/) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3jLNz3WtQ
  5. @[member="lucastobias"] PLEASE! for the love of god fix this article. It's very messy and hard to read also you have to port forward there a tons of tutorials on this forum. **NOTE**not trying to offend anyone.
  6. @[member="Baron Mohenjo Daro"] I agree black it is!
  7. @[member="Kaymak"] great tutorial and again I have no problem helping you again or anyone else.
  8. Hello all! I have just updated the "How to become a alpha tester section" If you don't feel like going back to find it here is what it contains –------ "Closed alpha testing will be somewhere in late June or early July till mid August. If you would like to become a alpha testing please email [email protected] with your Eclipse username and if you would like, this is optional. What you like about The Five Heroes. ***note***it is ".co" not ".com"."
  9. @[member="Budweiser"] we can't be too sure. @[member="Budweiser"] How are your projects going?
  10. Hey guys It's me again with another update! Sadly I can't show the GUI this update because @[member="CMFiend420"] hasn't been responding to any of my Skype messages. I haven't even seen the GUI yet. I hope he contact me soon so I can get the GUI ASAP so I can show you guys! Don't worry though as I have some really cool stuff to show. Maps >! * I decided to redo the starter map another time because I felt it needed a better design. >! So behold the new revised Shrine of the Suns! >! ![](http://i58.tinypic.com/nmnsxz.png) >! - More maps to come in the next update! New Features! >! I am pleased to present today that The Five Heroes now has a day/night system with subtle transition from day to dusk to night and from night to dawn! We also added in a feature that makes it get darker every five minutes (or something like that) for a realistic day/night system. >! Here are some screenshots! >! –-- >! Day >! ![](http://i58.tinypic.com/nmnsxz.png) >! –-- >! Dusk >! ![](http://i62.tinypic.com/167koe9.png) >! –-- >! Early Night ![](http://i59.tinypic.com/2yx5i6e.png) >! –-- >! Late Night >! ![](http://i60.tinypic.com/2s78cnq.png) >! Dawn >! Screenshot coming soon I'll get it tomorrow as I don't have time at the moment :( >! –------ >! * I was able to optimize the client and server with a friend and it now runs super fast! (An explanation will be given at a later date). >! >! **_Stuff Coming Soon!_** >! * We are also working on a mount system and fullscreen functionality >! Thanks for reading! Have a great day. >! Sorry for the GUI delay Just waiting on @[member="CMFiend420"].
  11. @[member="Kaymak"] NP anytime to help a fellow eclipsian.
  12. @[member="Kaymak"] I can help with the stat issue when I get home if has not been answered.
  13. @[member="Kaymak"] I see.
  14. I mean you could… is it a code error.
  15. @[member="Kaymak"] I would recommend Eclipse Final Frontier as it is a highly modified version of Eclipse Mega.
  16. @[member="Jumpahead"] no problem glad to help in any way, shape or form! Great game and goodluck :D
  17. @[member="Kaymak"] I'll look into it ASAP. What engine are you using?
  18. @[member="Kizzaa"] Welcome back! Now about me! My name is Hackertatio I'm pretty new around here and I absolutely love this community, engine, and everything it has to offer. I'm sad to see so many veterans leaving but I still believe this community is awesome! I believe Eclipse is not only a engine but a indie community and fact is Eclipse isn't going anywhere for a while. Now let me explain a little bit about me. My name is Shon I love to program, build things, I like to design roller coasters (using Theme Park Studio, RCT3, or I build working scale models.) I also like to engineer (wiring and that stuff) I am very interested in the Raspberry Pi. I know some HTML, CSS. I also know Python, Ruby and VB.NET very well I'm learning C++ and VB6 (my VB.NET experience helps). The only problem is that I don't really know networking and the likes so when it comes to adding things into a Eclipse Engines it take a bit more time. I am currently working on two of my own games Games I'm working on –------------------------------ 1\. [The Five Heroes](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/136963-the-five-heroes-wip/): A 2D ORPG game made in Eclipse Final Frontier 2\. Monster Bomb (Name undecided) : A 3D level based third person hack and slash RPG made in Unreal Engine 4 using Unreal Visual Scripting (Blueprints) and using C++.
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