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Everything posted by GalacticGlum

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBH4g_ua5es Do what you want, ‘cause a pirate is free, YOU ARE A PIRATE! Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is alright to be, Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate! Thanks Tick for showing me this!
  2. Hi! Let's get straight to the point. Does anyone know where I can find original game assets for eclipse/RPG Maker? Sprites, tilesets, all that! It doesn't have to be free although I'd prefer for it to be free xD. Anyways if you know any site please link it. Thanks,
  3. Well, I haven't had a forum account for a while but have been lurking on the forum in 2014 from time to time and I was actually trying a few games, although you are correct I will edit my previous post. I didn't always go as GalacticGlum, I used to go by random names I made up on the spot.
  4. @'TehDoug': > Well, technically, Something that's not massive to you, Would be HUGE for someone else. Example: > > To you a banana isn't very big in size. It looks like a banana whether it's a slightly larger or smaller banana its still "just" a banana. > > Said banana is huge if you were an Ant. > > That said a 5" schlong might not mean much to a woman with a hole the size of Alaska, But to a emotional wreck of a girl who's never done it before that 5" is massive! > > Eclipse can hold more than 10 people, I haven't hit my limit with a year + old engine so Eclipse can hold more than 10 people at once because my old engine can handle 20-25 at the same time. Thus my player base was "massive" compared to 85% of the games released here. That post made me laugh so hard. You have a great point, I didn't say Eclipse can't handle more than 20 players it's just the average amount of players on good Eclipse games. That's all.
  5. @'Gahduvdeth': > @'GalacticGlum': > > > First we should all stop calling them MMO's 10 people is not an MMO, it's an Online Multiplayer game! Or simply a Online Role Playing Game. > > I use that term as a generic catch-all phrase. But you're right, ORPG would be a better-fitting term. I see..
  6. First we should all stop calling them MMO's from what I've seen 10 to 20 people on an eclipse game is not an MMO, it's an Online Multiplayer game! Or simply a Online Role Playing Game.
  7. Alright then, I can't help. Wish you luck xD
  8. Simple fix! Don't use EO 4.
  9. Just tested, I love it! Wouldn't be something for me to buy but nonetheless I freaking love it! FYI love the GUI both in game and menu GUI.
  10. Odd.. It would be best to take a screenshot of the error!
  11. @'TehDoug': > Or easier just reboot your computer :) Yep! Just do that.
  12. Did you check running process? The process name would be Server.
  13. Looks promising, keep it up! I like that map system, it looks interesting :) Nice graphics. Can't wait to play!
  14. I believe the text is in the graphic files themselves but I could be wrong. Try looking in your data files/graphics/gui folder.
  15. Really nice :) I like it! Is that rendered in DX8?
  16. It seems like you haven't registered mswinsck.ocx Follow these steps! Step 1\. Place your client folder on the desktop. Step 2\. Open an elevated command prompt (run command prompt as an administrator). Step 3\. Type "cd C:\Users\\Desktop\client". Step 4\. Type "regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx". And you're done! It should work now.
  17. I'm not ignoring any critique. I didn't draw that concept art for the game specifically, it was going to be used in banners, etc..
  18. What does the video have to do with anything?
  19. Jaxx that Day and Night system is mine. Lol. Coded ground up by me and a friend. Made the whole entire thing. I did use the light around the player image from the Prospekt engine.
  20. Sell? I was never selling anything. I also never used Eclipse Skywyre. Furthermore I have made other custom features. PvP system (I never got to announcing it). Day/Night system and some other ones. I'm not the best programmer and I'm continuously learning. I've learned a lot since April and honestly I'm getting sick and tired of people bashing me and continuously putting me down .
  21. After recent reflection on Visual Basic and the Eclipse engine. I have decided to put the 3D version of The Five Heroes on hold. A lot o work has been put into the 2D version and I can't let that slip away.
  22. Hello everyone! I present to you, my latest project! It's a 3D one too! Just like any other profession travelling through the great big oceans is no easy task and it sure as hell doesn't get easier when your ship is lodged into a giant boulder on a uncharted island. You see me and my crew were travelling through the great big Atlantic Ocean! My grandpa used to tell me it's not an easy thing, being a Captain of a ship. He told me that if you didn't plan your voyages carful enough, you could end up rotting dead on the sea floor or better yet on an uncharted island. Here we are now 20 years later, stuck on an uncharted island! All or most of my crew dead. Let's backup a bit. We left on a
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