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Posts posted by Gahduvdeth

  1. @'Mal':

    > @'Gahduvdeth':
    > > @'Mal':
    > >
    > > > @'GalacticGlum':
    > > >
    > > > > I'll have to correct you there. It's not going to be likely coded in C#. It WILL be coded in C# :p
    > > >
    > > > @'Gahduvdeth':
    > > >
    > > > > @'GalacticGlum':
    > > > >
    > > > > > I'll have to correct you there. It's not going to be likely coded in C#. It WILL be coded in C# :p
    > > > >
    > > > > Very well then, it's been decided.
    > > > >
    > > > > Our next project WILL be coded in C#.
    > > >
    > > > Sign me up then?  Or maybe I should ask if you guys were willing to work on another project in parallel and if you had a design doc ready to go. :)
    > >
    > > I haven't yet finalized this with the rest of the team, but I think we'll be sticking to one team-project at a time (since we're so small, and it'll help to channel our creative juices into the same project instead of spreading it out).
    > >
    > > Unfortunately, we don't even have a GDD typed up for our C# project… that's literally all we currently know about: it'll be programmed in C#.
    > You don't pick a programming language before you know the technical aspects of what you're creating.  That's like driving at night without your headlights on.

    Well I figured that since most of my team is familiar with both Unity and C#, it'd only be fitting to go with C#. We're not going to blindly choose some project that couldn't possibly be made with C#, only to find that we'll all be wallowing in a language we're not even familiar with.

    We're choosing C# because it's what we're familiar with, and then we'll start working on the basic design of the project to fit within that scope. Nothing wrong with that, and I don't see how it couldn't work. Please explain.
  2. @'Mal':

    > @'GalacticGlum':
    > > I'll have to correct you there. It's not going to be likely coded in C#. It WILL be coded in C# :p
    > @'Gahduvdeth':
    > > @'GalacticGlum':
    > >
    > > > I'll have to correct you there. It's not going to be likely coded in C#. It WILL be coded in C# :p
    > >
    > > Very well then, it's been decided.
    > >
    > > Our next project WILL be coded in C#.
    > Sign me up then?  Or maybe I should ask if you guys were willing to work on another project in parallel and if you had a design doc ready to go. :)

    I haven't yet finalized this with the rest of the team, but I think we'll be sticking to one team-project at a time (since we're so small, and it'll help to channel our creative juices into the same project instead of spreading it out).

    Unfortunately, we don't even have a GDD typed up for our C# project… that's literally all we currently know about: it'll be programmed in C#.
  3. Triad Entertainment is a small development team that has been in existence since 2014 (but under a different name at that time). Until recently, it's mostly just consisted of myself. But now, our tiny team is looking to add a couple more members!

    Our current project ([The World of Akria](http://www.triadentertainment.net/the-world-of-akria)) is currently in development, and has been in development since about May of 2015\. As it currently stands, there won't be any monetary compensation, although that may change at some point in the future as we finish/release this project, and move on to other projects.

    My personal schedule is this: almost every weekday (Monday through Friday) I wake up at about 7am CST. From then until about 3 or 4pm CST, I have time to dedicate towards working on game development. After that, I have to leave for my actual job.

    If you're interested in joining the team, please feel free to contact me through the forums, on Skype (iamquantum) or via email ([email protected]).

    At this stage, we're looking for VB6 programmers and pixel artists, but will consider filling other roles as well.

    *****UPDATE - 04.01.2016*****

    We're currently pushing to find pixel artists! The pixel art must be of a somewhat gritty art style (unlike many of the cutesy art styles found around the forums). An example of what we mean by "gritty" is included here.

    *****UPDATE - 04.01.2016*****
  4. @'PD':

    > It's actually very easy to implement a screenshot feature for a DX8 engine. I wrote one in a couple of minutes sometime ago. Although, autotiles were broken in the screenshot but that's an easy fix.
    > I'm busy right now but when I'm free I'll clean it up and release it.

    That'd be great, actually. :P
  5. Skywyre has the feature programmed in already (just do a search for Screenshot), so it's very easy to implement a button to call that feature.


    The feature doesn't… work. Yeah, it'll take a screenshot of the map with all the proper proportions and whatnot, but the output would just be a blank area. I've been trying to figure out how to fix it for weeks, but to no avail.
  6. Just a quick update.

    Several new regions have been added, a few others have been expanded. Dozens of new items, monsters, resources, NPCs, spells, animations, etc have also been added. The first "actual dungeon" is currently being created, but the point is that it's there.

    Also added a new "feature": Souls and Soul Shards. Basically, everything has a minuscule chance of dropping a Soul Shard, unless it's a boss or a powerful entity in which case it has a very high chance (or even a guaranteed drop) for a Soul Shard. Find as many of these Shards as you can, and take them to the Soul Master (found at the top of Mount Gaia) and he'll convert the Shards into a Soul, which can be used for [snip]. Sorry, not giving away this secret here. (;
  7. @'God':

    > @'sherwin':
    > > This are the maps that i won't be able to see on the games that are being created on this site
    > >
    > > Too bad, all good mappers already left this site  (or just stay hidden)
    > Don't be a downer bud- the reason they left is because no one's making actual projects and advertising them.
    > "Build it and they will come."

    That being said, I could use help from a decent mapper. O.o
  8. Wow, gorgeous collection!

    I'm not really the best map-maker, but I'm working on it. Some of my newer maps are definitely a lot better than the older ones, though. Thanks for the much-needed inspiration!
  9. I personally tend to believe more in mystical stuff, purely because we never really know what's true and what isn't. Science has been proven wrong time and time again, even with major/important stuff, so sometimes it's just never a good idea to put all your faith into how 'factual' science is.

    But in the long run, yes. Auras, spirits, energy, psychic vampires, deities, etc. Why wouldn't they be real?
  10. Yeah, I've excluded interior maps as well, keeping it purely overworld.

    And damn! 13.79 acres? That's almost as much land as what my parents own. XD

    But honestly, I'm just glad someone replied, instead of this thread being lost.
  11. Hello, everyone!

    So this morning, I've decided to set out on an epic quest to calculating the size of The Underground's world.

    First off, I started by determining the number of tiles in each overworld map and adding them all together, for a total of 34560 tiles. Then, this is where it got a bit…iffy.

    (Forgive me, I haven't had coffee yet.)

    It's fairly reasonable to assume that the average person takes up about 1' x 2' of space while standing (unless you're the average American, in which case you'd more likely take up about 4' x 5'....sorry, bad joke.)

    Now, upon inspection of character placement when standing on each tile, a fair estimate would put the average Eclipse character (drawn in a 4x4 format, instead of the weird 3x4..) to be at about 5' tall. There's still some extra space in the tile that's being occupied, and a rough estimate would put each tile to be at about 3' x 3'.

    Okay, cool. So each tile would be 9 sq/ft.

    So back to our other number: 34,560 tiles. Breaking each tile down into their proper 1' units would bring the total unit count to 311,040 units, each of which are 1' x 1'.

    [Thanks to this handy little tool,](http://www.thecalculatorsite.com/conversions/area.php) I was able to convert 311,040 1'x1' units into something a bit more manageable.

    So, the current total area for the world of Akria in The Underground is…..


    0.01 miles, aka 7.13 acres.

    Honestly, that's a bit disappointing. But, I suppose the movement speed makes up for what it lacks in size.

    Of course, this number will be changing, as I'm constantly adding new regions on a near-daily basis.

    Anyway. Got a different method? Different estimates? Let me know, and I'll re-adjust my figures!

    Frankly, I'm also kindof interested in the size of other people's game worlds. So, figure them out and post them here!
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