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Everything posted by Zopto

  1. Zopto

    My 3D Workz :)

    lol man you just found that pictures on google hahahaha http://www.google.rs/search?hl=sr&client=firefox-a&hs=pqH&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cLwrT92kOoLIswaCtp3pDA&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1274&bih=857&q=3d%20models%20pictures&orq=3d++models+pictures
  2. @GeminiXcastorm: > what he means is he only wants to change one persons sprite. like you can change your own no matter what the class, he wants to change someone elses sprite no matter what the class. using the admin menu Yea…..
  3. http://www.mediafire.com/?y9bwxrzyj535gh0 here and eclipse omega is nod buged it work grate for me you hawe pet system quest system…craft...blabla enjoy ^^
  4. Zopto

    [EO] Minimap 1.3

    ty man good minimap system it work BRAWOOO!!!!
  5. Zopto

    Noob Posting

    ok i i dont know englesh but WHAT HE SAYING??
  6. Zopto

    OMG :O

    @ZoSo: > Okay.. > I tried registering at his forum a while ago but his verifications questions did not allow me even though they were right. yea i pass all that questions and i am now registrated but i mast say EO is beter then GN2D biz here hawe alot ppl hu help…....
  7. Zopto

    OMG :O

    http://devo genin ter active.com/forum/index.php/topic,3069.0.html but all together it dont give me to show that site here
  8. Zopto

    OMG :O

    Hu is devo??a site owner ?
  9. Zopto

    OMG :O

    if i may ask whay this man so angry on Robin?? :OO
  10. Zopto

    OMG :O

    Devo Site Owner Administrator Genesis2D Veteran * Offline Offline Posts: 5865 WWW Genesis2D - Important Message about the state of the 2D Communities. « on: October 25, 2011, 07:29:28 AM » Hello Genesis2D Members, I don't normally write public messages like this, but I think it is necessary in this case. I am writing this email personally to all our members. Over the past week I have received an alarming amount of emails and private messages regarding the Administrator of another 2D engines site. It seems people are being permanently banned for zero or little reason, people who had contributed and dedicated a lot of time to that site (myself included) and also new users. Me personally? I spent over 3 years doing free graphics for members there, signatures, avatars, game logos etc - for free, at no cost. Hundred and thousand of hours. My thread had over 50k views and 1200 replies. I logged on last week, made a comment that someone should charge more for their graphics services. Within a few minutes of posting, Robin Perris (who is currently running the site) has banned me permanently and deleted my thread. My ban message also stated he hoped my father (who he knows was ill) dies sooner, my children would be better off if I killed myself and that he is the person that spread the rumor about G2D containing viruses. The ban message was then altered later so the other admins there did not see his original message to me, I contacted Marsh the sites original owner, he unfortunately has little or no care for his site any more and has lost control. I do recall the days of old with some good people there, but unfortunately those days are long gone. If only Marsh had stuck with his passion for 2D games, things might have turned out differently but after so many years, it's easy to understand the need for change. I won't repost the conversation out of respect, but I spoke with Marsh as recently as last week and his message was loud and clear - he doesn't have the carefactor to get Eclipse back to it's glory days and does not care if it totally dies. So, that is the thanks I receive from the Eclipse community - a permanent ban. Sort of comical in a way, but not surprising. Even a short time ago, I supplied Eclipse with a new site logo and theme , but this brought backlash from Robin, he did not like not having total control, and marsh was forced to remove my new logo (err and no, that current poorly done ogo they have is not mine, but they kept my skulls) Now, mine is not an uncommon story - I shared mine because it was my experience, there are others who have experienced much much worse. This email to you all is not only to warn you against this site and it's current Admin but it is to clear up some misconceptions that Robin has propagated and to also assure you of the dedication the team here shares. Genesis2D has been here for 3 years now - 3 years later we are still running with the same (+ more) development team. Eclipse has had over 15 teams, multiple spin off engines and now contains a plethora of bugged and useless code that adorns it's resource section. Which eclipse engine should you use? No one knows there, apparently you pick one and hope for the best (lolz) Robin even claims to have written the original source for Genesis2D, which for me is the icing on the cake as far as his lies and deception is concerned, and it is time to put an end to it. When he said that to me, well that was my inspiration for finally posting this public message. Xaden, Muty and Ed worked their butts off, I have seen this engine built from the ground up and I will not have an ego-inflated belligerent fool like Robin ruin that hard work. On the home page for eclipse, Robin gives his own personal account of the history of the 2D gaming communities - all of it totally fabricated and untrue. He also claims to have written all of the source codes he released, which is also untrue. He even released a copy of the Mirage 2D source code on Planet source and claimed it as his own, which was laughable at best. the coders he spreads lies about in his story are no longer around, they moved on years ago so they have never bothered to retort (and also possibly they realize he is not worth the retort) I could spend several hours pointing out flaws in his story and list and name every single programmer he has plagiarised code from , but it would take up several pages of text - and I think you are all clever enough to investigate and discover the truth for yourselves. for a very long time, our communities have existed in peace and harmony, but now with over 30 members in the last week coming from Eclipse over to G2D, and complaining about the same person.. well it is a pretty good indication of the state of things there. Bottom line, Robin Perris is a liar, code thief and now can consider himself the world class destroyer of 2d communities. Robin destroyed the Mirage community, the konfuze community, every forum he ever ran - and now he is purposely destroying the eclipse community. Luckily he will NEVER be an admin here, let alone a member - he is banned for several lifetimes. Now, lets look at another example.. In the G2D download you are presented with the instructions and the download link and tutorial links. If you want to download 'Robins' engine, this is what you are presented with: "I hate you all. You're a bunch of lying, thieving, ignorant, malignant little tumours on myself and creativity as a whole. You feed off every ounce of a person who pushes himself to do things for the community and then arrogantly assert that you're in the right." (feel free to go there and read it yourself) For someone with an amateur coding business and very little graphical talent, this is a pretty bold statement to make, and if anything we should thank him for treating his members with such despise. Thank you Robin, showing your true colours has helped G2D flourish and find inspiration to move forward. So if anything, this mail is a confirmation that we are still here, we are still developing and still making games. The reason there has been a lack of activity lately is because for me, I can only work on so many projects at once and lately I have been very very busy. We are looking at a Christmas release for the G2Dx8 Beta edition which all donators will have immediate access to, and we look forward very much to the feedback, especially after such a long time in development. I feel this email is important because there really is only 2 communities left, Genesis2D and Eclipse. We plan on being here for a LONG time to come, whereas Eclipse is in it's final days - so we really do want to assure people that if they are going to start developing a game - this is the place to start it! I thank you all for reading and aologize for the somewhat personal nature of my message, but it really had to be said. So, RIP Eclipse, hello to another new era for Genesis2D. Take care all, Devo.
  11. xP never mind it is good softwer and wery easy to use…
  12. Zopto

    It is posoble..

    it is posoble to pet lern moves in lvl exemple 12-16-20….
  13. Zopto

    Font change?

    then try tutorial..but i think that dont work biz Fonts aren't supported in the latest release of EO.
  14. Zopto

    Font change?

    @Robin: > More like that tutorial is required. Fonts aren't supported in the latest release of EO.
  15. i using button maker i pay it 39$ http://www.likno.com/web-button-maker/register.php
  16. i not using that program -.-
  17. @Likestodraw: > For certain GUIs for just the menu, this style would work. I can't see these kinds of buttons working in-game, however. Good job! ty :embarrassed:
  18. @Rainbow: > The background is too deep and glossy. They draw attention away from the game and they're a horrid colour. The text doesn't look right either - Try keeping things subtle, but good looking. You're not meant to be looking at the UI. ty for advice
  19. xD i make it in 3 min xD next time i be beter…xP
  20. *^^ yea i am not expert for art xD
  21. my buttons :P :P [![](http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6643/53366991.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14/53366991.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/9307/71403850.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/71403850.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1558/86397583.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/190/86397583.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1882/35161593.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/190/35161593.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us)
  22. i also making PMD game i using Photo scape for making GUI just google it … if you need somting just say me how you went to look your GUI and i make it for you... :cheesy: :cheesy: [![](http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/9169/multimesh2.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/multimesh2.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/7586/singlemesh9.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/806/singlemesh9.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) somting like this buttons….......... pm me to i giv you this program for making buttons.....
  23. @SeanMungo: > …try not to quadruple post.... > > so, it took you all this time to use the first thing that i said? > _(This still confuses me..)_ > > Edit: > > _(Oh ya, you have to make sure you typed in their name at the top. i thought that was self explanitory. maybe it wasnt then…)_ you giv me info about how to i chage my sprite i went to i from admin panel chage other ppl sprite look in game
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