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Posts posted by ReubenNick

  1. @Sealbreaker:

    > If you can't see that most of the people loved the old style and liked it more you're pretty ignorant to the playerbase. And they do look like maplestory. Just the proportions of the character etc. is so cliche and not unique. And now post some screens of the engine please and start listening to your players <.<
    > -seal

    We actually do listen to our players and the ones that are apart of our community. Touch of death is not our community, just a forum filled with people whom enjoy making games or just starting stupid arguments. The team went through arguments and thoughts of this graphics change, this we did not ask our community for their opinion about it because we knew it was something that had to be done in order to give them all a better and more diverse environment to enjoy in the future.

    You all may love the old graphics because it was something new, but sometimes we can't make everyone happy. Compare all you want, but Psithyroi will remain unique in its  very own way. As for the engine, I suppose you ask robin how long and hard it was to build eclipse from scratch or ask him why it takes him a long while to post any updates to his game Crystalshire. The engine is done; we have tested it; now we are trying to build the editor that will create the game Psithyroi. Once that is all done, you can all enjoy what you've been asking to see.
  2. @Al:

    > What the hell does Akatsuki do for the project? He's not an artist, his grammar is terrible. I don't get the point, I checked your forums and he just talks to people and does nothing. You have too big of an admin team too. No moderators for the forum. In my opinion adding Akatsuki on the team was a mistake, he needs more experience, in everything. Life, game making, just everything.

    Lol, that's about all I have to say. Also, your grammar isn't that great either. Figured I'd also point that out, idiot. As rose ( sorry, your new name is far too long. XD ) said, you have no idea as to what you're talking about. Next time, get the facts before posting.

    P.S. I see nothing wrong with communicating with the community.
  3. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/312bc2a2046106a4092f9affb41d5d75.png)

    After many weeks, we finally decided on a company name. We are happy to announce the grand beginning of InOp, our new company.  InOp stands for "Indie Opportunity"; in the future, we will be releasing great games. First, we must look towards the success of Psithyroi Online. Indie simply means we are an independent company formed by small teams and are self-sufficient. We believe we do not have to be a big company to make successful games.
  4. The second place name event winner is shadowdeath, congratulations. Kevin will get in contact with you about your npc and once the new website is complete, I will contact you about your forum title.

  5. Thank you everyone that supported this project. We would like to inform everyone that starting from today, this topic will not be updated. If you wish to continue following Psithyroi Online, register on our forums and join the community.



    > Hihi I'm Sakura02\. I'm a new developer and I'm working on the concept art and other illustration stuff. I use to work at Endless-Online years ago if anyone remembers that. And now here I am and I'm excited ^_^
    > ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/sakura02/guy_on_tiger_with_logosmall.jpg)
    > If you want to check out more of my work visit my deviantartpage
    > http://sakura02.deviantart.com
  6. Yet again another Psithyroi update. This topic has been quiet for quite some time so why not show you guys what we've been doing? Firstly, I am only posting a preview of this here because we want to continue encouraging more members to join our forums. This may very well be the last preview of the game found on this topic.

    We would like to introduce party quest(s) to Psithyroi, this meaning you can not do the quest alone but instead will need your guild or a group of friends to be able to complete these quest. Below will be an outline of our very first party quest. Register on our forums [here](http://psithyroi.com/) for more game previews that can't be found anywhere else.


    Sounds fun right? well this is just the beginning!
  7. **Newest member of the team**

    Today we would like to welcome Sakura02, our newest Psithyroi developer. She is the original Endless Online developer Sakurakur. Click [here](http://sakura02.deviantart.com/) to preview her art work.

    In the far future, she may be doing our official Psithyroi comics. Please don't forget to register on our forums and get active with the community.
  8. The new GUI has been released on our forums and can only be found there. Alpha testing is getting closer everyday and we would encourage any and everyone interested in being apart of the testing to register on the forums and start being active. Many more updates to come. Click [here](http://psithyroi.com/forum/index.php?topic=10088.0) to view the new GUI.

    **On other news…**

    * The website is close to being complete. We will no longer be using a free forum as it never gave us the option to customize the entire forum to our liking. Our own forum will be made from scratch.
  9. @Yukiyo:

    > I already gave you my miscarriage …

    Worry not, we took good care of him. Lol.

    **On other news…**

    * Engine development has now started! We have plenty of surprises just waiting to be revealed in due time.

    | |

    * Later today we will show a preview of major graphical changes to psithyroi. Stay tuned!
  10. @Yukiyo:

    > I already gave you my miscarriage …

    Worry not, we took good care of him. Lol.

    **On other news…**

    Engine development has now started! We have plenty of surprises just waiting to be revealed in due time.
  11. We would like everyone to read a quote from a fellow member of Psithyroi. Thank you to everyone that continues to motivate us.


    > Hello there fellow supporters. Obviously, Psithyroi is deep within the development stage. But while they are hard at work, we too can be hard at work doing our part to help the game. We won't be actively developing, pixeling, programming, coding, etc., but we still can contribute in big ways and play an important role in the success of Psithyroi.
    > 1\. **Create a community**: Be active. There is no better motivation for developers than logging on to the forums to see 300 new posts, 20 new topics, contests, games, all brought together by a common thing, their game. Add the forums to your bookmarks, and make a habit of checking it daily, if not more. Build friendships, share excitement, and give a reason to stay here and for others to join the ride.
    > 2\. **Comment, Critique,and Give Ideas**: Say what you really feel. If you love something, tell the developers that it's making you hot and bothered. Make them feel on Cloud 9\. But in the same sense, don't be afraid to critique. The developers WANT to hear your concerns. You can't improve without seeing your flaws. Just make sure you're voicing your opinion in a mature manner, no need to be disrespectful. Being able to build on your mistakes is the difference between good and great.
    > 3\. **Recruit, Advertise,and Spread the Word**: Obviously, a person is no big help if he hasn't actually visited the site, or signed up. Spread the word. "Advertise" so to speak. But do it in a smart way. Start with friends, family, personal contacts, then spread to communities you are trusted and a part of. It's easier to bring in people that way, no one trusts a random newcomer on a message board you googled 5 seconds ago. Just make sure you present the game in a manner that will actually attract people. Spell check your words, be mature. But most importantly, SHOW them why they should join. Don't just throw a link up and expect something good to happen. Make it happen.
    > [Insert Generic Advertisement Template Here] (I'll get on that)
    > 4\. **Donate**: I don't know if the team has a link to donate, but if you truly believe in the project AND have the financial means to give, obviously it will help. Web hosting, domain names, server hosting… it all costs money. Give the developers a break and pitch in for a month of hosting. It isn't too steep.
    > 5: **Follow their social networks**: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and all other social networks they have. Follow them, like their page, and subscribe to their channel. All this can help the game.
    > 6\. **Be a true fan**: Build around the game. Make fan sites, make fan blogs. If you get picked for Beta or Alpha, etc., keep a journal of your adventures, make videos of your journeys. Raise hype in other ways than just pure advertising. Spotlight the game in your own unique way, and tell why YOU were drawn here in the first place. Tell your story. Others can share similar feelings.
    > Obviously, we all can contribute without physically adding to the game.  We can be the source of the best motivation around: **Support**. Without support, the team would have, well not much of a game. It'd still look hella' sexy, but it would rot. So let's make these developers proud. They showed us what they can do, now let's show them what we can do. As true _Psithyroi Supporters_.
    > <3 Psithyroi Bearman
    > Ps: If you have any ideas, post 'em up!
    > PPS: Also if the developers have anything specific we can do, also let us know! Besides killing our firstborn, I'm sure we can help in any way possible.
  12. We plan on releasing something special along with the website. All our fans will visit our forums expecting to see the old forums but will be stunned at the amazing website Crazy has put his all into coding. Along with that, you will find a surprise banner. Stay tuned everyone.

    **On other news..**

    The event is still going on, we're loving all the name suggestions. We are all very excited to see who will win.

    There has been a ton of changes to Psithyroi that we will not show our fans as we want to keep a few good surprises. The engine will be worked on very soon and as far as I am informed, a lot will get done. If you have any questions about this please feel free to email [email protected]

    Very soon a new member will be joining our team/company. She is a former developer of a game called Endless Online. We will not give much information for the time being, but stay tuned.
  13. **Company Name Event**

    Fellow Psithyroi fans, it has come to a point in our development where our team needs a company name. We have brain stormed for days but just can't figure out the right name that will represent our team and idealism as a whole.

    We came to a decision to create a company in the far future once Psithyroi is released. This is being done because we do not only want to create one great game, but instead many fun and exciting games we're sure many people will enjoy. Since we can not figure out a decent name, maybe the community will. Start posting your name ideas below and try not to pick a name that is already taken.

    The winner of this event will get to choose a design for their very own in-game npc which will have his/her name. You will choose what the npc says. Along with this you will receive a forum title on our new forums in the making.
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