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Everything posted by blkcrow

  1. **Introduction** Hi my name is chris i am 19 years old and i am studying computer science in univercity. I am currently looking for doing some freelance work. i am a member of this forum since 2011 but i have been using the eclipse engine since 2009. **Skills** * I have a lot of experience in vb6 and eclipse, i can do anything you like to be done in your engine. I make complete bugfree systems and i dont use any tutorials.(e.g Guilds, Buffs, Friend system, Animation layers, 8 Directional movement, Pets and pretty much everything you need. * I am also looking for working in java projects. I have little experience in lwjgl and can make basic graphics engines with it. **Prices** Prices for systems and engines depend on complexity and time need to be done if you are gonna need a lot of systems i can make you special offers. I fix any bugs that my code has for free. i can also fix bugs from other people's code again prices depend on complexity and number of bugs but it should be about 1€ - 5€ **Examples of work** [Server flooding bug fix](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/131259-having-more-than-23-spells-flood-server-bug-fix/#entry873445) [Animation layers](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129795-eo-23-animation-layers/#entry856628) [8 Directional movement](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129417-8-directional-movement/#entry852042) Projects: [Realm of Darkness Online](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/67728-realm-of-darkness-online-unique-features-systems/)
  2. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    no you just install them to the default path the installer will register them
  3. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    then you havent registered the libraries in eclipse 4.0 download there is also a new runtime installer that will do everything for you run that
  4. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    did you make sure Microsoft Rich Textbox Common Control 6.0 and Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 are checked
  5. blkcrow

    Compile Error

  6. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    download it again this one could be corrupted
  7. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    try one a fresh copy
  8. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    if you have 64 bit wndows you have to install them to C:/Windows/SysWOW64
  9. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    havent you install the ecliple runtime files?
  10. if the background that you dont want to be shown is grey then the top left corner of the tileset has to be grey
  11. i always wanted to work on a naruto/ninja online game it is one of my future plans. I would have joined if i wasnt already in a project. Graphics look awesome btw
  12. the very first picture has to be the color of the background that you want to remove
  13. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    did you put them with the instaler of did you just copy pasted them and do you have a 64 bit os or a 32 bit one?
  14. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    did you changed the instalation path when you instaled the library files?
  15. this can get you starter [http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/24677-connecting-to-a-sql-server-database-using-adodb/](http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/24677-connecting-to-a-sql-server-database-using-adodb/) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3JvOk6AkOw](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3JvOk6AkOw)
  16. blkcrow

    Compile Error

    go to project -> components and make sure Microsoft Rich Textbox Common Control 6.0 and Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 are checked
  17. doesnt know if this will help but what hapends when you use this instead ``` DDRVAL = DDS_Primary.Blt(r1, DDS_Buffer, r2, DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT) ``` or this ``` DDRVAL = DDS_Primary.Blt(r1, DDS_Buffer, r2, DDBLT_KEYSRC) ```
  18. are you trying to make the picturebox transperent or are you trying to render the chat into the screen
  19. blkcrow

    Bmp Encrypt

    you need to load an array of bytes from your file XOR it then parse it to a bitmap UDT and then either use some api to make a bitmap from bytes or save it as a .bmp file load it and then delete the file
  20. In modInput replace everywhere VK_UP with VK_W VK_DOWN with VK_S VK_RIGHT with VK_D and VK_LEFT with VK_A
  21. even though i dont see me using it anytime soon ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) its nice to have it thanks for the release
  22. yeah i read about it on reddit but then i saw that the file name was asteroids_code.zip and thought that it will be a prank for aprils fools
  23. no you are doing it completly wrong the idea behind this is to have 1 in 150 (187.5 / 1.25) per step this translates in 0.66% with the way you are saying you have a 75% chance per step
  24. only on spawn tiles and resets when you step outside a spawn tile
  25. i think the real game does have a step counter thats why i multiplied with the number of steps in the formula i gave you. Look the chances you will get a common encounter is only 5% its so low because you dont want to encounter a pokemon every time you step on the grass but if you leave it like that the chance is to low so you got to make it scale with the number of steps he make in the grass In your code you are multipling it with 1 ``` Y = Format(100 / (187.5 / 1.25) * 1, "0.00") ``` this way the formula works like you are always on the first step. So you got to change 1 with the number of steps you make ``` Y = Format(100 / (187.5 / 1.25) * num_of_steps, "0.00") ``` another thing that might be a problem is that your random number hasnt got float point precision while your chances do. for example your rare encounter has a 1,77% per step chance while your very rare has a 0,66% per step but your random number is a whole number between 0 and 100 that means your rare encounter will triger only when you get
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