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Everything posted by RyokuHasu

  1. @Erwin: > Well, to support like Chinese and Japanese characters you must remove the ASCII checking part in modInput. Not only that you must change the font to a Unicode font, such as Meiryo UI And you can't use Chat drawn to screen to use special characters, it won't support them.
  2. RyokuHasu

    Mount help

    OR! You can make a "mount layer" and render a horse behind the player's sprite, move the rendering of the player up to its back (including the paper dolls), and increase the speed of the player's walk/run. And you might want to lock the player walking animation at the resting position. This is a way to Dynamically do mounts and it would require only 1 mount sprite and it would render under anyone who used it. personally I think using a separate mounted sprite for every character is absurd. =P
  3. to make it Full-screen you would have to get their screen size to do it that way. The you would have to write some calculations for where yo move the GUI parts and how much to stretch the screen. use something like ``` ' Resize form to the screen size frmMain.Height = Screen.Height frmMain.Width = Screen.With ``` this is a pseudo full screen but it might help if you try using it to get the numbers to calculate the new positions and size of the game screen.
  4. Use a wired connection.
  5. Domino_ Count your Ifs and End Ifs >.<
  6. Ya as far as I know it is, however… you might need to do a few small changes, nothing major.
  7. Grim…. you used SendActionMsg not SendAnimation.... =/
  8. Nothing that says you can't do it =D
  9. @Dremek: > Nice, this might be useful. Especially if you had the sprite and the face. =D I got that to work before, I second this. It looks real nice to see both the Sprite and the Face on the same screen. Example: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1c9461c7c17335d97a2992057a04d68e.png)
  10. @Zesh: > Change SPELL_NUMBER or ITEM_NUMBER appropriately :cheesy: OR…. you can avoid making a dummy Item or Spell just for the animation and dirrectly right in the animation number and hard code it. ``` SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(index), (NUMBER OF THE ANIMATION), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index) ```
  11. @shonist: > Da faq? > > If you edit the Weapon with 5 of speed… doesnt change?? still atacking at 1 sec? (1000 ms) Obviously not. On topic! have you tried a stat subtraction of the speed? like ``` ' attack speed from weapon If GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon) > 0 Then AttackSpeed = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon)).Speed - ((Player(attacker).Stat(stats.Agility) / 2) * .1) Else AttackSpeed = 1000 - ((Player(attacker).Stat(stats.Agility) / 2) * .1) End If ``` This way it will subtract from the speed based on the Agi stat, but in a fair way too. It will take off a 10th of a second for every 2 agility. I can change this if you want. Now I would recommend having a MAXIMUM amount that can be sub subtracted from the base speed too. So you prevent attacks that are TOO quick, or error when they get into the negative numbers. Something like: ``` ' attack speed from weapon If GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon) > 0 Then AttackSpeed = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon)).Speed - ((Player(attacker).Stat(stats.Agility) / 2) * .1) If AttackSpeed < Item(GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon)).Speed - 2 then AttaAttackSpeed = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon)).Speed - 2 End If If AttackSpeed < 0 then AttaAttackSpeed = .1 End If Else AttackSpeed = 1000 - ((Player(attacker).Stat(stats.Agility) / 2) * .1) If AttackSpeed < .5 then AttaAttackSpeed = .5 End If End If ``` This will make it so that no more than 2 whole seconds can be taken away, OR that it cant go lower than 0 when you have a weapon. For attacking without a weapon it will prevent you from going bellow .5 seconds. These are just Ways to show you how to do it, you may change them to how you see fit.
  12. RyokuHasu

    [EO 2.0] Timer

    XD i didnt see it and still cant find it… >.< but that just makes me feel like an idiot XD
  13. Does anyone want to compile a list of basic player related subs and functions and how to use them? I would but my PC is broken at the moment. (is not on his own computer) =P It would be helpful to people attempting to make their own game systems and stuff.
  14. I would Like to request a banner for the Hero of Athea community forums [http://heroofathea.site88.net/phpBB3/](http://heroofathea.site88.net/phpBB3/) The Banner Should some what match the style for the forum and also have something to do with the game, if possible. Max Dimensions: Width = 600 Heigth = 100 These are not set in stone, feel free to adjust size to anything smaller if you see fit, just not too small. Thank you.
  15. Could you show us a few screen shots of what you mean?
  16. RyokuHasu

    [EO 2.0] Timer

    Zesh, I'm assuming you mean to do all that in the modServerLoop on the Server, because you failed to tell the mod and sub where you would start this. It just makes it easier to do.
  17. RyokuHasu

    Map edit

    Another way to get to the Map editor is to press Insert (INS) on your keyboard, this will open the Admin panel. To make a new map type a number into the map warp on the admin panel and warp to it. In slightly more detail the layers are in this order Fringe2 - Top Fringe1 Player Mask2 Mask1 Ground - Bottom Anything bellow player shows behind the player in game and any thing above (fringe 1 &2) show infront of the player. As for map size, NPCs on the map, music, name, the joining maps, and map moral that is on the properties page. To stop people from going into certain locations and other tile effects those are done with the Attributes, accessible on the lower right of the editor .
  18. @kahnival: > Oh does that mean you can't make anything that requires a key to get through? > Damn I had a load of ideas involving that sort of idea… Or you can add the advanced doors tutorial and get several options for using keys and switches
  19. RyokuHasu


    Dear Mr. 7804364, You are going to find the same problem for everything you ask about, you need VB6. If you don't grow a pair and look for a version of VB6 then you are free to shut up and look for a better free engine, good luck. EO uses VB6 because it is easy to understand and easy to learn. If you don't like that either than leave. Now please do one of the following: -Go find VB6 and be done with it -Download a custom version of EO with features already added in. -Make a game with the existing version of EO that you have. - Leave and pray that you find a better free engine that has as much support and possibilities. Good Day to You. P.S. Or you can continue to cry and Bi tch about what you don't want to do and see how far that gets you.
  20. @Soul: > It wouldn't be all that hard; it just requires you to separate the login from the character. Then add a system for selecting the character. And to modify the UDTs or data storage to support multiple characters.
  21. @Starblazer: > You can always just make a new login to get another character Sir, that is a FAIL and CHEAP way to do it. I just got done making a special multi-character system, but its an in-game one where you can turn NPCs that you defeat into extra playable characters and freely change between them in the game. =P For an external version you would either have to array the multiple characters in the PlayerRec with another Rec. or you could make multiple player files and load the correct one on character selection.
  22. RyokuHasu

    Noob question.

    you need visual basic 6 to edit the source code of EO.
  23. no that's too much code XD put only 1 right before Case MP PS, you CAN NOT put the cap check BEFORE you calculate max HP XD
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