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Death Knight

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Everything posted by Death Knight

  1. Double click them in your inventory.
  2. Put the images in this [img.] [/img.] without the periods in there. Just slip the link in between there and your set.
  3. ![](http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/5957/aquacreatom.png) Aqua creator is our little version of eclipse made with mirage source. We are pretty much just going to make an engine with not a lot of features. (Like EO) Mainly because the Aqua team believes that, if you want to make a game, do it yourself. We have made some forums to keep track of the progress we are making. Here they are. We will let you guys here know what's going on almost as soon as it happens. The Team Beast (Me) Frosty (Jeff) RaptorJesus (Fuu) K722
  4. Nice find! ![](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjMJdeQOSVCrFoDl5FuNYzyk7tjko_DQX4t0dKMXNBO4HJyCFQ)
  5. @Rawrz: > lets start a hacker army and take over lolz That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.
  6. It is not a joke. They changed the site yesterday.
  7. We are currently creating a new website for the engine, soon we can talk about it there.
  8. @Sekaru: > I do remember Kris saying you were 14 at one point. > > The little kid insult doesn't work, neither does telling me to go outside because you're silly enough to actually believe Eclipse is getting shut down. > > Even if it were no one on that team is talented enough to create an engine from scratch. You can't even make a bloody logo for god's sake. > > You want another bit of proof that you can't make an engine? Because someone who just asked to help you recommended that you use Mirage Source, an outdated inferior alternative to EO. > > I'd honestly love to see anyone in your team making online connectivity, movement, etc from scratch. Especially since you think "kid" and "do something useful with your life" are insults. You are truly a piece of work sekaru. Kris is 14, I am 21\. Just get off my topic.
  9. @Sekaru: > Wahaahahah. This properly made me laugh. Now thats an April Fools joke. Just go away. Little kids like you need to get outside more.
  10. ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/adcee8205d4da635d04e2aed0cd1bd0f.png) Well, because eclipse has died. Me and some friends thought we should make our own engine from scratch. All we have so far is a layout and a logo. But we are progressing fast. This will be a hard and long journey, but we are willing to tough it out. We will tell you when we add new features or improve the engine in any way. **Screen Shots** >! Here is the game screen so far. ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/324db954a2ec479b4ccabde0b60bbeb9.png) If you would like to help us we are all up for new team members. Here is the team so far. **The team** Beast (Me) K722 Fuu Jeff (Frosty) * * * Please note that we are not advertising this engine. We are just letting people know that it exists.
  11. @Applejack: > Why would we joke about something like this? The only person working on the engine quit, none of us wanted to take over, and we all came to an agreement that Eclipse could become a MLP site due to that almost all of us (besides admiral) likes MLP. I like the change. :D. It really calls for a song. > > Robin doesn't own the site, there for he has no right to change it without disregard. So if someone else can take over as head programmer eclipse will come back???
  12. I think this pony thing has gone to far if he is leaving. The forums won't be the same without him :( But I do like ponies :P
  13. @Schnurman: > pssh dream on! At least ponies can have dreams!
  14. @Schnurman: > you cant treat a bear because pony's arn't smart enough to on the other hand care bears can HEAL ALL Is there a doctor bear? No there is a doctor Pony and that's me!
  15. Bears are cool….(sorry just can't say that without LMAO!)
  16. @Schnurman: > I now your the site owner and all but psssh care bears all the way have you ever seen there EYES I know, the bears eyes look terrible! If they were ponies I would take a look, but I am not a bear doctor.
  17. Who said anything about fighting :) we are just having a friendly WAR
  18. What is better! Ponies or bears! I say ponies!!!!!
  19. Death Knight


    We will have our way!
  20. @bladejsc1997: > THIS IS A STUPID! YEA I SAID IT! I'M NEVER GOING ON ECLIPSE AGAIN!AND I HATE PONYS! SO WHAT NOW! **Someone is not getting into my pony group :mad:**
  21. I think there should be a special group for pony's only. The first 15 people who apply are in! (Must be pony's to enter ;) If you ever change your pony avatar you will be deleted from the group. :) hope this group gets official. _**Join now!!!** **Group Members** Pinkie Pie Dr. Whoof_
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