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Everything posted by Rydo

  1. Very nice :D. Although a project I work on has a chatbox that starts to fade when not in use, just a little idea for a future update ;).
  2. Rydo

    Full Heal

    Change the number to a ridiculously high number, like 10000000
  3. @Kusy: > I know about one fan-game based off Electronic Arts franchise. I talked with the creator and what he did was actually ask EA support what he should do and they specifically instructed him what he should put in the game credits to make it ok with them. > > It was something about "All respective characters belong to bla bla bla" but I can't tell you exactly because the project's website is down… probably due to interest loss. Nice, and its good that they were ok with it, aslong as he gave them credit for some of the things.
  4. Rydo

    Command command in eo

    @TheChoosenOne: > Yep he did. Off Topic- I love your animated picture! :D
  5. Rydo

    Convo Help

    Oh I see, good thing I didn't do all of the faces :P, time to change them to numbers
  6. Rydo

    Command command in eo

    Sorry but I have no idea :/
  7. Yeah, Me and glaceon have been working together for years. We first made a project called Pokemon united nations, very simple game, but very enjoyable. Then we moved onto PMDU. Then Pokémon Royalé. And now Pokémon Dungeon Explorers. Strangely enough though, the first version was the most popular LOL
  8. Rydo

    Command command in eo

    /warpmeto (Name) - Warps you to a player /Warptome (Name) - Warps a player to you /mute - Not sure if this one works to be honest. Well thats all I've got that isn't on your list.
  9. @jcsnider: > If your "scared" to shoot them an email then your pathetic. The worst that will happen is that they say no and shut down your game before you have something worth shutting down. > > Either way, at one point in time I actually had one of these damn fan games… > > >! ![](http://lh6.ggpht.com/_SD4eU30CWiY/SUDmbGrpwpI/AAAAAAAABGU/22ly-hPq49Q/free%20online%20pokemon%20neon%20games%5B6%5D.jpg) > >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/83f23f34482b4564b4c633463c7e8bb2.png) > > In the end… I had significantly over 10,000 players. I couldnt keep the server running for more than 5 minutes before it would crash because of all the people trying to play... I requested permission from nintendo and they instantly emailed back saying they could not and would not permit the use of their copyrighted material in any fan-based game. Wow dude, sorry about your game, it must have sucked to have a successful game shut down (I dont know how it feels, since I am very limited with vb6..) It looked so awesome. But me and glaceon still plan on creating a pokemon mmorpg, mostly for the experience of making a game, and for the enjoyment.
  10. @jcsnider: > Only problem is… Nintendo will NOT license any fan games. (If you haven't noticed... the only example it gave was Valve) If valve has done it, why not nintendo? There is an article stating Nintendo DOESN'T like shutting down games made from fans of that genre. Maybe they haven't gave out a license before because people are too SCARED to even ask them?.
  11. @Soul: > Where does it say that in their copyright? > > I would like to see an example of someone who has received a license via Nintendo to distribute their Pokemon game. Well I think I over exaggerated with "copyright" But I did read it online, and I'm sure many others have too since its something people generally read. And second, there is no need for examples because it even states so in a LINK I believe you posted http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-05/5/investigation-are-fan-games-legal?page=all
  12. Another thing to somebody who says "Fangames arent allowed, nintendo are trying to shut down all fangames" I have to say that its complete crap, considering nintendo have and still are giving out licenses for fangames to people who ask for them.
  13. Glaceon speaks the truth, In nintendo's copyright over Pokémon they have a sort of agreement that fangames are only allowed to use up to gen 3 Pokémon, any higher and they will be forced to take down their game.
  14. Did you install them as administrator?
  15. Rydo

    Can't register

    @Justn: > Don't use hamachi it sucks just portforward there are numerous tutorials and if u need help send me a pm It doesnt suck -.- And portforwarding for beginners isnt as easy as saying "Look at tutorials" . I meant that for a quick way to play the game (For just two of them) they should use hamachi.
  16. Rydo

    Can't register

    Has he portforwarded ? If not, and you guys don't know how to portforward, I would recommend download Hamachi ( https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/download.aspx ). Once you guys have it, use the hamachi IP to connect to the server.
  17. Rydo

    Convo Help

    Ok so I'm using this conversation system I got with Dragon Eclipse (Great custom) But I wanted to know how to change the picture that goes in the corner?
  18. @Lenn: > That's not your version, that's an -exact- copy of FireRed/LeafGreen's Pallet Town, with a x2 tileset… > > ... ... ...you can't call something your own version if it is a direct copy. If you're going to call it your own version, you could at least do modification to it. ._. > > ![](http://cdn.wikimg.net/strategywiki/images/b/b6/Pokemon_FRLG_PalletTown.png) 1.By own version, I meant that I made it ._. and 2, You can see that the path at the top of mines is much wider, because in the game it contains more houses, I just wanted to show something familiar since he wants maps copied in his game ._.
  19. Meh, may aswell apply. This is my version of pallet town (I made with my old pokemon project) Btw there is 4 of me because I took 4 seperate pictures and put them together (My screen wasnt big enough) ![](http://i50.tinypic.com/2v8n6rt.png)
  20. @Eaglefly: > This is one of my simple maps i can better > > >! ![](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-2zot-mmuJD8/T_gIZD2hVeI/AAAAAAAAAJM/XyzSX7NtV_8/s512/map14.jpg) Those parts of the deck at the very left need to be a layer under the cliff, so make the decking mask and the cliff mask 2.
  21. Same problem today. when you press ok does like a list of references come up? If so untick the one that say "Missing" inside it and it should let you compile after.
  22. Rydo

    Help me please

    Go into mod constants, press ctrl and f, and search``` Public Const MAX_MAPS As Long = 100 ```Then where it says 100 in the code, change it to how many maps you want.
  23. This is the problematic code ``` ' Try to attack a npc For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS TryPlayerAttackNpc index, i Next ```
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