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Everything posted by airdude2

  1. make sure the ip address is written in ur client-data-config, or somthin like that, instead of localip it should say your ip. or where your server is,
  2. airdude2


    Wow thanks guys, the only good thig is i know its possible lol, but no one can do this for me? D: or at least tell me what to change. Or its a good guide somone could do :D lol, but i kno its gota be hard. Wells, can somone at least give me a starting point, what to look for? for: movement: multiple people: Maybe seprate levels: These are the three main things i need D: : if i figure it out ill make a guide for everyone :D :
  3. airdude2


    yea, what creator said, :D is there a way to make it so each player controlls a small army/group of people ?
  4. airdude2


    Is there a way to make it so when you create an account, you get to start out with more then one character, like you start out with four people, all level at the same time, but each attacks and you can move each of them around seprately, or together. Like a game when you select one you can move it and the rest follow you and when they die they die seprately. like a war game. If there is a way to do this please tell me, :D Thanks: Airdude2
  5. Hello, As you all know my name is Airdude2\. I am looking for testers to test my game and make sure everything works. you can find my game located here " http://www.airdude2.webs.com " #1 I need somone to make sure they can level up normaly, make sure no bugs/ not alot hopefully. #2\. I need somone to make sure all spells and items and stores work properly and get a bit stronger as you level, #3\. I need somone who can give advice or options to help me improve my game in any way possible. #4\. Finaly I need somone to tell me what i am doing wrong, Besides not sticking with the same tilesets, or adding random places like dungeons etc. Finaly I will show a video which you can find here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMJ06fd-DZo&feature=ll_lolz&playnext=1&list=LLbXymJYrHRmw (Sory for the bad filming lol, not the best ) Please let me know what you think and if you can enjoy it let me know, i will be pleased :). Thank you, Airdude2, :D :rstar:
  6. open up server in vb6 - modconstants, and search this. ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 Public Const START_X As Long = 5 Public Const START_Y As Long = 5 Edit it and chage it to what you want respawn in the beginning :D If you mean when you die on each map then click Edit map-properties-respawn #,x,y Hopes this helps. Airdude2 xD
  7. airdude2

    Gui movement.

    Is there a tut on this lol>?
  8. search the tutorials under " Source, there is one there…
  9. airdude2

    Jail command?

    what you could do is make a room or map that you cant leave and put in a bunch of high level gaurds and make the respawn point in the room :D its funny and a good jail i guess… I dont or wouldnt know how to help with the scripting parts, this is a good substitute
  10. airdude2

    How to script ?

    eo dosnt use scripting, do you mean EE?
  11. airdude2


    lol changing color dosnt affect it… as long as you labeled it correctly and saved as 24bit bmp . then its fine, and to the correct folder. ;) And can you show a image of one or the messed up one, you might need to line it in 4x4 if its one straight row, becouse some image spliters do that.
  12. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,64777.0.html hope this helps :D. Airdude2
  13. I have never encounterd this error, try searching the forums for it, if that dosnt help try google, or ask robin :D he's good at this stuff. But my guess is that you didnt install somthing right or deleted a file that is not supposed to be deleted. Hope any of this helps. Airdude2 :D
  14. I changed the number of items to 500 and the number of npcs to 500 in server and the client, was there anything else i was supposed to change, becouse i can make the item in the game, i just cant spawn it using the admin pannel D: Please tell me what to do next so i can learn Thanks.. Airdude2 :D Edit: Do i have to change this? ' values Public Const MAX_BYTE As Byte = 255 To how many item spaces i added?. Fixed: lol, i had a copy of my server incase i messed up and i ran the wrong one :D
  15. I think he's looking for a tutorial on making the item into a papperdoll, try this, i hope it helps :D http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,11755.0.html
  16. you can change the name of the game simply by changing the title of the client, instead of eclipse change the name, if that dosnt work then go to Data files-config- game name. :D thats all i got sory if it dosnt help :/ This dosnt need vb6 :O
  17. thanks xD it works nao :P
  18. im not sure what you mean by making frasprites on picattributes 0.o
  19. how do you send the message?
  20. @Murdock: > Add Additional Equipment in Eclipse Origins > =============================== > > This tutorial will demonstrate how to add an additional equipment slot (more may be added). > > Client Side > –--------- > In modGameLogic under ' For the stats label .. add a case: > > ``` > Case ITEM_TYPE_LEGWEAR > .lblItemDescStats.Caption = "Defence: " & Item(itemnum).Data2 > > ``` > > i couldnt find " ' for the stats label :/
  21. yes i used this tut. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68828.0.html
  22. #1 solved, go to modconstants :D and search for : Public Const MAX_LEVELS As Long = 100 for both the client and server need change. :D Edit: for last question do you mean make it so other people can join, if so use No-ip :D
  23. ok heres my problem now… i looked over it, i know i did everything right but apparently the code dosnt think so, this is my sprite to map problem. first picture is when i show that i added a sprite, second is what happens when i click. i made the other scroll thing too, ill show that, that will be the third pickture.
  24. question that has to do with server-constants, Can i change this "Public Const MAX_ITEMS As Long = 255" to this "Public Const MAX_ITEMS As Long = 400" and do i need to change it anywear else? and will it increase the amount of items to 400? :D
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