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Everything posted by Jacquelinett

  1. lol. I know about my history ;)
  2. lol yes xD Asian people are cool xD they are people who call themselves unicorn lol (jk)
  3. anyone from China, Taiwan, and other near-Vietnam countries?
  4. Well, i googled robin perris, dunno if the picture is him, but HE IS HOT!
  5. @Rusher: > Well.. We **HAD** some.. But as you know, we do have Americans on this forum. so? What's wrong with American? :P
  6. wait… Robin is homo, really? o.O
  7. so… who here is Vietnamese?
  8. nah, it ok, I DID IT :D Once again ;) Now i come accross another problem. How do i add new stat (like strength and Agility), and new health (like health and mana)
  9. Hey there people. I was just wondering, who in here is white, black, asian, other,… Let me introduce myself, im from Vietnam, which made me an Asian, anyone else?
  10. Hey… I took a look at Sub drawoptions, and im kind of like: wtf? I drew an extra button in the option image (29.png) and tried to max the max_button to 37\. Now what? All i want to add is an on and off to DrawOptions, but i don't know how
  11. Hey guy, you guy know how EO have the gold show on the top thingy that have a label caption : 0g right? It's show you the amount of the first item (which is usually gold) that you have. So, now im ripping it and putting it over CS:DE, I got the first part done: Write down a public sub and dim it Sub Testing Dim Itemnum as Long, amount as long for i = 1 to Max_inv itemnum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(myIndex,i) if getplayerinvItemnum(myIndex, i( = 1 then rendertext font_default, Format $(amount, "#,###,###,###") & "g", x + 100, y + 62, white end if next the problem that ihave here is the only thing that show up in the picture box is the g part. Which mean, it doesnt hae a value. There is something wrong with the amount, help? PS: NEVERMIND, FIXED IT
  12. Jacquelinett


    you use the call renderText to draw test. The normal command for text is: RenderText Font_Default, "Your text here", x, y, White replace the x and y with the cordinate you want to place it ( in some case, the x and y can also be used at an equation, say, you declared GUIWindow.x and GUIWindow.y in the sub, you can also use: x + 8, y+ 10 and the render text will appear inside your picture box
  13. Jacquelinett


    Too bad, ha! I am a step a head of you cuz i just figure it out, now! Want me to show you how, little pikachu? :) lol
  14. Commands.css does not exist in EO This is for Eclipse Stable for Eclipse evolution
  15. Jacquelinett


    nevermind about that thing, now about text and stuff. Normally, i used a label named lblTime to show the time in the server, now how do i use it on the picture box?
  16. Jacquelinett


    Would someone please make a tutorial on how to make a picture box that appear in the game like the inventory box and such using directX 8? This whole concept is confusing 9.6
  17. let just do this the easy way. Make a label, call it lblShowProficience. Click on it, and code: picProficiencies.Visible = True That is the easiest way. Note: control = ctrl The one i told you is harder that you normally think it is: First, you need to copy an imagebutton, and said it index to 7 (if there is already index 7, then set it to index 8 or 9 or 10 or whatever). Press control F, search for Max_MenuButton (or something like that i dont remember cuz im not at my programming computer right now, try MenuButton or something like that) and change the maximum amount of button to 7\. Now draw a button in the gui folder, make sure that you draw 3 image, each of them have the same name except for the _click, _norm, and _hover Then go press control f and search for "inv" (search for the "", too) and add the your new button name (without the _norm and stuff). Now go back to the case part, click on one of the imgbutton so that you can bring up the code, add case 7 in and type in the code. If this is too hard for you, try the easier way at the top. If you want to do the hard way, then send me a message and i will explain to you more
  18. click on the imgButton, copy one of it and paste it down, then change the index. Then double click it so that you can edit the source code. Say, your proficiencies and skill exp bars is in a picture box named picProficiency. In the source code, you going to add: picProficiency.visible = True
  19. i just downloaded GIMP, it seemed like a great thing. Im using Piece of Eight as my font. GOnna try to make a cool font
  20. @XxAkashxX: > Use some editing software and edit the files in client>datafiles>Graphics>GUI>Menu Open the menu in some software and edit it…. I know that. What im asking is the font. Did Robin (or his friend) created it, or what font it is. It look so cool.
  21. Hey, if you played Robin's crystalshire, you will notice that his crystalshire logo is amazing. HOW DO YOU DO THAT??? :O No lol you dont have to draw one for me, but tell me how to draw one
  22. I definately have to spend my time research Crystalshire's directX code, this thing look confusing but promising. Thank Robin
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