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Everything posted by Link

  1. Appreciating all the donations. I wasn't expecting people to keep going past the goal, it really lifts a heavy load and will help with other things for the site as well. Thanks peeps.
  2. I'm laughing right now, literally.
  3. Hello community, The reason I'm making this post is that I'm making a donation goal to help pay for the new website (part of it anyway) I've already paid for the actual artwork, but due to change of plans the site will also have to be re-designed and as for the progamming portion that still needs to be paid although it's not complete(but near the finish). The website will cost 150$ my goal is to see if the community can help raise half of that..and the other half of which I'll pay myself. I'm still learning to work on the site myself, but right now there's no need to stop current plans and development that's already half way done. If you're willing to donate it would be much appreciated but if you can't that's also ok. So our goal is to raise 75$ to help pay for the programmer's work. I'll also update the amount we've reached and who has paid towards that goal. If you're not already in the group you'll be added to the contributer group and you'll also be placed on a page on the new site for people who've helped contribute to the new site's creation (where you'll remain permenantly) Perks: Contributor group. Name placed in the "Hall of creation" Goal: 240/75$ Contributers: Marsh (75$) Benjo (75$) Matthew (30$) Oreo (20$) Jcsnider (20$) God (20$) If you want to contribute any bit will help. You can donate here: [Donation Page](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/donate.php) Please message me if you donated along with the amount and email so that I can add update the list properly. Edit: Thanks to all current contributions. All donations are still welcomed and appreciated!! Thank you, Link
  4. Link

    Golf's SHOP

    If this is true, send me some proof and we'll get to the bottom of this @Niko
  5. Sounds weird for me to say, but I'm really proud of this project and projects like this. It's so great to see people following through with their ambitions and making something of what's left here. Great job and I support you all the way.
  6. Link

    Yuko banned.

    Oh because well lately every members wants an update on any situation. I just wanted to let everyone know why she was demoted/banned.
  7. We're revising the name. Thanks for all input.
  8. Link

    Yuko banned.

    That's pretty much the reason she stormed off, she wanted control over the staff and the community and I told her she needed guidelines, then she took off and attempting to take the site with her, lol…
  9. Link

    Yuko banned.

    Well I never saw her as harmful, she's been on the team a few times where the most damage she's done was leaving abruptly, but she's always seemed intent on helping Eclipse.
  10. Link

    Yuko banned.

    Well the way she put it and I quote "I'm leaving and I'm taking Eclipse with me" her site is currently down and has a maintenance message, but I can only assume she copied everything. I could probably legally battle it, but right now it's simply not even worth that much effort and I'm sure the new site (which she has nothing of) will surpass anything she could conjour up anyway.
  11. Link

    Yuko banned.

    She was banned because she infultrated the staff team, literally copied the database, made an eclipse clone and tried to get members to go to that site. She also told me on skype I can't take legal actions because "She has connections." According to her she and a few members were plotting this? This was after I told her she couldn't be the owner here. I have a bad track of hiring bad developers, but I was serious about the fact I'm learning web dev and I have made some progress. This learning experience has only made it very clear that I can't trust a soul with the website. From here on out there will be no other web developer, I'll fully learn everything I need in order to manage the site and update it. If you move over to that clone site I wont stop you, but this is an honest warning. Yuko/Amazi will be a dictator and does not have the best intentions for Eclipse, she simply wants to say that she's the owner of a large community. Goodluck if you are one of those people there. When I say clone, I meant it. It's an exact replica of the current forums.. CHANGE YOUR INFO, JUST IN CASE. - Link
  12. Link

    Advertise at Eclipse.

    For months we have been letting free advertising happen with our banner system, however it is our fault. The banner system is meant to display games for a decent amount of time to catch visitor and member's eyes to bring them to your site, and despite our low amount of activity, people still see those advertisements, so we will be requiring payment for them again starting tomorrow. I will be replacing all banners with a placeholder image. **Featured Spot** - $20 per month Want to help support Eclipse Origins, but get the most out of your banner? Your banner will be featured on all pages of Eclipse, and will appear twice on the slideshow on the homepage. You must provide an image and a link. **Slideshow** - $10 per month Your banner will appear once during the slideshow on the front page. You must provide an image and a link. To purchase one of the above, click the donate now link below, and send the amount. DO NOT purchase the "Featured Spot" if it has a line through it, as it has already been purchased, and will be available next month. Once you send the payment, message me (@Link) your banner link and website link. Your month **will not start** until I add your banner and link to the slideshow. Don't own a game or project, but want to support Eclipse Origins? [Donate Now](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/donate.php) Regardless if you buy a banner or donate, you will receive the Donator rank. All proceedings will go towards site expenses! Thank you. Questions? Comments? Feel free to message @Link.
  13. Link

    Advertise at Eclipse

    Also to add on to that, the proceedings will go towards new forum software licenses if we chose that direction or helping to pay for the dedicated server when we switch and help pay for new designs for the site etc. All donations will be appreciated as they have always been in the past.
  14. I'll throw this statement in really fast. This topic was to publish my ideas for the site at your guys requests, we're very early. This topic is not just to say that this will happen 100% but I'm very open to brainstorming. I hope you guys are as fast to give suggestions as you are to give critisism.
  15. Eclipse has never tried to publish its own members projects at the level that I'm trying to, Eclipse has never focused on content creators (youtubers/streamers) it's been a 2D mmorpg restricted community that focused on game development at a minimal level and was close minded to its engine being the main one used on the site. I seperate content creators and game developers within the post for a reason. So no, in my opinion it is not just a rename. The reason for renaming was also to get rid of the same old idea, the members have grown much too comftorable to the community and its growth being limited to one way. BitRocket is a name that could be interperated in many ways, imo. Not to mention there's already a huge site that exists called Eclipse. Like I said, the name also has a meaning behind it that fits the new direction of the site…ideas that can ascend, those ideas don't have to just be game development.
  16. If it doesn't gain any members the idea did not work. Also, there's a lot of decisions that can be made for the site, but in my opinion there will never be everyone who agrees with them. Only way to know what will work is to give it a shot. As far as fitting into Eclipse, that's pretty much the point of the entire idea, it's not supposed to fit into Eclipse.
  17. Hello community, Today I'm making another post to update you guys on my plans for the site as of now. As for the website, I'll be learning to deal with things myself on the web side and Yuko will be helping me along the way. This will prevent any unnecessary setbacks later. The future of "Eclipse" can be a bright one, but I believe the vision below is the way to do so. "Eclipse" will become a platform for developers and overall content creators. We're also changing the name to **BitRocket**, the idea behind BitRocket is that "Innovation starts at a low level, but your ideas can ascend to a higher place." That's my own simple reasoning behind choosing that name, however, it was suggested to me I did not come up with it. I hope that you guys will get past the name to read the next portion. BitRocket simply aims to be a platform for people who aspire to be game developers, designers and content creators. Hopefully it will be a place where you can share resources, communicate with other members to create projects together as well as a place where you can have your projects shared in the spotlight. To understand BitRocket you have to understand the past of Eclipse. Eclipse has always been a relaxed environment where creators with ideas could attempt to make those ideas a reality. Here at Eclipse for a long time people have shared their ideas, experience and have grown with the site. A lot of people moved on past the site because simply it was at a point where they could gain nothing more from it, this is no single person's fault, but we've fallen apart as a communtiy and literally are at the lowest point in the history of the site besides when it probably first began. Now that you have an idea of where Eclipse currently stand, I'll explain my plan to move it past that. I'll start by saying I'm truly grateful for the dedicated members of the community, a lot of you have contributed to what this site is today, I joined here as a member myself aspiring to be a game developer many years ago. Truth be told, Eclipse's software has not been capable of doing that, but it has always been a great stepping stone. I plan to continue to have it be a stepping stone, but I want to also promote our members projects. I'd like to have an software that's more up to date, but in all honesty every engine will be allowed use here at Eclipse and we'll welcome all sites that are creating engines..our aim as BitRocket is no longer to compete with those sites, in fact it's not to compete with anyone at all (not anymore) put simply I want a fun community and something I can say that I'm proud of, hopefully the staff and members will be able to say the same. That they're proud of what they were able to create or contribute. My focus is no longer to create a shiny new engine, chances are for the site I'll use an pre-existing open source one and try to polish it up and still credit the original creators of that engine. So I guess if you've read this far, you're asking…well what will the point of BitRocket be? I mentioned earlier that we'll be trying to make it a platform, I meant exactly that. We'll be a platform that offers tools and opportunities to have your project reach a larger audience. Now you're asking how that will be possible when we don't have much to start from? After I do release the new website I personally will be marketing the site as much as possible and reaching out to every single connection I have from streamers to other sites similiar as well as partners. BitRocket will have a section that puts games in the spotlight that apply to have their game put there, this will include creating prize driven competitions to draw crowds to the site. There will be no cost involved in this. I'm aware that the idea isn't fully put together and needs a lot of work, but I'm thinking about steps in the future as well and I'm trying to plan accordingly. As of right now though, I'm trying to take it one step at a time, that simply starts with launching the new website and getting another engine. I'll try to update the community as often as possible. So I'm moving on to a few last notes, besides promoting projects we'll also try to promote streamers and content creators on our social media outlets once they've been launched and we've gained stability. Here are some future problems I expect to run into and how I plan to handle them if they occour: The website growing larger than I'm capable of managing. This will call for more ranks to be created that are specific to certain areas, including a support team...a team that approves game applications based on experienced developers or as close as possible. Website costs: I will either depend on the community at this point, I don't plan to profit from this idea so if it turns out well I believe the communtiy will be supportive. If worse comes to shove at this point we'll start thinking of alternatives that can produce revenue, but do not make members feel uncomftorable or interfere with the atmoshphere of the community. People thinking that I'm a dictator based on decisions: I'll establish a system where trusted staff members are on a board (not like a business) but the board will help vote on decisions for the site that can GREATLY impact it negatively or positively. This will stop me from having the power alone to destroy the site with biased decisions. Members afraid of abuse due to the past: We're creating strict guidelines about how staff will handle situations. This will also come to voting in the end. Staff will build a case against a members before that member can be banned. A staff members would need to have evidence against the member which goes against the rules and guidelines of the site, but to make it even more comftorable that staff members will need to present it to the other staff (Being the staff that handle member altercations or general forum disruption, not every staff member) then they will need x amount of votes passed in order to carry out the ban. The ban will still need to follow the guidelines, ex. Members broke x rule which is punishable by x amount day ban. The only time voting will not be needed is when a staff members mutes a member, they will however need to provide proof within the log. I and the other managers will keep a eye on these logs in case any disputes are made. This protects the member and the staff. Feel free to add suggestions. That's all I have for you guys, just know that I'm working on getting things in order. It wont happen overnight as I'm now learning web development myself to better manage the website, but be patient with me. - Link
  18. Link

    The situation.

    Thanks Matt, and there were a few mis-understandings. I meant I was paying you to add the logic to your own work. I also bear no ill-feelings towards you or any developers really.
  19. Link

    The situation.

    Mohenjo, I really do plan to release my ideas to the community. Negative or positive response, I'll release them for critisism. Thanks for the posts as well everyone.
  20. I'll share my ideas with the community in a formal post.
  21. I will say this though, I saw no need to post "news" the developers were actively keeping up their development topics. Also I was planning to post news the week I came back, however things took a turn eh?
  22. I could not agree with that any more.
  23. Link

    The situation.

    I'm making this post, not because I want to, but because the members of the site do deserve an explanation as to what's going on. I should probably start with Matthew. Originally I was paying Matthew to create a new engine for the site, this was around 4 thousand dollars somewhere down the line I figured I didn't have the funds to pay him fully as we had agreed so we negotiated, again a little later we negotiated that he'd do it for free because I just knew I didn't have the funds. He had come to me with a framework he'd been working on for two years, to be honest I was paying him to finish his own work you could say. While he understood I couldn't pay he didn't want to "leave me in the dust" or so he put it. I'd still told him I'd pay him where I could, what I could. Around the same time Chief had contacted me on skype asking me if I needed help with the site financially because (I'd forgotten to turn on auto domain renewal) so it was just some confusion. We talked further and basically came to the conclusion that Chief could help with development of the new site after hearing my plans and my vision for Eclipse. Development was going great and then we picked up two additional developers…Jacqueline and Spicey Wolf. Chief was the head of web development, but he often involved himself with how the engine development team was run, I guess he had a lot of input in that area as well. I was ok with this. Development was going well except a few problems like Jacqueline feeling like Matthew didn't do much or misscommunication with SpiceyWolf. Moving ahead, I'd had a mission coming up to go to texas and I let everyone know. Everyone seemed fine with this. We'd had multiple meetings prior, though at this point I did recieve a few messages from Chief about how he'd slightly wanted to change the direction or what things he didn't like (this was mostly influenced by other people who gave him their opinions) I came back from my mission to what I thought would be progress and things going well, but it wasn't that at all. Chief had gotten into a confrontation with Jamie and Benjo, generally he attacked every staff member besides the developers because he started ranting on how all Jamie knew how to do was ban, mind you Jamie posed a simple question asking if a member had been banned, he did not ban anyone, but Chief attacked him, from what I read (I have the skype logs as well) So Chief attacked Jamie and then went on to start saying that all the staff (including me) were dead weight, and were useless...this is where Benjo stepped in and started making his points. So after reading this, I was upset with Chief, not going to lie and I told him it was disrespectful and rude and that he wasn't above anyone. I did agree with someone of his points about the site being ban happy in the past, but I didn't agree with him attacking the entire staff team. Just so you guys know, Chief had a grudge against Jamie. He'd explained to me in multiple calls how much he didn't like Jamie, I made it clear to Chief that Jamie was a person I trusted as an advisor. All in all, I tried to settle things with Chief the best way I saw fit, but I made it clear that I wasn't taking his side because I felt he attacked a number of the staff who really can't help that they didn't have anything to do in that stage of development. IN HIS DEFENSE he felt he was unappreciated because Jamie had explained he wouldn't be banned if it weren't for me being kind. At the same time, he started the attack first. Jacqueline somewhat sided with Chief, but also understood the other staff's sides...however she made it clear that if Chief left that she was leaving (obviously as a dev I can only assume she didn't appreciate the fact that I sided with them and did not put the devs above the other staff whose roles weren't as important) was it dumb on my part? I could honestly give zero fucks. I did what I felt was right and I'd do it 100 times again. A day or two had past and I'm sure the devs had been meeting in the discord and talking to eachother, in my honest opinion...I believe Chief talked them into joining and I could be 100% wrong, but everything was very convinient...but maybe it was just on me? That was the entire situation, sorry about the grammar or spelling errors...just typing this post emotionally. At the end of the day I'm tired of being pointed at as the bad guy who keeps failing the site etc...etc.. I'm not just speaking BS on this situation. Anyone who wants to see the skype logs can see them. I still have them, everything I've put here I have proof to back it up besides anything I pointed out as an opinion. Take it as you will, belive what you will. I will try to develop the site myself, might be slower, but I'm done depending on others. A lot of work has to be done, but it's hard as fuck when I feel unappreciated for even trying to fix a site for people who could give one fuck about me or what I'm doing. - Link
  24. or3o, the reason why is because generally I didn't know what to say. I've been trying to compose a formal post for the whole situation. I've been here the past week, but before that I was on a miniture dettatchment which is when the Chief got into a conflict. This all happened while I was out on a mission.
  25. Bro, you attack me in every post. You make accusations that aren't true, you're releasing information to the public based on what you heard from someone without getting the full story and honestly I'm just done being attacked by the members of the site. Chief knows why him and the dev team really left. There was an internal argument with him and two staff members, put simply I wasn't taking his side. He left and he convinced the other developers to leave with him. Yet I somehow pissed them off? Sorry that I couldn't side over right/wrong even if that meant that I wasn't putting the devs over the other staff, that's just my style of loyalty and I'm not a scumbag (THIS IS MY PERSPECTIVE) Either way, I've been the target of attack for this site from the members for a while, for no real reason but the simple fact that its been falling apart and everyone is looking at someone to blame. Congratulations, hope you guys are happy. To make it worse, Chief couldn't come forward even though he knew that it had nothing to do with me pissing off the dev team..actually I don't remember being involved at all, instead you decide to boast about the site you're making? Lol. I'm done with trying to prove things that happen behind the scenes come off different on the FOREFRONT. THE ONLY THING I'M WRONG FOR IS NOT TAKING THE TIME TO DEVELOP THIS SITE MYSELF and not depend on anyone. Don't worry though, I will be. I don't care how long it takes to do it, who believes me or who decides to go. I made a bunch of great friends here, but I met even more assholes here. I'm also tired of being censored on the website. I haven't removed or censored any posts by you, SKY. There's your official answer, so you can stop making up shit now. I don't plan to tell you who did either, because then you'll probably accuse them every chance you get. I've had the shit end of the stick since the moment I purchased and tried to save Eclipse. Everyone is too spoonfed to care, except a few people (thanks to you, you're the only reason I fucking try with this site besides the fact that I wanted it to live)
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