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Everything posted by ranslsad

  1. I do all you told me, and get same error. Im thinking what im doing wrong… Greetings Ranslsad
  2. Hi, im trying to draw more equipement items i added to my EA Project. but im having the next error when i try to set each item position on Character Window Draw. Select Case Item(itemNum).Type gives me the next error: ``` The following error occured at 'Render_Graphics' in 'modGraphics'. Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range. ``` Code: ``` Public Sub DrawEquipment() Dim x As Long, y As Long, i As Long Dim itemNum As Long, ItemPic As DX8TextureRec For i = 1 To Equipment.Equipment_Count - 1 itemNum = GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, i) ' get the item sprite If itemNum > 0 Then ItemPic = Tex_Item(Item(itemNum).Pic) Else ' no item equiped - use blank image ItemPic = Tex_GUI(28 + i) End If Select Case Item(itemNum).Type Case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) Mod EqColumns) Case ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop + 34 x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) Mod EqColumns) Case ITEM_TYPE_HELMET y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop + 68 x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) Mod EqColumns) Case ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) Case ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) Case ITEM_TYPE_PANTS y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) Case ITEM_TYPE_SHOES y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + EqTop x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 34) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) End Select 'EngineRenderRectangle itempic, x, y, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32 RenderTexture ItemPic, x, y, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32 Next End Sub ``` Sry for bad english and thanks. Greetings Ranslsad
  3. +1, nice project, keep the work ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) > Dont down him guys this will help starters -.- +10 Greetings Ranslsad
  4. Love you music… i cant pay you, but i can offer you to join my project. Im doing hard work on my project... More info: [http://www.touchofde…ecruiting-team/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/132681-noname-recruiting-team/) +10 [Morning At The Forest](https://soundcloud.com/carfonu/morning-at-the-forest) +10 [Enthalion Main Theme](https://soundcloud.com/carfonu/enthalion-main-theme) im hearing each one… Good work. Greetings Ranslsad
  5. > **I need:** > > * Mapers > * History Writers > * Coders > * Etc… > > So you are doing nothing right? You are just an ideas guy? Watch the first post again, updated. > Mapper* > > And I know people dont like sending their ideas everywhere but people need a basis to go on, tell us what is so special about your project to every other Eclipse project. Im working to have a nice gameplay and alot of unique features… Need time only, i realy only need mappers, and ppl to help me make the game,quests, not the code.. i can code, read first post and you will see the news! Greetings Ranslsad
  6. Thanks alot, i will try to add it on EA with ingame dx draw! Greetings Ranslsad
  7. Thanks… here you got the message on english: **Client Side:** Find: ``` Dialogue "Invitacion al Guild", GInvName & " te ha invitado a su clan." & vbNewLine & "Nombre del Clan: " & GName & vbNewLine & _ " Deseas unirte?", DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE, True ``` Replace with: ``` Dialogue "Guild Invitation", GInvName & " has invited you to his guild." & vbNewLine & "Guild Name: " & GName & vbNewLine & _ " want to Join?", DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE, True ``` Did you tested the code? Greetings Ranslsad
  8. First of all, this is my first release Topic… i want to thanks you all for the work you do with this engine... Im member of this forum since 2010 and i started a game just a pair weeks ago... I will start to release some of my sources... Sry for bad english... Lets Start! **Required Tutorial: [[EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/124848-eo-2030-guilds/)** **What This code Do?** Screen will explain it 100%. [![](http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/TutGuildInvDialog.JPG)](http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/TutGuildInvDialog.JPG) **Note:** Maybe i dont do the tut as well.. i can forget any code, i will try to do it as well i can… If you got error, please tell me where and ill try to resolve! **Server Side:** Find SGuildAdminSwitchTab on Public Enum ServerPackets - modEnumerations and add after: ``` SGuildInvite 'Guild ``` Find in modServerTCP ``` Sub SendTrade(ByVal index As Long, ByVal tradeTarget As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong STrade Buffer.WriteLong tradeTarget Buffer.WriteString Trim$(GetPlayerName(tradeTarget)) SendDataTo index, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` add after: ``` Sub SendGuildInvite(ByVal GName As String, ByVal GInviterName As String, ByVal guildTarget As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong SGuildInvite Buffer.WriteString GName Buffer.WriteString GInviterName SendDataTo guildTarget, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` In modGuild find: ``` PlayerMsg index, Player(Inviter_Index).Name & " has invited you to join the guild " & GuildData(GuildSlot).Guild_Name & "!", Green PlayerMsg index, "Type /guild accept within the next 2 Minutes to join.", Green PlayerMsg index, "Type /guild decline to remove the offer.", Green ``` and replace with: ``` SendGuildInvite GuildData(GuildSlot).Guild_Name, Player(Inviter_Index).Name, index ``` **Client Side:** Find SGuildAdminSwitchTab on Public Enum ServerPackets - modEnumerations and add after: ``` SGuildInvite 'Guild ``` Find in modHandleData ``` HandleDataSub(SAdminGuild) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleAdminGuild) 'Guild ``` Add after: ``` HandleDataSub(SGuildInvite) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleGuildInvite) 'Guild ``` In modGuild add at the bottom or elsewhere you want: ``` Public Sub HandleGuildInvite(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim GName As String Dim GInvName As String ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() GName = Buffer.ReadString GInvName = Buffer.ReadString Dialogue "Invitacion al Guild", GInvName & " te ha invitado a su clan." & vbNewLine & "Nombre del Clan: " & GName & vbNewLine & _ " Deseas unirte?", DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE, True ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleAdminGuild", "modGuild", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear End Sub ``` Find in modConstants: ``` Public Const DIALOGUE_TYPE_PARTY As Byte = 3 ``` Add after: ``` Public Const DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE As Byte = 4 ``` Find in modGameLogic: ``` Case DIALOGUE_TYPE_PARTY SendAcceptParty ``` Add after: ``` Case DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE SendAcceptGuildInvite ``` in Same sub a few lines down find: ``` Case DIALOGUE_TYPE_PARTY SendDeclineParty ``` and add after: ``` Case DIALOGUE_TYPE_GUILDINVITE SendDeclineGuildInvite ``` in modClientTCP add at botton or where you prefer: ``` Sub SendAcceptGuildInvite() Call GuildCommand(6, "") End Sub Sub SendDeclineGuildInvite() Call GuildCommand(7, "") End Sub ``` **¡DONE!** Thanks you all for read and add the script!! If you can optimize, do better code, modify it for get a better function, do it and show us all! Was it useful for you? - Like This! **Working on: Buff Icons** Show Buff Icon by Type: 100% Show Buff TimeLeft: 100% GUI: - Draw the max 10 Buff on screen: 100% Ideas? **Screen:** [Click Here](http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/ShowcaseBuffIconsSystem.JPG) –--- Greetings Ranslsad
  9. **Recruiting Team** **Updated * 15/4/2013** Im looking for spanish members or english members, depend on the team i will do the game on english or spanish…I already got a game name, classes and some history.**I need:** * Mapers * History Writers * Helpers * Etc… Skype: ranslsad **Pictures are attached** ATM Game Changelog in spanish: ``` ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //======================================================================================= . [*] Click derecho sobre Jugador se abre menu con opciones . [*] Invitacion Visual de Dialogo al Guild . [*] Agregada opcion para cambiar el spawn al empezar en classes.ini . [*] Agregado tipo de poder de transformacion. . [*] Agregados NPC: Guardia hombre y mujer. . [*] Agregadas animaciones de armas y de cast de echizos. . [*] Agregada Armadura de Cuero . [*] Agregado sistema para elejir el pelo al crear personaje. . [*] Nombres de personajes y NPC se ven al pasar mouse por encima. . [*] Sistema de Buffs . [*] Iconos de los Buffs se muestran en la pantalla con su tiempo restante. . [X] Iconos de buffs no se muestran los iconos otros tipos de buffs, solo el de vida. . [-] Solucionar envio masivo de paquetes de la informacion de los buffs, laguea. . [-] Menu boton derecho sale en cualquier lado. . [*] Añadido editor de personaje enlinea en el servidor. . [*] Mejorado sistema de rareza de objetos. . [*] Agregados nombres a los tipos de rareza. . [O] Ya se actualizan los stats del jugador al equipar objetos o buffs. . [-] Test Buff STR, AGI...ETC . [*] Añadido sistema de bonificacion por rareza 100% customizable. . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Vida . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Mana . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Daño Normal . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Daño Magico . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % de Defensa . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta Vida . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta Mana . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % velocidad de ataque . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % velocidad de movimiento . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Reduce % tiempo de lanzamiento de echizo . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta Defensa . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % Reg Vida . [*] Añadida bonificacion de rareza Aumenta % Reg Mana . [*] Agregado mapa con nombre temporal: Cueva de Vampiros . [*] Habilitado Personaje Vampiro [code] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //======================================================================================= . [*] Bloqueada clases al elejir . [*] Agregado Sistema de ModoVentana y VentanaCompleta . [*] Agregado Sistema de Clanes . [*] Renombrado mapa Bosque Jiduth a Bosque Ancestral ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //======================================================================================= . [*] Agregadas clase: Humano . [*] Agregadas clase: Guerrero . [*] Agregadas clase: Guerrero de Luz . [*] Agregadas clase: Mago de Luz . [*] Agregadas clase: Asesino de Sangre . [*] Agregadas clase: Mago de la Sangre . [*] Agregadas clase: Druida . [*] Nuevo Objeto Oro . [*] Agregado Mapa Bosque Jiduth ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [b]Some [/b][b]ScreenShoots:[/b] [b]Rarity system with custom bonification for each item.[/b] [img]http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/BonificacionPorRareza.JPG[/img][img]http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/BonificacionPorRarezaSystem.JPG[/img] [b]Buff System:[/b][img]http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/ByffSystem.JPG[/img] [b]Hair and Eyes[/b]( ready)[b] paperdoll, choose on character creation:[/b] [img]http://www.elrinconperdido.com/Archivos/ImgUpload/archivos/EyesandHairPaperDoll.JPG[/img] Greetings Ranslsad[/code] ```
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