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Everything posted by iSKweek

  1. iSKweek

    Code help!!

    …really? Use VB6.
  2. iSKweek

    Can i use the ….

    Yes. Now go read the fucking forum rules pl0x.
  3. Totodiles cool I guess, charmander would be better :P
  4. Togepi is lame, breed something decent :P
  5. How about you give it a shot by yourself first and let me know what errors you run into.
  6. Run it through the IDE and paste the line it errors on.
  7. [This.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68358.0.html)
  8. I understand him kinda. With the timer I am not 100% sure how they work, I think Robin has coded timers or something something in the code, but just add it the the client form and set the interval for however long you need (in milliseconds) then run a check when the command goes through to see if the time has been up. You could use a simple boolean I guess, like "canusecommand = false" once the command is used, then once the timer hits its interval set canusecommand to true. Sorry if it doesn't make sense, this is all off the top of my head.
  9. iSKweek

    Scripted tile

    learn to search the tutorial section, there is a guide there telling you how to do it.
  10. iSKweek

    Lock Classes

    Did you post the same question twice? -.-
  11. 1\. Just remove the class selection on the character creation screen and hard code it. 2\. I imagine it would be something like``` if not getplayerequipment(index).weapon=wand or whatever then exit sub ```at the top of the cast spell sub.
  12. @sherlock: > Does everyone hate me? Nobody hates you. I think they just find it funny that someone with your skill level calls themself a programmer.
  13. Simplest way I can think of doing it would be to add a timer to the client and have it start when he uses the command and then once it gets to 30 minutes allow him to use it again.
  14. More than likely. Read the tutorial section or ask in the scripting q&a forum.
  15. There was a set of PHP scripts for EE (they don't work with EO) so I am going to say that it is more than likely possible. I wouldn't know how to do it though.
  16. @sherlock: > you saying im a bad one!?!? I'm a gear programer! I generally (most of the time) try to be a nicer person on the internet than I am in real life, but you are not a programmer from what I have seen. Hell, even I think I am better than you and I suck!
  17. Know how to use them or know of them?
  18. It isn't difficult, just draw them in the same format that the default graphics came in. That is: Down Left Right Up
  19. Do you mean client? The client connects to the IP defined in client\data files\config.ini
  20. iSKweek


    No… >.> You double click on it.
  21. iSKweek


    I will have a look. EDIT: Oki, you just need to have the key in your inventory and then "use" it and the key tile will unlock.
  22. What isn't showing up? The pet?
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