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Everything posted by Diefool

  1. @'SkywardRiver': > In the client credits screen under programmer. You got it! Thanks
  2. @'SkywardRiver': > Oh. Carim changed the vari's and switches maxes too lol. Will be fixed next update. No biggie can't wait to see an update, your revision of the eclipse engine is amazing
  3. @'SkywardRiver': > I've had maps 80x80 with 10-15 players on that map at a time with little to zero lag on a decent machine. 100x100 may be pushing it, but 80x80 worked fine on my engine, though I optimized a bit. How was map editing? Did it lag insanely on tile placement? This was the issue that bugged me the most.
  4. Found the issue, follow the steps below to fix this issue Here is the original SkyWyre code: **CLIENT** ``` Public Const MAX_SWITCHES As Long = 1000 Public Const MAX_VARIABLES As Long = 1000 ``` **SERVER** ``` Public Const MAX_SWITCHES As Long = 255 Public Const MAX_VARIABLES As Long = 255 ``` see the problem here? It sends/receives player switches and variables all at once instead of seperate functions so it gets the 255 switches just fine, but then expects MORE SWITCHES to be sent from the server. You need the client and server to both have the same number of switches and variables (I upped the server to match the clients 1000, you can set them to anything though as long as both client and server are using the same values for switches and/or variables!) I would have to test this, but it probably lists a manually added variable to ini file as name for switch 256 on requesting names….not going to test though because I don't care lol.... either way if you need help and dont understand the fix, feel free to reply I want the community to have this info :)
  5. The larger maps cause lag (locally and communication wise) so I'm going to assume it does load the entire map into memory. If it didn't the bigger maps would not function any differently than the smaller ones. Sorry I haven't looked over the source enough yet to give a proper answer right now. I'm kind of new to this, just stating what I have noticed through trial and error
  6. @'Sekiguchi: > im much better at drawing on paper, but i need to learn it on computer for my game. i dont want to hire a person to draw for my game, i wanna try to make the art on my own:) If you ever get serious into digital art I would advise buying a pen tablet (some are just pads where hovering over with the pen will display location of pen point on screen controlling the mouse and actually touching the pen to the screen will "click" to draw….supports pressure sensitivity etc. and an AWESOME TOOL....some even have screens you can draw right on ignoring the monitor all together) check out Wacom http://www.wacom.com/ if you ever decide to get into digital art and find one in your price range (obviously more expensive ones will have more functionality but even the cheapest will help a LOT) For pure mouse drawing, these are fantastic and you will only improve with practice! keep up the good work :)
  7. @'Abyss': > Lol if someone pays $250 for VB6 today I will find that someone and stab them in the eye > > * * * > > Or see if theyre willing to buy my dvd player for 250 bucks LOL I wasn't saying it was an intelligent move…. just stating it is obtainable (and probably cheaper somewhere else lol) btw pics and specs of DVD Player? ;)
  8. @'SkywardRiver': > Please note that, if you are going to be using this Engine, you must credit me. Where would you like the credit implemented? Website/forums? Client news? Also, great work I'm loving it so far and only have a couple of bugs I want to work out before building more functions off of this that will be unique to my own release. I wish I could give you a cookie @'or3o': > Why does everyone work on engines that have no support whatsoever using a language that isn't supported in an ide that is impossible to get legally anymore? Skyward dude you did so much for this community and it sucks that you are gone, this was the closest to an official version of eclipse we have even had since 2.0 Legit copy… http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-SEALED-Microsoft-Visual-Basic-6-0-Professional-FULL-VERSION-PRO-6-203-00769-/231928339089?hash=item3600019a91:g:BwAAAOSwwbdWH~xd note that this particular listing is an ACADEMIC copy and you wont be able to profit in any way off a release....
  9. 100x100 tiles will cause lag in the editor even if you are editing from localhost (the same system the server is running on) I don't think anything over 50x50 is wise, even that is pushing it to the max if there are a lot of players, animations, npcs, etc on the map. As for splitting the maps I know no other method outside of reconstructing them manually into 4x4 (16) different maps and connecting them with Map Links in the map properties. (or to modify your editor to do this automatically… which may be feasible if you have already created a LOT of maps already.... if not, I would just manually reconstruct)
  10. You just need a new account for testing that is not an admin (as Mohenjo Daro suggested) If this doesn't work, get v9 (what I use)… it functions fine cheers :)
  11. @'Grilo13': > Have you had any progress in this issue? I have the same problem. I am going to look into the source tonight and will reply if I find a solution @'Irij': > Are you saying the server isn't reading the variable.ini file correctly? I am unsure, my brainstorming suggests 1 of the following I need to look into (which will be my project until a solution is found) - Server is not reading/writing the file correctly - Client is not accepting the variable names correctly to display them, but the server does read properly - Client is accepting variable names, just not saving and/or accessing them properly I do know the following: - Manually adding a variable name by editing Variable.ini will not show in client editor - Sending a new variable name to the server does not make any change whatsoever to Variable.ini - Variables DO WORK PROPERLY, but it is a pain to use them without a naming system Temporarily have an excel spreadsheet with the variable IDs and their names open while editing the game… It is a pain to have to refer to this spreadsheet instead of using the in-client editor, but works for now. Eclipse leaves a lot of open room on the screen to keep this spreadsheet visible at all times, I just want to improve the editor to work as intended for ease of use and better functionality for multiple developers. Having to keep your spreadsheets of variables synced with other devs would be a pain in the balls.
  12. Need help with SkyWyre(latest)… I can edit Switch names fine, but it wont let me rename player Variables. The VB6 source seems correct, but it's really bugging me and hurting my development time. I have to refer to a spreadsheet for the variable list every time I need to use a PlayerVar in an event. According to the server source it should also read from Variables.ini in the servers data folder. I have tried to manually add "Variable1Name=Test" and still nothing in the editors listbox.... client source seems legit as well :/
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