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Everything posted by Carim123

  1. > I'll release a copy of it once I'm done. Any updates on that front? I'm really interested in the way your updater works, and it'd be nice to get some insight into the way (and how) it was done. =D
  2. > We actually do listen to our players and the ones that are apart of our community. Touch of death is not our community, just a forum filled with people whom enjoy making games or just starting stupid arguments. You don't have players yet. You have a fanbase, slight difference. Also, it's worth listening to any person you see, whether they know what they're on about, or not. > The team went through arguments and thoughts of this graphics change, this we did not ask our community for their opinion about it because we knew it was something that had to be done in order to give them all a better and more diverse environment to enjoy in the future. > > You all may love the old graphics because it was something new, but sometimes we can't make everyone happy. There's a difference in making some people unhappy, and near everybody unhappy. > Compare all you want, but Psithyroi will remain unique in its very own way. It will only remain unique if you have the support of the fanbase behind you. > As for the engine, I suppose you ask robin how long and hard it was to build eclipse from scratch or ask him why it takes him a long while to post any updates to his game Crystalshire. Ultimately depends, and I understand that it may take a long while, it may not, but there's a difference between a concept and an engine. Psithyroi seems built entirely around concepts at the moment > The engine is done; we have tested it Well, where the hell are the videos, the screenshots, and so on? > now we are trying to build the editor that will create the game Psithyroi. Once that is all done, you can all enjoy what you've been asking to see. Good.
  3. > Actually you made an account to troll so we ask you nicely to stop. I asked if an engine existed. While it may have sounded harsh, I got a response, that it was in development. I only showed my friend, and he went and trolled. Not me. You did not ask me nicely to stop, you didn't even consider the fact that I did nothing. You just went and deleted my account. > just go make your crappy game with those crappy graphics which you then gave up on making and used pre-made graphics. At least my "crappy game" exists, with viable concepts. I gave up making the graphics, because I decided to be realistic, and time-aware of the fact it was taking me a while. Plus, I didn't like 'em anyway. ;D Oh, and by the way, your cliff tile doesn't tile properly. Like how I underlined the keywords? EDIT: Oh, and just wait 'til you see Gear. ;D It seems any form of criticism you receive, you just dismiss/insult it. eg. > " 2D Sprite & Tileset Artist, ", remove that if you cannot see it is an upgrade. (BTW, Kreator is WAY better than that.) > You can do a side by side comparison and see that it looks nothing like maplestory. Don't be ignorant and compare it to maplestory just because it is a slide scrolling game. (Lol, yes it does.)
  4. @Night~: > Looks great actually… But mind if you put an optional tutorial for this > awesome system... Like putting a button perhaps? Much easier than typing. > > -Kindly, > Night~ Yeah, no. It's not difficult to add what's under /minimap in a new image/picture/button control.
  5. @Robin: > Also, still haven't seen anything to do with an engine yet. Everyone loves mockups but if you don't actually have a game they're pretty much meaningless. I said the same thing on their forums a few weeks ago. And you know what they did? They deleted my account. I made 2 posts, if you think I might've flamed/trolled anybody. ;p I still think of Psithyroi as a game with extremely non-viable concepts, and a seemingly non-existent engine. Except now, I think of it as a copy of Maple Story, too. ;D
  6. Yeah, sorry, forgot to remove the case around the NPC, as I removed the npc difference purposefully. Also, you should change it to "Engine_BltFast", not "DDS_BackBuffer.BltFast". I forgot about that. I should also note that the graphics are for demonstration purposes only, even if they're 4x4 squares, they're still mine.
  7. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/cf636db5db57fd59c87020e53a80046a.png) Adding it to the OP…
  8. @Captain: > Has anyone realised but me that this code has horrible formatting? Of course you aren't the only person, hence the huge warning in red on the OP.
  9. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75443.new.html#new
  10. This is based on a tutorial I found a while ago by some guy named Briaton (sp?). Credits obviously go to him, but as it was for EE, all I did was make it functional. Here'll be the result… ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/cf636db5db57fd59c87020e53a80046a.png) This is a washed down version of my own one in IP, as I have purposely removed my extra modifications, etc. This blts the blocked tiles, walkable tiles, and player and npc locations. Don't expect me to hand over any more functions, and make them yourself. It's fairly easy to add to. ``` Public DDS_MiniMap As DirectDrawSurface7 `````` Public DDSD_MiniMap As DDSURFACEDESC2 ``` If I need to tell you where that goes, you need to have a good read on some of the basic EO modules. In InitSurfaces, add… ``` If FileExist(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\minimap.bmp", True) Then Call InitDDSurf("minimap", DDSD_MiniMap, DDS_MiniMap) ``` DestroyDirectDraw: ``` Set DDS_MiniMap = Nothing ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtr(DDSD_MiniMap), LenB(DDSD_MiniMap) ``` Now, anywhere in modDD7… ``` Sub BltMiniMap() Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer Dim i As Long Dim Direction As Byte Dim MMx As Long Dim MMy As Long Dim BLOCKrect As RECT Dim PLAYERrect As RECT Dim NPCrect As RECT Dim WALKrect As RECT Dim BLANKrect As RECT Dim MapNum As Long Dim XX As Long Dim YY As Long Call DDS_BackBuffer.SetForeColor(RGB(255, 255, 255)) MapNum = Player(MyIndex).Map XX = Map.MaxX YY = Map.MaxY With BLOCKrect .Top = 8 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 0 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With PLAYERrect .Top = 0 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 4 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With NPCrect .Top = 4 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 0 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With WALKrect .Top = 4 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 4 .Right = .Left + 4 End With With BLANKrect .Top = 0 .Bottom = .Top + 4 .Left = 0 .Right = .Left + 4 End With ' ALWAYS render the tiles before players. ' ALWAYS render blocked AFTER the tiles... ' walkable 'Have the blank first... For X = 0 To XX For Y = 0 To YY Select Case Map.Tile(X, Y).Type Case TILE_TYPE_BLANK MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) Engine_BltFast MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, BLANKrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY Case TILE_TYPE_WALKABLE, TILE_TYPE_NPCAVOID MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) If Map.Tile(X, Y).Type TILE_TYPE_BLANK Then Engine_BltFast MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, WALKrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY Case TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) Engine_BltFast MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, BLOCKrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY End Select Next Y Next X For X = 0 To XX For Y = 0 To YY If Map.Tile(X, Y).Type = Map.Tile(X, Y).DirBlock >= 1 Then MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) Engine_BltFast MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, BLOCKrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY End If Next Y Next X ' ------------------------------------------- 'Players... For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If Player(i).Vital(1) > 0 Then X = Player(i).X Y = Player(i).Y MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) Call DDS_BackBuffer.BltFast(MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, PLAYERrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End If Next i 'NPCs. For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS If MapNpc(i).num > 0 Then X = MapNpc(i).X Y = MapNpc(i).Y MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) Select Case Npc(MapNpc(i).num).Behaviour Call DDS_BackBuffer.BltFast(MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, NPCrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End Select End If Next i End Sub ``` In RenderGraphics, above the TexthDC backbuffer stuff, add ``` If Minimap = True Then BltMiniMap ``` In modGlobals ``` Public Minimap As Boolean ``` Now, in modInput, HandleKeyPresses, within the case stuff… ``` Case "/minimap" Minimap = Not Minimap ``` This concludes the minimap side of things. Now, open frmEditor_Map, and in fraAttributes, add an option button called optBlank. We're going to add a blank tile type. In MapEditorMouseDown, above the End With, add; ``` If frmEditor_Map.optBlank.value Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_BLANK ``` Now, in modConstants, add; ``` Public Const TILE_TYPE_BLANK As Byte = 16 ``` Change the 16 to whatever your constant is. This concludes the client-edits. Now, in server-side, add the same constant as above, and that's it. Although I have added a few checks, it's fairly strewn about, but this should be sufficient, shouldn't cause errors, and act as a completely blank, walkable tile. The purpose of this is to make the Minimap square clear, as if you leave the border, outside the walkable zone, etc, it will show up with a white square. If there are any errors, tell me, and I'll do my best to compile what I can. Now, save this in your graphics folder, and enjoy your new minimaps! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/b09903069db1c888cfaccfb02f45f22a.bmp) Please tell me if anything's missing, I'm fairly sure this is complete. NOTE: As with any form of Blting, you will be prone to FPS drops while this is in use. I haven't tested exactly how much of a drop occurs extensively, but I went from a previous of 143 to 132\. Go use however you want.
  11. Well, the problem is that it requires you to also create a new tile type (Blank, so it doesn't start putting white patches everywhere). The minimap code itself is fairly short, but the other stuff I did, to make it look better, is fairly strewn about…remind me tomorrow, and I'll see what I can compile, but otherwise, I'm getting to bed now.
  12. I'll share a little snippet… ``` For X = 0 To XX For Y = 0 To YY If Map.Tile(X, Y).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Or Map.Tile(X, Y).DirBlock >= 1 Then MMx = Camera.Left + 5 + (X * 4) MMy = Camera.Top + 25 + (Y * 4) Engine_BltFast MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, BLOCKrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY End If Next Y Next X ``` Obviously, you'd need the recs, dims, dds calls, etc, but see if you can figure it out, if not, and you ultimately become stuck, then I'd happilly give some more insight.
  13. When you say minimap, is this what you mean? >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/a9b53d0913c650156fe7b1ca0850dfed.png) If so, lemme PM you. I'll show you a few snippets of my minimap code to give you an idea…if not, then I'm confused.
  14. This is a long way of doing this. When I get home from school, I'd gladly hand the pseudo-code.
  15. @Chukillz: > Its a different font that is able to be read easily. If you cant read what the words says then im not sure what to tell you …bye.
  16. Stop using that font. Also, substituting an S for a Z doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look moronic.
  17. No problem. Glad to help.
  18. @Chukillz: > If you dont…Im sorry to pop your balloon but i think i did a damn great job for my first GUI edit. You're in denial. Font and colour is awful.
  19. @Whackeddie99: > I was doing that, but where would I put the code so that every time you change maps, say I was on map 1 and it showed minimap for map 1, and i went to map 2, how would I make it change to map 2 minimap pic. Where would I put the codes and what would i do, a Case 1, Case 2 and so on for each map i have??? HandleMapDone. And, you don't need a case, because Player(MyIndex).Map would return the number of the map that the player is on, all you need to do is name the graphics appropriately to the map number itself. It's a single line of code in a single procedure. No guesses what goes where. ^_^
  20. Well, you could use a resized screenshot, and then do picMinimap.picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & GFX_PATH & *PATHHERE* & Player(MyIndex).Map & ".bmp/.jpg", and you could number them accordingly to the map…that's how I did my old world map system.
  21. Carim123

    My Menu Gui

    @obasc: > im not going to improve myself? you clearly know nothing, just the fact that i attempted to make that shows that im trying to improve. if i just copied other peoples work then it would show that i had no interest in improving my art…. I think you're in denial.
  22. Carim123

    My Menu Gui

    @obasc: > and you have no opinion….. You cannot seriously call that good…
  23. I like the second screenshot in the spoiler…also, the first screenshot can be used for the likes of puddles, etc.
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