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Everything posted by Scribbyz

  1. "Wait until they get home and find out whats up their asses." Lol that shits funny.
  2. Welcome, just don't ask stupid, obvious, questions. Other than that, have fun and listen to the guy above me. ^^
  3. Scribbyz


    I honestly like Drakes way of rapping. I appreciate the deeper side of things. Anyone that says Drake sounds like Lil Wayne, needs to actually do research before actually making a comment. Because they are far from even being the same, they are just on with the same label.
  4. British English - Colour American English - Color Alot of pillow shading, and the light source on the ball, isn't circular like the ball. So I'm gonna suggest some tutorials, hopefully you use them, they have helped me and hopefully will help you. List of tutorials - http://www.pixeljoint.com/pixels/tutorials.asp Good starter tutorial - http://www.derekyu.com/?page_id=218
  5. @Bone: > Nope Robin is pretty mature. And if you don't know bro, this is the internet… do you really think we go around in real life screaming L-O-L and asking people about mudkipz. Or make fun of disabled kids in front of other people and stuff? I just have to say that shit was funny. Could you imagine people acting as they do on the internet, as they do in real life? Everyday would be epic.
  6. Protip: Treat them like dirt, and they'll stick to you like mud. nuf said.
  7. @-Vegeta-: > Chakkra - Flaming/Trolling. > > Just kidding, Pixel Art. Dido.
  8. I think constructive criticism would be nice. I would first start by actually using a program that is simple, MS Paint. Gimp is another good program, and has a bit more features than MS Paint. First, you need to understand what pixel art is. And then you need to understand what techniques are available for pixel art. So I suggest this website, it has a lot of tutorials to help you learn the skill to create pixel art. http://www.pixeljoint.com/pixels/tutorials.asp
  9. It takes time, there is no easy way to make art quicker. Well there is, but the best is done with patience.
  10. The thing that helped me out the most, when beginning to do pixel art, is reference images. Another key thing to think about is the light source. I ignored this a lot when I began to do pixel art. But trust me, its a big part. The palette is also another thing to pay attention too. When first starting out, I would just mess with luminosity, and as you become more comfortable with the colors, and figuring out how to adjust accordingly. Then play with the Hue, when determining a palette; which can add very unique effects to your images. www.pixeljoint.com This is a good website to start studying, they have countless tutorials for all types of things.
  11. @Infernal: > I can see it now. > > World of Starcraft. > > =\ Universe of Starcraft. There was something a few years back, mentioning something about the start of the development.
  12. Well, I thought I'd give everyone a little taste of Avarol. I am still looking for both a Programmer, and a Pixel Artist. I thought I'd let people see what it will actually look like, on the outside. This may tickle some Programmers in to joining up and helping the cause. >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/avarol_exampletiles.png) This is a small example, I currently have a friend making it so I can use 16x16 tiles. I still have a lot of work to do, but am proud to say I am closer than I was, then when I posted this hiring thread. Also, if your a programmer, or a pixel artist, please don't look at this thread and assume everything is in stone. I take suggestion freely, and appreciate any help I can get. If you have an idea, and want to put it in a game, or even showcase your art; either that be programing or art. This is a perfect opportunity. Thanks for taking the time to read this. NOTE: If your a mapper, please don't PM me. You get me excited thinking I've received a PM from a programmer. I am not hiring mappers, I will in the future. Thank you.
  13. Just another update. Still looking for some team members, but have had help from the community in helping with a few small things. I am currently taking a week break from working on the game, so I don't burn myself out. But I'm still working on the tileset, added a few things, but not complete enough to show some levels. I am still looking for both a Pixel Artist, and a Programmer. Website Layout, Its up, but its a WIP, as well as the forums. But I don't want to release the URL until I am done making the custom layout for the forums. >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/a-website-example.png) I've decided to use this spirite and fix it up a bit. It is a custom spirite, made by me, and just needs to work on the way it looks as it walking. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/ani-trans.gif) Still looking for the following: Programmer - (Send me examples of features and systems, you have created that you are proud of, via PM) Pixel Artist - (Send me examples of pixel art, that you have created that shows your abilities, via PM) Thank you for viewing this post, if you are interested, please send me a PM via forums, or send me an Email at: [email protected] Expect a WIP thread sometime next month. Thanks.
  14. O_O; Okay, if that keeps you going. I say, go for it. >.>
  15. Use a reference picture, this always helped me when I first started out. Always remember, the edge of the sword should be bright to show that its sharp. Usually use around 3-4 colors on the blade, and 2-3 on the hilt. Higher contrast on the blade colors.
  16. An update. Well, I found someone to help me with the programming aspect. But he is more or less help, I am still looking for a dedicated Programmer that has time to dedicate to a project. I currently scraped the old tileset, and began to start work on a 16x16 tileset. The reason I want a 16x16 tileset is because, I feel it allows you to add more detail to your maps. I also have a new GUI, same color, just structured different and easier to use. **New GUI** >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/avarol-new-gui.png) I am currently looking for the following: **Programmer** - (Send me examples of features and systems, you have created that you are proud of, via PM) **Pixel Artist** - (Send me examples of pixel art, that you have created that shows your abilities, via PM) Thank you, for taking time to read this, expect a WIP thread in a month or so.
  17. These tutorials will help you a lot, and teach you some techniques that you could possibly apply to your tree. After you read this, and go through it, attempt another tree afterwards. http://www.derekyu.com/?page_id=218
  18. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/avarol-title2.png) Okay, to start things off. I just started working on my own Online RPG a couple days ago. I have a bit done, and currently looking for some help. The name of the game is, Avarol, and my plans are to make a serious cartoon RPG with a lot of original features. What I mean by "serious cartoon" is, I want to have bright colors with unique visuals. As well as the serious aspects of an RPG. At this moment, my priority is getting a programmer to work with me. I wouldn't mind another pixel artist working with me as well. I will show a few things I have completed. Most of the tileset will change in color and possibly the way its structured. But mostly aimed on the colors to give it that cartoon feel. _________________________________ ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/avarol-party-menu.png) This is the planned GUI, as well as one of the current inside tilesets I am working on. I plan on having eight or more inside tilesets, as well as, four to six outside terrain tilesets. This is just an example of the Party GUI. If your curious to what the little boxes at the bottom of each persons spot on the GUI are, then I will tell you. They are buff, and debuff spots. They will only appear if you have a buff or debuff active. _________________________________ ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/ani-trans.gif)![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/animation-4.gif) Currently working on the character animation, and what looks best. I will probably go through a few of these, before I find something I am satisfied with. _________________________________ ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/merrimint_weapons1.png) These are more directed towards what the weapons will look like, since I did make these for another RPG. These are more or less to show what I am capable of. _________________________________ ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/UkyoMetro/merrimint_potions.png) These are also for another RPG, but show my capabilities. _________________________________ I have a lot of idea's and looking for someone that is more than capable at applying them to this game. If you are interested, then please send me a forum PM and I can discuss my plans and features I have set for this project. I'm not delayed, so if you are currently working on another project, and don't have time to help at the moment, then that's fine. I still have a lot of art I must complete, I plan on doing that in the meantime. If you have any questions, then simply PM me. Thank you, for taking the time to read this. **Hiring the following:** **Programmer** - (_Send me examples of features and systems, you have created that you are proud of, via PM_) **Pixel Artist** - (_Send me examples of pixel art, that you have created that shows your abilities, via PM_) I am looking for serious people that present themselves professionally that show maturity, when its needed. This is a must, but don't get me wrong, humor is always needed. I am a very dedicated person, I will not leave the project. This is one of the main reasons I decided to make my own RPG, because everyone leaves me. I also have a set of plans that I am currently writing up to keep everyone on the team focused on what are objectives are.
  19. Scribbyz


    @Robin: > @GM: > > > Keep the images 32x32 its better that way. You might mess up the source of the game. > > Don't be a bloody idiot. Telling someone they shouldn't try something because they might mess it up? _Everyone_ does that. It's a part of the learning process. > > @Scribbyz: > > > Well, I had a tileset I made and it was 16x16\. But I am making them 32x32 pretty quickly. So its all good. > > If you want to try and make it 16x16, then go ahead. It's not a small task however, and is not suitable for your first source code edit. I'm fine, thanks though. =) Fixed. Lol.
  20. Scribbyz


    Well, I had a tileset I made and it was 16x16\. But I am making them 32x32 pretty quickly. So its all good.
  21. Scribbyz


    Well I'm willing to learn. I'll look somewhere else I suppose. -_-
  22. Scribbyz


    I searched, and couldn't find anything explaining this or if its a possibility. But, is there a way to change the tilesize from 32x32 to 16x16? Sorry if this has been answered, but I am having no luck finding the thread. Appreciate any help sent my way. =D I am using Eclipse Origins. UPDATE: Okay, I went into the modConstants.bas and changed the PIC_X, and PIC_Y to 16, but it's still not showing up as that though.
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