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  1. I use ES and I am trying to get more then the default 10 buttons to get more tilesets. Now you can only use up to 10 and I have 29 tilesets. So I edited it but it doesn't work. Yes I am pretty much sure that this is an noobish question and the script is all messed up. But I'm here to learn. ``` Private Sub cmdtype_Click(index As Integer) If index = 1 Then MapEditorSelectedType = 1 Me.fraAttribs.Visible = False Me.fraLayers.Visible = True Me.frmtile.Visible = True ElseIf index = 2 Then MapEditorSelectedType = 2 Me.shpSelected.Width = 32 Me.shpSelected.Height = 32 Me.fraLayers.Visible = False Me.frmtile.Visible = False Me.fraAttribs.Visible = True Else MapEditorSelectedType = 3 Me.fraAttribs.Visible = False Me.fraLayers.Visible = False Me.frmtile.Visible = False Me.Option1(27).value = True Me.picBackSelect.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Tiles29.bmp") EditorSet = 29 scrlPicture.max = Int((picBackSelect.Height - picBack.Height) / PIC_Y) End If End Sub ``` EDIT: I edited the Client.VBP by the way, (edited the code from FrmMapEditor) EDIT2: I edited this now in ModConstants, still nothing; ``` Public Const ExtraSheets = 10 ```to ``` Public Const ExtraSheets = 29 ```
  2. Tried Vista and SP2, still doesn't work.
  3. So i should use XP SP 3?
  4. @Robin: > Run the library files _properly_. I actually did. Several times. How can i not run them properly? Whenever i run them its just next > next > finish
  5. @Robin: > Install the library files. No way. I did that for like 100 times already. But it still give the error. I tried to register DX7VB.dll seperately but it says its not compatible with my version of windows or idk. I have Windows 7.
  6. This doesn't make any sense. Whenever i try to enter my game, it gives me this error: Error initializing DirectDraw! Make sure you have DirectX 7 or higher installed and a compatible graphics device. Err: -2147024770, Desc: Automation error. Well i have a pretty new pc so whatever he says is nonsense.
  7. MrAvi

    Automation Error

    Whenever i try to run the EE Server, i get an Automation Error. Run-time error '-2147024770 (8007007e)': Automation error
  8. If there isnt an easy way, can i also just paste the sheets below the existing one?
  9. How can i have multiple character sheets in EE? Is it just like the tiles? Sprites, Sprites1, Sprites2 etc?
  10. @Robin: > You haven't added the scrollbar to the form then. You mean ``` DropIndex = scrlDrop.Value ```? Because i actually did.
  11. @DJMaxus: > @Ertzel: > > > whenever I try to compile the client, I get this error > > in modGameEditors, under Public Sub NpcEditorInit() > > ``` > > .txtChance.text = CStr(Npc(EditorIndex).DropChance) > > ``` > > In NpcEditorInit() > > Underneath "**Dim I As Long**" Add: > ``` > Dim DropIndex As Long > ``` > Underneath "**EditorIndex = frmEditor_NPC.lstIndex.ListIndex + 1**" Add: > ``` > DropIndex = frmEditor_NPC.scrlDrop.Value > ``` > Then replace: > ``` > .txtChance.text = CStr(Npc(EditorIndex).DropChance) > .scrlNum.Value = Npc(EditorIndex).DropItem > .scrlValue.Value = Npc(EditorIndex).DropItemValue > ``` > With: > > ``` > .txtChance.text = CStr(Npc(EditorIndex).DropChance(DropIndex)) > .scrlNum.Value = Npc(EditorIndex).DropItem(DropIndex) > .scrlValue.Value = Npc(EditorIndex).DropItemValue(DropIndex) > ``` > Go into the frmEditor_NPC and search for "Private Sub scrlNum_Change()" > Underneath it Add: > ``` > DropIndex = scrlDrop.Value > ```And do the same for "Private Sub scrlValue_Change()" > > This should fix the Mismatch error, as well as the Subscript out of range error you would receive from adding the DropIndex. Doesn´t work, it gives an error at: ``` DropIndex = frmEditor_NPC[b].scrlDrop[/b].Value ```(At .scrlDrop)
  12. MrAvi

    [EO] Quest… D:

    Is there an Quest script (which i can ofcourse implement in the source code) which is compatible with EO? I would very much appreciate it..
  13. MrAvi

    All My Question

    #6; You can create gold by going to the admin menu of whatever server you are using (mostly F1). Then go to the item editor, set the first item as "Currency", name it and done.
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