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Everything posted by Mikekan13

  1. > xD I wasn't talking about the GUI, I can tell what that means. > I mean the tiles in the background with the boards. Like, the stairs and stuff. Near the top left there's a lot of it. I hope you get what I mean. Ok. Although I wouldn't worry about it. There will be many different kinds of wood tiles and they will be different hues and such.
  2. It isn't rock or wood. Although it is unfinished I think it is easy to tell that it is supposed to be a computer tablet.
  3. Here is a little Wip. Gives you an idea how the menus are being handled. The tablet will be able to be docked on top, bottom, or either side of the screen. The tablet although used for navigating things like inventory and building menus, will also be used for other things; things I won't disclose about the tablet right now. I will say that it won't be just the interface you use to play the game.
  4. they would fall. Edit: So this post isn't wasted. I have been working on the GUI and related art for the game. I will post some images in a couple days.
  5. > Nice looking stairs i like the wood and stone textures. Thanks. Now that my second son is born and life is getting back to normal–as normal as it can get with no sleep--I am refocusing my game designs for FtG and preparing to make the leap into coding this bad boy in C. I am waiting for some more news about Stephan's rumored C eclipse and focusing more time to artwork. I will show some of it as I complete it and some I will keep under wraps. The screen shots I have now is getting closer to my desired look but still a ways off. I might make a quick mock-up shot so you can get a sense of what I envision the final product to look like. Other than that I will just plug the sprites into the old vb6 engine and show the screens from that until I can get a working C engine to show off. I know this kind of sucks and I hate the delay more than anyone but I wan't FtG to succeed and be done right. Because of this big jump back I am trying to find one or two people to join me. I am usually against teams but I don't want this to take more than a year to get into a stable beta. If you are completely serious or know someone who might be interested then please send me an email at [email protected] or pm me here. Please have experience in programming if you contact me. I might also be looking for an animator/spriter if they can match my style and work quickly.
  6. Playing Creatures at a young age effected the way I do my AI. If you haven't played Creatures then you should see if you can find a copy of creatures 2 or 3\. It has some of the most advanced AI of any game.
  7. > Awesome News! I thought this was gonna be a game in the trash. :/ > > But anyways, that's cool to hear. The only way FtG will ever be trashed is if I die. > Hope you keep us updated with the graphics, while waiting for the C Eclipse I will. Trying to convince a buddy of mine to help me with some of the art so as to speed along the process. I'm not sure what the time frame on Eclipse C will be like but hopefully I can have a big chunk of the graphics done when I start working on the new engine. Side Note: If anyone is a C developer or knows a C developer who is looking for a serious project to be apart of then please drop me a line at my email ([email protected]). I'm not expecting anyone to do all the work or even the bulk of it, but It would be helpful to have someone experienced to be able to help alleviate the burden.
  8. Here is the state of things: I'm going to stop trying to fool myself and do this game right. I am going to start over. (last time. I swear!). Stephan is going to be making an Eclipse C engine; So this is a great time for me to learn C and make a game worthy of my aspirations. This is a set back but I don't think it will be long before I can get back to where I was. FtG was never suited for vb6 or any other high level language. It was me being lazy and I should have just done it right to begin with. Live and learn. While I am learning C syntax and waiting for Stephan to release some kind of alpha I will work on the art work for FtG. I will be releasing the vb6 alpha just so people can see where I was going. I might even release the source. I will set up some kind of open server in the next week or so. My wife is actually being induced today or I would set something up this week. (second boy). Bringing a big fat book on C programming to the hospital. ;)
  9. > Not true: the majority of proper design should be learnt by reading the appropriate course material. Reading through a compiler's source code is not going to teach you anything, unless you know compiler theory. The same counts for every other piece of software. > > The game engine might teach you how certain things should be done, sometimes could be done, but it will not teach you why certain things were done like that, and neither will it be able to teach you certain concepts. There are different ways to learn. I learn best by hands on tinkering. If I don't understand why something is done a certain way in the code that I am studying then I look up the theories behind it online.
  10. I have been watching/reading tutorials on C but I think I will learn the most when I get my hands on this Eclipse C engine.
  11. > By the look of it, it's kind of obvious why you won't have much luck with VB6 using Windows 8 The best part was the comments people left him. This guy is smoking something good. I will just leave THIS here | V
  12. 3 it will be. Thanks for the feedback!
  13. Here is all three with stacks. Votes: #1: 0 #2: 0 #3: 3
  14. > although would it be possible to see how it would affect multiple blocks stacked on top of each other? sure. Here is number 3 with stacked blocks
  15. Okay. So I cleaned up the outlines a bit and came up with three different versions. I am not sure which to use though. I am leaning towards number 2\. Help me out and tell me what you guys think is the best one. Votes: #1: 0 #2: 0 #3: 1
  16. Ok. Eased back into coding today. Added outlines to cliff edges. I will probably tweak these a bit but I like how they make everything pop and it is way easier to tell the height and distance of cliffs.
  17. Haven't touched the code in awhile. Had some personal things come up. It is ready for the pre-alpha I just haven't had the time to clean up a couple things and get it up. Plus I wan't to have time to work on the game during the pre-alpha so I am waiting till I get through these personal issues. Don't worry, Favor the Gods isn't going anywhere. Sorry for the long wait.
  18. Mikekan13

    Gui movement.

    > Maybe im stuck in the past Ya just a bit since we are on cs5 now :P
  19. Wow… I thought my D3D code was a mess.
  20. > How do we know if we made the testing? Anyone that sent me a pm will be testing. I still have a few spots too. As far as progress goes: Decided to add a chat system–almost done with it. Just some loose ends to tie up and I will be done with all the pre-alpha stuff. A few more days at best. I decided the pre-alpha is only going to last a couple days. At which point I will take the server down and work on any bugs found. After those bugs are fixed I will put the server up and leave it open to the alpha testers. However the server will be constantly going up and down as I add new features and fix bugs. This will go on until I add all the main systems. At which point I will open it completely up for the beta. I estimate that from alpha to beta will probably take most of the summer and maybe a bit into the fall. I am hoping to have this thing in a solid beta by the end of October so I can play Skyrim, Dark Souls, BF3\. :) Once in beta I will most likely port over to a different language. (C# maybe Java)
  21. Sorry for the double post. I think I have it now. Here is the code I am using. It seems to work with the few tests I have thrown at it. Do you see any errors with it? ``` Public Function WordWrap(ByVal Text As String, ByVal lineLimit As Long, ByRef ReturnString() As String) As Boolean Dim lastSpace As Long Dim wrapPoint As Long Dim lineNum As Long Dim lenLine As Long Dim cntBreaks As Long Dim i As Long If lineLimit
  22. > Can't wait mikekan!!! Me either! Working as fast as I can. :)
  23. ``` Public Function WordWrap(ByVal text As String, ByVal lineLimit As Long, ByRef returnString() As String) As Boolean Dim lastSpace, wrapPoint, lineNum As Long Dim i As Long wrapPoint = lineLimit + 1 For i = 1 To Len(text) Select Case Mid$(text, i, 1) Case " ": lastSpace = i Case "_": lastSpace = i Case "-": lastSpace = i End Select If i = wrapPoint Then lineNum = lineNum + 1 If lastSpace = wrapPoint - lineLimit Then ' Check for the last space in this line ReDim Preserve returnString(1 To lineNum) ' Send line to pointer returnString(lineNum) = Mid$(text, wrapPoint - lineLimit, lastSpace) wrapPoint = wrapPoint + lineLimit Else ' no spaces in the line ReDim Preserve returnString(1 To lineNum) ' Send line to pointer returnString(lineNum) = Mid$(text, wrapPoint - lineLimit, wrapPoint) wrapPoint = wrapPoint + lineLimit End If End If Next ReDim Preserve returnString(1 To lineNum + 1) returnString(lineNum + 1) = Mid$(text, wrapPoint - lineLimit) End Function ``` Still not there. The problem Is telling how many character to put on the last line I think? The text starts to add itself to previous lines. Been staring at it too long and I think I am trying to over complicate it again. Sigh*
  24. Mikekan13

    Gui movement.

    > Theres always paint.net, has most of photoshop's features. No… no it doesn't. I don't even think paint.net supports tablets.
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