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Everything posted by Tala

  1. Tala

    Eclipse on Wine

    Yeah I have the runtimes installed, but the DX7 object isnt being created, and it creates automatically. Anyone know where i can get a Dx7 download, cause ive installed 8 & 9 but those didnt fix it.
  2. Tala

    Eclipse on Wine

    I ma trying to run EO on wine, but i am having a problem with the client. For some reason the DirectX object, or any objects made at runtime for that matter. All the dll and ocx files needed are installed and registered so i don't see why this is happening. When I was able to debug it in VB6 i got **DX7 = Nothing**, but now not even vb6 ide is loading so IDK.
  3. I just made pictuerboxes that are on top of it ;p
  4. New GUI image posted, also I was gonna try RPG Maker VX style, but now me and helladen decided on the new look.
  5. All the things on it, save the border and background are from Wind's Nocturne. Also I see what you meant with the clashing, I raised the shade of the elements on the image and it doesn't clash as much, at least in my opinion. also the layout is just temporary, I am just trying to get all the parts made before I actually setup the layout, the current layout used because it is alot more appealing then a jumbled mess :cheesy: :P :cheesy:
  6. Here is the user interface I made for Reoria & LoA Modern. I used images from Robins Wind Nocturn GUI, Enterbrains RPG Maker VX, and Outsparks Fiesta. Most of these are just planning out and will probably be modified a bit. Also please do not whine about the gradients, they are staying. Main Game Interface: ![](http://www.sycalix.tk/loa/gui/frmMain.png)
  7. @aminooo: > Way too epic for a 24 hours result, congratulations. I agree… *Looks Robin in the eyes* Lelouche Vi Britannia commands you, give us the source. :P Mostly cause you acomplished in 24 hours what I've been trying todo for a while now, damn my short attention span. Other then that, it looks pretty GJ.
  8. I so need to learn DirectX8 so I can port my engine to it ;p
  9. DirectX8 I take it, if so whered u get the code, tutorials, all the ones ive looked at are crap.
  10. Yes I know you said its only 1 line of code but still **give people credit for thier work**… :icon_meditation: **Tala** :rolleyes: **Helladen**
  11. For RPG Maker XP Style Sprites In BltPLayer Replace everything from **' Set the left** to **Blt Sprite** with: ``` ' Set the left Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index) Case DIR_UP spriteleft = 3 Case DIR_RIGHT spriteleft = 2 Case DIR_DOWN spriteleft = 0 Case DIR_LEFT spriteleft = 1 End Select With rec .Top = (spriteleft) * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4) .Bottom = .Top + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4) .Left = (Anim + 1) * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4) .Right = .Left + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4) End With ' Calculate the X X = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).XOffset - ((DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4 - 32) / 2) ' Is the player's height more than 32..? If (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight) > 32 Then ' Create a 32 pixel offset for larger sprites Y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).YOffset - ((DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4) - 32) Else ' Proceed as normal Y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).YOffset End If ' render the actual sprite Call BltSprite(Sprite, X, Y, rec) ``` Now do the same in BltNpc With this: ``` ' Set the left Select Case MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir Case DIR_UP spriteleft = 3 Case DIR_RIGHT spriteleft = 2 Case DIR_DOWN spriteleft = 0 Case DIR_LEFT spriteleft = 1 End Select With rec .Top = (spriteleft) * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4) .Bottom = .Top + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4) .Left = (Anim + 1) * (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4) .Right = .Left + (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4) End With ' Calculate the X X = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).X * PIC_X + MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset - ((DDSD_Character(Sprite).lWidth / 4 - 32) / 2) ' Is the player's height more than 32..? If (DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight) > 32 Then ' Create a 32 pixel offset for larger sprites Y = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Y * PIC_Y + MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset - ((DDSD_Character(Sprite).lHeight / 4) - 32) Else ' Proceed as normal Y = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Y * PIC_Y + MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset End If Call BltSprite(Sprite, X, Y, rec) ```
  12. I might add my class editor in, ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/Class%20Editor.png)
  13. Hey I couldn't find tile animations. I take it they still need to be added?
  14. Anyone else notice the menu music he put on the client?
  15. :azn: Yay my island's shores can be animated. No more "frozen in time" water. :azn:
  16. In the InitServer Sub you need to change: ``` If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\items", vbDirectory)) "items" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\items") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\maps", vbDirectory)) "maps" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\maps") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\npcs", vbDirectory)) "npcs" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\npcs") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\shops", vbDirectory)) "shops" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\shops") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\spells", vbDirectory)) "spells" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\spells") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\data\accounts", vbDirectory)) "accounts" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\data\accounts") End If ``` to ``` If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\items", vbDirectory)) "items" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\items") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\maps", vbDirectory)) "maps" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\maps") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\npcs", vbDirectory)) "npcs" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\npcs") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\shops", vbDirectory)) "shops" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\shops") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\Data\spells", vbDirectory)) "spells" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\Data\spells") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\data\accounts", vbDirectory)) "accounts" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\data\accounts") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\data\animations", vbDirectory)) "animations" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\data\animations") End If If LCase$(Dir(App.Path & "\data\resources", vbDirectory)) "resources" Then Call MkDir(App.Path & "\data\resources") End If ``` So it checks for the Animations and resources directories.
  17. Oh this was just a side project while i wait for Robin to release the next version. My main game is one that has diddly squat to do with nintendo or zelda. http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/ , but all that is on it right not is 1 page.
  18. Any news on when Origins 1.0.4 is being released? Waiting on it to start my game. Also are map tile animations being added?
  19. Well since this is canceled, anyone know how i can use DirectX8 to draw an interface onto a DirectX 7 Surface, if not i might just go screw with RootSource until Origins 1.0.4 is out.
  20. What I don't get is why the developer's at nintendo are being stupid. Fan games that don't make money and promote the series are good. But then again you got thousands of noobs who make fail games and ruin it for all the good developers.
  21. **Legend of Zelda - Tales Across Time** This is a small project I started to pass time. **Main Storyline** Coming Soon **Classes** **Hylian** ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/2.bmp) ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/3.bmp) **Strength:** 12 **Defense:** 14 **Speed:** 8 **Magic:** 6 **Deku** ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/4.bmp) ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/5.bmp) **Strength:** 2 **Defense:** 6 **Speed:** 14 **Magic:** 18 **Goron** ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/8.bmp) ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/9.bmp) **Strength:** 18 **Defense:** 16 **Speed:** 5 **Magic:** 1 **Zora** ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/6.bmp) ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/7.bmp) **Strength:** 8 **Defense:** 11 **Speed:** 15 **Magic:** 6 **Features** - 32x64 Sprites ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/2.bmp) - Spawn Animation ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/Monster_Spawn.bmp) - Death Animation ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/Monster_Death.bmp) - Item Durability Affects Damage Boost **Screen Shots** Character Select Screen ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/frmChars_ScreenShot.png) [WIP] Main Game Screen ![](http://www.land-of-the-dragons.tk/zelda/screenshots/frmMirage_ScreenShot.png)
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