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Everything posted by vulpixy

  1. Looking better. Might I suggest doing a jagged line on the bottom of the tree trunk? That way it looks like grass in front of it
  2. I noticed in some other games on here people had attack and idle animations. I was wondering if these are possible in 4.1, or are people using the custom/modded versions.
  3. I like your pattern for the cliff, and I also agree with Murdoc. Also I would suggest doing the outlines with something other than black, like a dark green for the leaves and brown for the trunk
  4. Billy Joel - You may be right.
  5. > Kinda looks like the monk has boobs in your update. Overall I do like what you have :D , if you want to up the professional look a bit I'd say add another frame to the walking to make it smoother. …and now I must fix the old man boobies haha. Btw the animation is just to show how he would look walking in the game. Is it possible to add more frames to the game's walk cycle? I'm using the newest version btw (4.1)
  6. Good morning! Still looking for some opinions on the new sprite before I start making the rest of em
  7. > It is a new, latest and greatest feature… like houses, quests, etc it is simply meant to be a demo to help build up gold ;) okay then :) I'll be getting Gold anyways (when I can afford it), so I won't haveto worry about the limitations afterwards. EDIT: Marked as resolved.
  8. > 1) I want to say that it will but I am honestly not 100% sure. If it does work you will have to be very careful with your alignment. > > > > 2) & 3) are basically the same, at this point in time there is no real way to do this :( > > > > The pets are pretty slow I will most likely speed them up in the next update ;) 1) Guess I'll just try it and see what happens. If I remember to I'll post my results. 2&3) Where can I suggest those 2 as additions in future updates? I'd want to have a bit of focus on character customization, and what better way then with costumes! (that, and costumes were going to be the bulk of my "cash shop" if this ever gets off the ground) and I can't wait till pets are fixed. Also why only one pet in silver? :(
  9. > Compared to most spriting "attempts" that are posted this is one of the best I have seen. I love the style and all the detail. (I am not an artist so I cannot give real critique) > > > > Keep up the excellent work! haha thanks! Like I said, I'm planning to make a serious game, so I'm basically competing with the "Big Boyz" haha… Sadly they have loads of ppl working on their games (while I have little ol' me >.
  10. 1) Do the paperdolls have to fit in the same "squares" as the character? (like if the sprite is 32x64, can I put wings on it that extend past that, or are they restricted to 32/64) 2) My goal is to implement costumes in the game, as well as have the normal gear paperdoll…. is that currently doable in the game? (if not, consider this a suggestion for "Costume Slots") 3) I'm also wanting to add the ability to change your hair/eyes in the game. How best to do that? Bonus Question) How do I speed my pet up? It moves so slow.... Thanks :)
  11. > The color choices could be better, perhaps more contrast. The animation looks fine mostly aside from the fact that the shoulders seem a bit stiff. > > Looks pretty nice so far, keep it up! thanks for the response. I'm noticing that I need a bit darker shading on the robes too. Does the face look okay, or does that need more shading as well?
  12. Hi all! Now that I got EO 4.1 and have it working on my computer at home, I've been busy working on some graphics for the game I want to make (more on that sometime in the future.) For now, I wanted to get some opinions on the sprites I'm making. ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img24/6718/tcou.gif) What do you guys think? Is there anything that needs improving? My goal is to have a professional- looking game, so any and all suggestions on how I may improve are welcome. Thanks for your help! P.S. He's not for use, so plz don't take him :) EDIT: Here's my updated design for the monk. I added more contrast and fixed the color palette. I'm gonna wait to see what everyone thinks before I redo the rest of the sprites, so keep the comments coming! ![](http://imageshack.us/a/img839/5209/55df.png) EDIT #2: Okay, I fixed the old guy and made up a few more examples. As always please don't use :) ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img203/139/b9i.gif) fixed old Monk ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img547/7968/3ht7.png) girl example ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img838/2307/hqf.gif) ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img829/4513/c5f.gif) ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img407/9796/d77.gif) walking examples
  13. Really nice artwork, but I'm also curious about your experience with sprinting. Its very different from normal digital media.
  14. Oh, okay. I was wanting to have events that I would progress after enough people did it.
  15. Okay, so say 100 people did it, the variable would be 100? If so, then that's all I need. Also, is there a way to make a tutorial area that's client side? And is there a way to have a npc say something different based on a player's "race"?
  16. Is there a way I can see how many times a quest has been done? I have an idea for my game, where something progresses after enough help has been given.
  17. Yay! Now I just need to find time to download it haha.
  18. Also: changing the forum confused me a bit haha… thought I was in the wrong place x)
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