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Everything posted by Lavos

  1. @'Slasheree': > Then it's just like in that guys code, your "custom made progress bar" has to have a width property somewhere, all you have to do is: > > If you want current file progress then: > > onDownloadChuck(){ > .width = (Round((BytesReceivedOnThisChuckDownload / FileLength) * 100)) //to give value between 0-100 > } > > If you want whole download progress you'll have to check the full size of the download he needs and change FileLength to WholeThingLength it looks like im having issues with getting inet.openurl() and inet.chunk() functions to work together, then i made this code for the chunk below: ``` Private Sub DownloadFile(ByVal URL As String, ByVal Filename As String) Dim FileBytes() As Byte Dim FileNum As Integer Dim BytesRecieved As Long Dim FileLength As Long Dim StrHeader As String Const CHUNK_SIZE As Long = 1024 DoEvents With frmMain.inetDownload .URL = URL .Execute , "GET", , "Range: Bytes=" & CStr(BytesRecieved) & "-" & vbCrLf While .StillExecuting DoEvents Wend End With StrHeader = frmMain.inetDownload.GetHeader("Content-Length") FileLength = Val(StrHeader) DoEvents BytesRecieved = 0 FileNum = FreeFile() Open Filename For Binary Access Write As #FileNum Do FileBytes() = frmMain.inetDownload.GetChunk(CHUNK_SIZE, icByteArray) Put #FileNum, , FileBytes() BytesRecieved = BytesRecieved + UBound(FileBytes, 1) + 1 DownloadProgress (Round((BytesRecieved / FileLength) * 100)) DoEvents Loop While UBound(FileBytes, 1) > 0 Close #FileNum Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub DownloadProgress(ByVal Percentage As String) frmMain.shpProgressfill.Width = Percentage End Sub ``` Its still a work in progress, i've never worked with inet before so i've been fiddling with things around it.
  2. @'Slasheree': > @'Lavos': > > > that guy uses microsoftcontrols 5.0 where i decided to build mine from using shapes. > > what do you mean by that ? the progress bars and such ? im trying to use inet.getchuck function to work with the progression for a custom made progressbar. I'm hoping someone here would figure it out before I do. It seems all the programmers for eclipse have moved on to something else.
  3. @'Slasheree': > First hit on google seems to do exactly what you need: [http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?311040-Download-File-Using-Inet-With-Progress-Bar](http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?311040-Download-File-Using-Inet-With-Progress-Bar) > > > >! y u no google !? I've googled that same exact link before. The thing is that that guy uses microsoftcontrols 5.0 where i decided to build mine from using shapes. It's far different than what I had in mind.
  4. Seems like no one here doesn't have a decent vb6 updater to share anymore so I decided to make one. Hopefull this site still has some vb6 users lurking around to help me. What I'm trying to do is have a progress bar work upon downloading files from the web. I'm using Inet functions just so you know. https://gyazo.com/ca22e13e74a9903aed260cc50a490aa1 I do have teamviewer if you're wondering, you could shoot me up a pm with your discord ID or skype if you want to go that route. A pseudo code would appreciated too!
  5. Lavos

    Eclipse Gold

    A lot of things happened while you were away. You probably want to check up on Link with that.
  6. I've manage to get a dedicated server running 24/7\. I'm still looking for good help for mapping levels. Don't be shy to throw me a pm or reply here.
  7. Thx matt this actually is pretty good skeleton to work with.
  8. @'Mohenjo: > Lavos, I have a perma death code that you can use for a guide in this (granted there's more to the code because it's an on/off code) but let me know if you'd like to see it for this. Sure thing bruh, just show me the door and ill get right to it.
  9. Sounds kinda fun to do. If you want i could probably try and take a crack at it. I'm pretty sure its going take some parts of the server side ondeath, but the rendering should be simple.
  10. Lavos


    Shouldn't be so hard, I'm sure there is some tutorials around the forum if you look hard enough.
  11. Sounds more than enough.
  12. @'SkywardRiver': > lol. It's meant for ease of use. It's the most downloaded version of Eclipse since EO 2.0 (I'm fairly certain) and anything on this site isn't meant to be used in a full commercial project without a complete overhall, like Nin Online. If you just want to rip something out to not include my name in the credits, go ahead. Some peeps even claim to have programmed the entirety of the engine themselves. Screw me for trying to keep my name in something I've done and given to the community for free lol. Anyways, this is the last you'll hear of me, Eclipse. (unless I need to set some records straight or something like that in the future) > > See ya I'm sorry to hear this from you, since you worked so hard on this modification. I know keeping updates to Skywyre if fairly difficult when proper bug reports aren't reported. I looked at your code and I did like how you've done with most of it. As appreciation, I did plan on including you on my credits scene along with Eclipse and Ascension and some others. I am very sure that the community will love and remember your work. Thanks for sharing. @'BeNjO': > I'm not one to normally join in on stuff like this. But I think you are the first person to complain about how Skywyre runs. Yeah some stuff could be done better but most people forget its still Eclipse based. Without re-doing the whole engine and then some, You are still limited to how Eclipse as a whole runs. I found Skywyre top of my list when it came to engines regardless of my relationship with SkywardRiver. It came across as very rude considering the time and effort another member put in ( and released for free). Regardless of a few issues (which would of been cleaned up if skyward remained on eclipse) the engine was awesome. I agree that the engine is awesome, it's such a shame that Skyward decided to pull the plug on it when I know it still has so much room for improvement. @'sherwin': > Your project is nice, really nice.. the graphics and the menu screen itself is awesome.. > if you don't like Skywyre why don't you create your own base engine using the base engine like Mirage source, EO 2.0, EO 3.0 or something and add only the stuff that you need for your game Thanks for the feedback Sherwin! I'm not saying Skywyre sucks like that, quite frankly I think that is amazing how far eclipse has gone since Robin made the release of the base after the evolution. If I knew I couldn't fix bugs on an engine like skywyre then I wouldn't make the transfer in the first place. I just think every engine is great, they just need more love and support from the community.
  13. Took a break and decided to take a snapshot during the middle of my work. I began porting my code over to the Skywyre Engine v10 and my god the code is so broken that i did a complete sweep before my code was transferred. I can only say to those who use skywyre will only be disappointed and unusable if you don't have any coding and debugging experience. The only reason that I've decided this is because transferring my code is much easyer than to rip out code from skyewyre. Nearly 1/3 of its code was ripped out and thrown away. Which is the whole menu system from Database handlers and rendering/collision. ![](http://i.imgur.com/9Xuxzp6.jpg)
  14. I've been looking for a seasoned artist, would you be interested working with Gates of Anubis?
  15. bumped, Still looking for eclipse experienced users. 2nd programmer preferably to help explain things to the team. Sometimes i find myself swamped from debugging while 10 questions are being thrown.
  16. Animation update, though it is jittery… ![](http://i.imgur.com/AzRRJLK.gif)
  17. I'm looking for a VB6 made auto-updater again, is there any chance of getting it here again?
  18. @'Mohenjo: > If you get custom tielsets at a later point when you've finished the mapping, give the tilesets you have to the person making them so they can (hopefully) make the new tilesets with the same layout that way you don't need to remap everything. Hope that makes sense lol I don't even have a serious map to begin with, just 3 maps as a place holder for heavy testing the code. It should be easy for a good mapper to think up ways on how a map should look like. Though I'm a little effy when once my OCD kicks in. Like one example is if i see a forest map suddenly connects to a snow map, I would strongly demand to build a cave dungeon between them. :@ ![](http://i.imgur.com/HYA1Joz.png)
  19. Tileset im using are from rpg maker vx and valkryie chronicals, to be honest most of my content are just place holders as i slowly develop more features while i add better content. Maybe if you know better tilesets you can work with at this point of the project. I might make an exception on changing everything out for the tilesets you would like to work with.
  20. just a little update on my title screen, im still looking for helpers. Have a look in my video! =) https://youtu.be/OQEAW0JzF60
  21. Lavos

    RTE 91

    ..ugh you're asking a hard question their buddy. The only way of thinking to solve RTE91 is to actually move into debugging tools to see what is actually happening with between client and server. Just use the immediate box to find out what value is it returning.
  22. Do you do gifs as well? I would like you to do an animation starting from black to white to black using all 16,777,216 colors (24 bits, "truecolor") . Animation must be set to 1.5 seconds in each frame.
  23. @'BeNjO': > Needs more details on the floor, random flowers, stumps, rocks etc. You could change the trees to be random not all the same. You also need to make the path worn out and more random and none linear with non paved short cuts of a mussy grass tile set as not everybody sticks to the paths. There is also some graphical errors, 1 is your fault 2 are the tiles I think. > > ![](http://puu.sh/p6Rv2/65546b8c1c.jpg) How nice of you. It's nice to know that people are still willing to look out for flaws. It's probably your OCD kicking in again.
  24. Meh… working with large teams really suck, 2 people would be enough for a project. Maybe later a 3rd recruit would be made once you notice it's necessary.
  25. This link shows you best examples of a forest map, that map looks like a person that randomly place thing all over the place expecting it to look like forest with trees you can run though. Just –-> [CLICK HERE!](https://www.google.com/search?q=rpg+maker+lush+forest&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAqfb1-NfLAhUJ5GMKHWUxDNMQsAQIKw#imgrc=REzaVzfgjVMlqM%3A)
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