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Everything posted by Krumelz

  1. @Dremek: > Hey, this is me again, with a stupid non-working piece of code. > > TextBox2.Text = "Signed In As" + My.Settings.Username > > Does not work, when I'm told it should. Any ideas? This is visual basic 2010. try: ``` TextBox2.Text = "Signed In As" & My.Settings.Username ```
  2. Krumelz


    thanks for the fast reply. And it worked o.o have been messing around for 2 hours now, wouldnt have guessed that its that easy xD thanks alot
  3. Krumelz


    Hello. I'm trying to get the Engine_BltToDC command to work. I want to blt my 32x32 picture in my 32x32 picbox. But as i hit the button that should start the blting nothing happens. I put a breakpoint at the engine_bltfast command in that sub, to see if its even being called. And it is. I hope you guys can help me, heres my code. ``` Dim srect As RECT, drect As RECT Frmmaingame.pictest.Cls With drect .Top = 0 .Bottom = Frmmaingame.pictest.height .Left = 0 .Right = Frmmaingame.pictest.width End With With srect .Top = 0 .Bottom = Frmmaingame.pictest.height .Left = 0 .Right = Frmmaingame.pictest.width End With Engine_BltToDC DDS_test, srect, drect, Frmmaingame.pictest, False ``` hope you can help me. -Krumelz
  4. @saruish: > the current verison. 1.5 > > I think it showing up but it not showing up like it should. im seeing something at the very very top at first I didnt notice it but I started noticing like two something there. everytime my character moves it moves with him. but it like at the very top of the screen. > > it could be due to the level code I added that shows players level. Thats odd. May you could send me the source of the subs you edited, so I can try to help you. @Ecclestio: > There is also another problem you should look into. Seeing as not everyone will know not to try to put spaces in their status(I.e. "/status run away"). You should make it so they are unable to do so, or find some way to allow spaces in it. Otherwise it gives a run time error and the server crashes. > > Also it'd be nice if it would accept capital letters as well, $UCase() or something. Fixed both of it, just change ``` Case "/status" If Not UBound(command) < 1 Then Call SendCommand("status", Trim$(command(1))) Else Call SendCommand("status", "0") End If ``` to ``` Dim status As String status = Right$(ChatText, Len(ChatText) - 7) If Not UBound(command) < 1 Then Call SendCommand("status", status) Else Call SendCommand("status", "0") End If ``` Capitals and Spaces should work now. Any other problem? Just reply, i hope i can help ^^ ~Krumelz
  5. which version of eclipse are you using?
  6. Krumelz

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    @thezeus: > I triple doggy dare you to do it today, lol. Got your request done and rewrote it in 1.3.1 the problem simply was that theres no Npc Drops included in 1.3.1, ateast i didnt find it .. well, to get it to work simply go to Sub PlayerAttackNpc, find: ``` ' Now set HP to 0 so we know to actually kill them in the server loop (this prevents subscript out of range) ```and BEFORE that add: ``` ' Drop the goods if they get it n = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).DropChance) + 1 If Npc(NpcNum).Boss = 1 Then Call PlayerWarp(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).BossMap, Npc(NpcNum).BossX, Npc(NpcNum).BossY) If n = 1 Then If FindOpenInvSlot(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem) = 0 Then Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, Player(Attacker).x, Player(Attacker).Y) Else Call GiveInvItem(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, True) End If End If Else If n = 1 Then Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum).Y) End If End If ``` This should 1) include Npc drops to 1.3.1 and 2) make the Boss npc's work. Hope it helps. ^^ ~Krumelz
  7. Krumelz

    Server problems

    For some reason my server actually stopped working .. everything like logging in, registering etc works fine, same with commands, chat and all that stuff. But i actually cant move, neither do the npc's. Tried to connect on localhost, still the same. Tried on a fresh copy of eo 1.3.1, still doesnt work. I'd be very thankfull if anyone could help me. ~Krumelz
  8. Krumelz

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    @Ecclestio: > I have a small problem with this. When I go to load the NPC's it crashes saying someting about an "Invalid Property Value". I have looked through and everything I have is exactly as you have it. Not sure what could be causing it but it exists and I cannot find a way to fix it. Any help would be highly appreciated. > > ~Ecclestio hmm .. you may have to delete your npc's in order to get this to work. if that doesnt work run your server in debugging mode and tell me what line is highlighted. @thezeus: > This is not compatible with 1.3.1 correct? nope, its not, unfortunately. Im going to rewrite it for 1.3 tho. ~Krumelz
  9. Krumelz

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    @Thor7: > Will this work with parties? > > As in if there is a group of players in a party and fighting a boss what will happen when boss is killed? Will it warp all players in party to set location? And if so what will happen to the drops, as in will they get shared about the party members or put only in the player who killed the boss? > > Cheers and good tut btw :) Didn't thought about that yet, but i'll try to add something like that. Thanks for the Question/Suggestion. ^^ ~Krumelz
  10. @Ecclestio: > Nevermind, I got a blank client and installed it to that and it works great. The simple thing is I can't get it to use uppercase and lowercase instead of just lowercase. If you know how I could fix that.. it'd be great. yea, got the same problem, working on that atm. Hope i can fix it soon. ^^
  11. @Ecclestio: > I think this is a very nice code you've got here. Only problem I've got is it shows boxes instead of the status'. may you could post a screenie? Guess it'd be easier for me to understand your problem then. ^^
  12. @erkro1: > Looks nice, gonna test it now in EO XMAS ;) thanks, could you tell me if it works when you're done adding the code?
  13. This is a tutorial for EO 1.1.0\. It may works for EO XMAS too, didnt test it though. with this features you can add little status 'signs' next to the players name and mute some spammer. Example Screenie: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1736b352c9b4973d9e89df8dc76c2d00.JPG) Perhaps this is not the best way of doing it, but it works fine. Well, lets go. Client Side search for PlayerRec and after ``` Dir as byte ``` add ``` Status as string * 12 ``` in mod enumerations before: ``` ' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else CMSG_COUNT ``` add: ``` CCommands ``` Do the same for the servers PlayerRec and Mod enumerations!! in mod ClientTCP, at the bottom add: ``` Public Sub SendCommand(ByVal command As String, ByVal target As String) Dim Buffer As New clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CCommands Buffer.WriteString command If target = "0" Then Buffer.WriteLong 0 Else Buffer.WriteLong 1 Buffer.WriteString target End If SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` next find: ``` ' // Mapper Admin Commands // ' Location Case "/loc" ``` before that add: ``` Case "/status" If Not UBound(command) < 1 Then Call SendCommand("status", Trim$(command(1))) Else Call SendCommand("status", "0") End If Case "/away" If Not UBound(command) < 1 Then Exit Sub Else Call SendCommand("away", "0") End If Case "/mute" If Not UBound(command) < 1 Then Call SendCommand("mute", command(1)) Else AddText "Usage: /mute playnername", BrightRed End If ``` find Sub DrawPlayerName and replace the whole sub with: ``` Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal index As Long) Dim TextX As Long Dim TextY As Long Dim color As Long Dim status As String status = Trim$(Player(index).status) ' Check access level If GetPlayerPK(index) = NO Then Select Case GetPlayerAccess(index) Case 0 color = RGB(255, 96, 0) Case 1 color = QBColor(DarkGrey) Case 2 color = QBColor(Magenta) Case 3 color = QBColor(BrightCyan) Case 4 color = QBColor(Blue) Case 5 color = QBColor(Yellow) Case Else color = QBColor(Yellow) End Select Else color = QBColor(BrightRed) End If If status "" Then If GetPlayerSprite(index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(index) > NumCharacters Then TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X) + Player(index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(GetPlayerName(index) & " [" & status & "]"))) TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y) + Player(index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X) + Player(index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(GetPlayerName(index) & " [" & status & "]"))) TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y) + Player(index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(index)).lHeight) + 16 End If Else If GetPlayerSprite(index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(index) > NumCharacters Then TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X) + Player(index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(GetPlayerName(index)))) TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y) + Player(index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X) + Player(index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(GetPlayerName(index)))) TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y) + Player(index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(index)).lHeight) + 16 End If End If ' Draw name If status "" Then Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, GetPlayerName(index) & " [" & status & "]", color) Else Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, GetPlayerName(index), color) End If End Sub ``` Now find Sub HandlePlayerInfo and after: ``` For x = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 SetPlayerStat I, x, Buffer.ReadLong Next ``` add: ``` Player(I).status = Buffer.ReadString ``` Done client sided ^^ Server Side If you havent added the code to mod enumerations and the PlayerRec do it now! Mod handleData: after: ``` HandleDataSub(CUntradeItem) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleUntradeItem) ``` add: ``` HandleDataSub(CCommands) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleCommands) ``` at the bottom of mod handledata add: ``` Sub HandleCommands(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim command As String Dim target As String Dim n As Long Dim command2 As String Dim Buffer As New clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() command = Buffer.ReadString n = Buffer.ReadLong If n = 1 Then command2 = Buffer.ReadString target = FindPlayer(command2) Else End If Select Case command Case "mute" If GetPlayerAccess(index)
  14. Krumelz

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    @Taco: > Hey, schönes Skript und ne gute Idee :) danke ;D There was a little bug, it only warped you when you got the item, just change ``` ' Drop the goods if they get it n = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).DropChance) + 1 If n = 1 Then If Npc(NpcNum).Boss = 1 Then Call PlayerWarp(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).BossMap, Npc(NpcNum).BossX, Npc(NpcNum).BossY) If FindOpenInvSlot(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem) = 0 Then Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, Player(Attacker).X, Player(Attacker).Y) Else Call GiveInvItem(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, True) End If Else Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum).X, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum).Y) End If End If ``` to: ``` ' Drop the goods if they get it n = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).DropChance) + 1 If Npc(NpcNum).Boss = 1 Then Call PlayerWarp(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).BossMap, Npc(NpcNum).BossX, Npc(NpcNum).BossY) If n = 1 Then If FindOpenInvSlot(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem) = 0 Then Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, Player(Attacker).x, Player(Attacker).Y) Else Call GiveInvItem(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, True) End If End If Else If n = 1 Then Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum).Y) End If End If ``` Now it should work without any bugs. ^^
  15. Krumelz

    [EO] Boss Npc's

    @adr990: > Woah, really impressive! :) > Nice code, I like it. > > Works on EO (CE) 1.2.0 with just a little addition without problems here. > > I'll study this code, thanks for making this tutorial. > > Adr990 @Chuchoide: > Nice, will add soon. thanks, glad you like it. ^^
  16. Well, i gave my friend a copy of my client so he can play it, he installed the library files, then started the game .exe. But as soon as frmmain was loading EO wasnt responding and he had to close it .. We tried to reinstall the library files but it still doesnt work. For me everything's working, but not for him. would be nicee if someone could help. ~Krumelz
  17. [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67213.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67213.0.html) Hope thats what you're looking for…
  18. @DshWinchester: > try this then > > before end select > > put > > case 5 > color = QBColor(White) > > man,4 access is too much and you wanna more :cheesy: yea, well, my staff wants more xD anyway, i fixed it, you gotta change it in Private Sub HandleSayMsg, not DrawPlayerName. thanks for your help, topic will be locked. ^^ ~Krumelz
  19. well, my Select case GetPlayerAccess looks like this now: ``` Select Case GetPlayerAccess(Index) Case 0 color = RGB(255, 96, 0) Case 1 color = QBColor(DarkGrey) Case 2 color = QBColor(Cyan) Case 3 color = QBColor(BrightGreen) Case 4 color = QBColor(Yellow) Case Else color = QBColor(White) End Select ``` but it still wont work =/
  20. So, i'd like to know what sub i gotta edit so when i add a new admin class the name shows up properly in the textbox, cause my Admin/owner class is now set to 5, and it wont show the name, just a part black and after that the message. If you dont understand what i mean heres a screenie: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/72acee3cee6d26f0dcd4f33301a72e16.JPG) The black part i marked red should say "[Map]Domeh:", would be nice if someone could tell me what i have to change so it shows up properly again. and pls excuse m y bad english. ~Krumelz
  21. Yea. =/ More details: I get a subscript error '9': Out of range. It highlights``` n = UBound(Class(I).MaleSprite) ```The sub sendclasses looks exactly the same as the one in a vanilla copy of EO, the odd part is, again, that i only get this error when using my edited version..
  22. Nothing related to classes, only things like a few features, layout etc. well, the odd part is that i only get an error when the MaxClasses is set to any number higher than 2\. Maybe that could help ..
  23. Krumelz


    wow, thats like epic! ;O
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