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Sir Topham Hatt

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Everything posted by Sir Topham Hatt

  1. Thank you very much, I now see what I was doing wrong. Eh messing with something like this with my level of knowage is not the easist thing I have done. Thanks again! EDIT: on the client side the code ``` If Casestring = "getplayerskills" Then Label4.Caption = Val(Parse(1)) Exit Sub End If ``` gets and error saying wrong Variable and such here is a image ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/34c31d74b9fdbbae1cc014b352f4785c.png)
  2. I like the grass though, like Ert said the pillars need to be fixed. Nice overall, like how you're basing it off history.
  3. Very nice I can't wait until I can play this game. Nice job as always Kreator! :icon_music:
  4. I like this idea and it might even help me with my Spanish. : D I would help but I am not very good at Spanish though. Can't wait until it's release. P.S. your English is better than most Americans.
  5. @[PIE: > Rodriguez link=topic=61032.msg644223#msg644223 date=1275515800] > Damn straight. Also, just go download VB6\. I don't think Microsoft cares as they kind of have discontinued the use of the language. > > - Adulese Isn't that like I don't know against the law? I brought mine on Ebay(I do not own Ebay),so I say you should do the same. I want my game in every which to be legal.
  6. @[Cake: > Guacamole link=topic=38546.msg650185#msg650185 date=1276716689] > @Sir: > > > I got pissed at Jagex for messing up Runescape and said, "Fine Juckex, I'll make my own game where the power is the players!" So I go on google and find a 3d MMO maker and I was like, "OMG! that would 1\. kill my pockets 2\. I have no idea how to use that thing." So I look for a 2D MMO maker and boom Eclipse! Of course I did not know how to use Eclipse so I got on the forums, my best idea ever. > > > > Now two years later Elazar is coming along nicely, and I know what I want to do for a living. > > That's the exact same way I found Eclipse! The only difference is my game is not coming along very nicely. :sad: Maybe I could give you a hand? Just let me know what problems you are having and I'll try by best.
  7. Sorry I was busy this week so, I might be able to help only thing I can think of is a PNG image that is like a scroll or something. Then when you press CTRL to talk the Scripted NPC and will call up a file holding onto the dialog like Quest01.ini and put the words from that on to the GUI that way you don't have to make like thousand of them. Please reply if you don't understand. P.S. Really sorry bout not replying like I said I was very busy this week.
  8. Hey guys I am editing my source and I have ran into a problem I will try to explain what I want the best I can. Client and Server Client: Hey server, I need some info I need from /scripts/CHARAEXTRAS/Boren.ini. I need Boren's mining level. Server: Sure his mining level is 20. Client: Thank you I will put that in skills.frm in the Label4 spot and rename it to 20. I hope you understand this as this is like the only way I can explain it. The black circle is what I to rename to whatever level you have. [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/9b51e643cb9418cd93a9f99e93ee7b0c.png)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#9b51e643cb9418cd93a9f99e93ee7b0c.png) The code. Private Sub Close_Click() frmSkills.Visible = False frmStable.Visible = True Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim I As Long Dim Ending As String For I = 1 To 3 If I = 1 Then Ending = ".gif" End If If I = 2 Then Ending = ".jpg" End If If I = 3 Then Ending = ".png" End If If FileExists("GUI\Skills" & Ending) Then frmSkills.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GUI\Skills" & Ending) End If Next I End Sub Thank you for your help. P.S. as this is source editing I put it in the source section. Move it if you believe it goes elsewhere.
  9. Wow a lot more than I knew existed. Well I have a electronic piano which I am pretty good at playing. So I don't know if you know anything about pianos, and I guess if I had an editor for the piano music, I could fine a 16 bit converter. (As I love piano music a lot of people hate it so.) I'll search the web now since I know what to look for thanks. STH.
  10. How do I make music? I mean what software do I need, is there a tut on this subject somewhere in this forum? I want to make my own music as 1\. I do not agree with the music that Eclipse came with 2\. I do not have a lot of music 3\. I do not want to get sued. So thanks, STH.
  11. Well a source edit should do that though I doubt you have the knowage(No offsive) or the software to do such a thing.(Visual basic 6.0)
  12. I got pissed at Jagex for messing up Runescape and said, "Fine Juckex, I'll make my own game where the power is the players!" So I go on google and find a 3d MMO maker and I was like, "OMG! that would 1\. kill my pockets 2\. I have no idea how to use that thing." So I look for a 2D MMO maker and boom Eclipse! Of course I did not know how to use Eclipse so I got on the forums, my best idea ever. Now two years later Elazar is coming along nicely, and I know what I want to do for a living.
  13. It's all about the team, if you have a well working team that has had lots of experience, then yes it can be done. Also I found it easier if you and your team are all able to come over and work on it, as talking over a computer sometimes seems to confuse people, reason why I am the only one that works on Elazar. (But I might hire an artist.)
  14. I joined when I was 16 right after Runescape made me mad. 18 now and Elazar still has a lot of work lol!
  15. Man, never took Robin to look like that. Always thought he looked more orge than human. (JKING! don't hit meh!)
  16. I believe you will have to make a new script and give it Helmet abillities.
  17. I do believe those stair are safe as I live down near the water and see lots of houses with those type stairs. Also Keebler, you are right they are held up by steel.
  18. wel that sur suxs lol <
  19. Lol thanks I will check that out I should make sure that I update my siggy when I am not tried….. I have decided that S.T.H. will stay maybe I 'll update him : D
  20. Eh I meant the picture and siggy lol : P I got it! I copy Robin!
  21. @мсичġġєт: > I thought we couldn't post omegle any more. D: Some one said the FBI was onto us. FBI! No they found my death train! lol Now that chat log was a bit odd.
  22. I want to update my profile and make it new and shinny! But I need some ideas…. Any of you out there have *good* ideas? I was thinking super heros >.< or A techmech S.T.H.
  23. @Robin: > > ↔Declineo Online↔[ link=topic=59932.msg634275#msg634275 date=1272991230] > > We, the programmers are like wine, the older the tastiest :P > > If you don't make it properly, it'll go bad. Indeed, as I learned from my mom's >.> Happy Birthday!
  24. I was once able to add my game in to my website though like Admin said it was unstable and lagged a bit. But if you are good with Java maybe you could embed it into your website. S.T.H.
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