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Everything posted by Zop

  1. orgins has it? didn't check o-o well i guess that's one way of doing it ~.~ The only thing i'm having problems with though atm is it going to login if u type wrong pw or something >.> Edit - Ty anyway Robin, How it's done in origins was not what i was looking for but thanks anyway :) i managed to get it to work the way i wanted it now so i no longer need help :o
  2. or if ur using ES 1.2 then it's Server -> scripts -> events -> ondeath.ess
  3. What would i have to remove and add in to make it possible that you can login straight from the main menu? Basically totaly skipping the login form. I've looked at it and all, tried just copying and pasting, Knowing full well it wouldn't work… but yeah, how would i go about merging them to make a main menu + login .. So my solution didn't work as it caused another problem to appear so if anyone can help it'd be great. Starting from scratch again. Also is there a way to basically.. Swap out the gui pictures so it's like random or sequenced but there's several different pictures it can use for the loading screen or main menu?
  4. Pretty sure this has came up a few times before, could you post your OnDeath sub here please?
  5. Zop

    Script error

    Yeah ok i made a working one for you, With basic of basics, So you'll have to change the labels and friend lists to be where you want them and make it how u want it to look, but everything else is working, I'll upload it for you. I put it in the normal client, Not big client.. So you'll have to use that or strip the code into big client.. Because i'm not doing that too :P I'll edit this post once i've uploaded it. Edit - Here, this is the one with friends list added in ES. Sorry for mediafire.. Hopfully that will be ok. http://www.mediafire.com/?mmnmnw1dh2z
  6. Zop

    Script error

    This is way more complicated than when i used it.. o_o I don't understand why mine didn't work for you or something.. Have you done a lot of edits to your source already?
  7. Zop

    Script error

    No problem, hope everything else is working fine :)
  8. Zop

    Script error

    Try replacing that with this - This also makes it so that when you click on your friends list button again it will hide it. If that doesn't work it's possible you have incorrectly named one of your labels or such. so double check them ``` Private Sub cmdFriendList_Click() Dim index As Integer 'this will check if it's visible then it'll make it invisible and vice-versa If picFriendList.Visible = False Then picFriendList.Visible = True Else picFriendList.Visible = False 'Finds Players Online Status Call SendData("friendonlineoffline" & SEP_CHAR & lblFriend(index).Caption & SEP_CHAR & index & END_CHAR) End If End Sub ```
  9. Zop

    Script error

    Are you using EE 2.7 or ES? If you're using ES then change frmMirage to frmStable
  10. Do you have any idea what you changed it from and what you changed it to? And.. And any vauge idea of where it was that you changed it? If i had to take a guess i'd say in ModGeneral .. >.< Was it that \/ ? ``` PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_PLAYERS", 50 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_ITEMS", 100 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_NPCS", 100 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_SHOPS", 100 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_SPELLS", 100 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS", 50 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAP_ITEMS", 20 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_GUILDS", 20 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS", 10 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_EMOTICONS", 10 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_LEVEL", 500 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS", 4 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_ELEMENTS", 20 PutVar App.Path & "\Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_SCRIPTSPELLS", 500 ```
  11. Well your sprite sheet is tiny and i can't even see it. Try uploading it here or somewhere.. Also explain the problem a bit more? I don't understand what you need help with o_o
  12. @viciousdead: > Sub OnDeath(Index) > If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then > Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) > Else > Map = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map")) > X = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "x")) > Y = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "y")) > > Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map, X, Y) > End If > > Call SetPlayerHP(Target, GetPlayerMaxHP(Target)) > Call SetPlayerMP(Target, GetPlayerMaxMP(Target)) > Call SetPlayerSP(Target, GetPlayerMaxSP(Target)) > Call SendPlayerData(Target) > End Sub > > Whats wrong with this script.. ``` Sub OnDeath(Index) If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) Else Map = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map")) X = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "x")) Y = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "y")) Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map, X, Y) End If Call SetPlayerHP(Index, GetPlayerMaxHP(Index)) Call SetPlayerMP(Index, GetPlayerMaxMP(Index)) Call SetPlayerSP(Index, GetPlayerMaxSP(Index)) Call SendPlayerData(Index) End Sub ``` Try that?
  13. [Add a Custom Graphic to that Health, MP, XP bar! -Guts](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,46661.0.html) [Make Circular HP/MP Gauge [By: MrMiguu]](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,48314.0.html)
  14. maybe you should make the docks/port look bigger? The ships bigger than the whole building stacked. :| also that picture you showed us of that style you're trying to immitate has a fair amount of detail in it.
  15. i don't doubt you :D Swear that question's been going around a fair bit these days though, wolf. can't think where i heard it last though.
  16. So really he had a 50/50 chance of getting it right :P should've been a open question with a explain why added onto it :P
  17. Yeah, walkfix uses all 3 of the directions sprites for walking instead of just the first 2\. So that means if ur using the 3rd sprite for a special attack sprite then.. odds are that it's gonna look a bit awkward if you use walkfix.
  18. Zop

    Items for 2 Classes

    Just make it so that only class 1 can obtain the item and make it a bound item. ..Maybe that'd be easier?
  19. So i posted [Here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,58214.msg616072/topicseen.html#new) With a request about scripting it and was pointed to sourcing it in. So basically, How would i make it so that on say… map X it was night time On map Y it was Day time and on map Z it was still following the time in eclipse (So it'd switch between day and night depending on the time) So yeah, how would i go about doing that in source?
  20. Looks amazing and gives me a strong urge to stop playing star ocean : TLH and play some good ol' mario XD
  21. Probably because it's an online FREE photoshop. they want you to buy it for more features so they're not going to put everything in the free online version. Didn't even know there was an online one to be honest. Photoshop CS4 is out but i prefer CS3 because it's what i'm used too. If you're 'Buying' it then CS4 would be easier to get a hold of and if you're buying it then CS4 is the only one avalible i believe on the adobe website :P
  22. ![](http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/929/silverywhite.png) ![](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5585/maybewhite2.png) ![](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/8721/blackhair.png) ![](http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/9788/blondeish.png) Orange1 ![](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1626/orange1g.png) Orange2 ![](http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4573/orange2.png) ![](http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/995/blueva.png) Excuse the colour i believe to be orange.. Looks orange to me though so i did 2 just incase. And to select use the rectangular marquee tool and zoom in and then just select the hair pixels.. Jpeg is probably making it blur simply because the jpeg extension is for compression/size sake.. and so it loses a lot of the colours/quality.
  23. Hey Hey Hey it's magicc you knooooowww :P Uhh yeah just like i said, Hue and saturation of the selected area (the hair) instead of doing it to the whole image, you just select the area you want it done in, the hair.. And then do the hue and saturation on that :P Simples! I'll do the other one i guess. Also, saving the hue and saturation is a wise idea incase you want it for later use. I'm using Photoshop CS3 btw.
  24. More of a silvery white colour ![](http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/929/silverywhite.png) More whitish, idk? ![](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5585/maybewhite2.png) Sorta blackish i guess ![](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/8721/blackhair.png) I don't think i should do anymore considering i'm colour blind. lol (not can't see colours, just subtle differences blah blah u know the story) K now brb like 20 mins and i'll see what u have then.
  25. Photoshop + Hue/Saturation? That'd make it an easy job for you :| too lazy to do it yourself..? And just for argument sake.. Hue+sat does a good job. ![](http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/9788/blondeish.png)
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