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Everything posted by Zop

  1. Zop

    Attack Animation

    I'm pretty sure it's supposed to go at the very top? ``` Sub OnAttack(Index, Damage) Dim Target Call SpellAnim(27, GetPlayerMap(index), GetNpcX(GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerTargetNpc(index)), GetNpcY(GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerTargetNpc(index))) If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) End If End If End Sub ``` Idk though.
  2. Zop

    Currency on Game

    Well there was a thread before about it but i wasn' really sure how to do it, Can anyone help me with getting the currency on the game screen which is used in EO onto ES? I've tried doing it before but i'm not really sure where to put everything.. So if anyone could help me with that, it'd be great.
  3. Zop

    Job interview

    Best of luck Robin :P
  4. Thanks, how would i do the fooling the server into thinking it's pressing pg up? Also I guess that means i still have to keep it on the page up button to work though but that's not a problem
  5. Would it be possible/easy to make the quest have its own gui button? Instead of opening up by pressing Page up or w.e like having it so that there's a button saying "Quests" you click on and it opens it? For ES 1.2 btw.
  6. Can anyone help me with how to implement this in eclipse stable 1.2?
  7. Will it be relesed as a fully compiled source or one we implement ourselves? I hope the latter but i'm sure someone could do that anyway
  8. I'm pretty sure that it's been said that ES doesn't support midi. or well it never used too.. not sure why though.
  9. @ilovelisa: > **THIS WAS TAKEN FROM ECLIPSE ORIGINS AND I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS!!!** > > I'll be giving variables that you'll need to used to get the amount of gold and how to display it… > > ``` > Amount = CStr(GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, *INSERT 1*)) > ```Amount is our variable to get how many gold we have. > Change the *INSERT 1* to the item number you have your gold. (ex: number 14 is the item number I have set my gold to in the item editor) > > _________________ > Create a label,(NAME IT lblGold) make sure it's set to 0!!! > then use this piece of code to actually update the label to how much money you have: > > ``` > If GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex,*SAME INSERT*) = 1 Then '1 = gold :P > frmMainGame.lblGold.Caption = Format$(Amount, "#,###,###,###") > End If > ``` > There you go :) Well how exactly do i use this? i know changing it to frmstable nd stuff, i tried putting it in several places but i wasn't really sure what to do with it.
  10. @Sir: > **Bugs & Errors Fix List** > > Run-Time Error: 9 - Subscript out of range > > **Event**: after warping. > **Version**: Total Eclipse and prior. > **Cause**: the warp command doesn't check for the values used and thus you'll warp to an invalid location. > **Fixes**: alter the location in your player file to a correct location. > **Alternative fix**: to prevent this issue, you'll have to alter your main.txt (Sadscript knowledge required) so that it checks the values used. > > **Event**: account altering > **Version**: Total Eclipse and prior. > **Cause**: an invalid value in an account file. > **Fixes**: look for the invalid value and change it to a valid one. > > **Event**: after turning scrolling on/off. > **Version**: any. > **Cause**: you're using the old map files. > **Fixes**: shutdown your server. (back your maps up) and remove them, then restart the server. > > **Event**: unknown. > **Version**: Total Eclipse and prior. > **Cause**: unknown > **Fixes**: restart the client. > > **Event**: while loading NPC/map/item/spell/class data. > **Version**: Total Eclipse and prior. > **Cause**: some NPC/map/item/spell/class file is corrupt. > **Fixes**: it might be possible that your 'data.ini' contains a maximum value lower than that there are NPC/map/item/spell/class-files. > **Fixes**: back up your NPC/map/item/spell/class-files and remove them. Then restart your server. > **Alternative fix**: try replacing the new NPC/map/item/spell/class-files by the old ones, one by one, to figure out which NPC/map/item/spell/class-file is actually corrupt. did u read that thread and try any of them?
  11. ES is basically 2.7 o-o surely there cant be that much of a difference.
  12. someone else can do it, that 2nd one doesn't look fun at all.. xD
  13. Zop


    @Darien: > @Pasketi > > … > > No copypasta! > **You even forgot to get rid of the last part of my post you idiot!** > > EDIT: I vote that anybody who can't tri-force should be banned. rofl xD
  14. Zop


    Sure, why not. â–² â–² â–²
  15. i wasn't offended as such but i was just trying to provide a way for your 3 edits to be done, or get done quicker. Like i said, give us a list of what u want do, nothing too long hopfully lol and we'll take a look and someone may get around it, idneed i said it doesn't mean i'll do it but it means i may look at it and end up doing it anyway, we'll see.
  16. Zop

    PvP Server Error

    What's your error and can you post your OnPVPDeath sub?
  17. obviously not reading my whole post? There i was trying to be nice and even considering looking at what u wanted doing to see if i could do it for you now.. and there you go and be like that~ Pshhhhh
  18. Link what u want doing and someone may get around to doing it in spare time, that's not saying i will do it but if you tell people what you want, someone may just decide "ok i'll do it" :P Any more than 3 though i'd say you'd have to get VB6 yourself and do it yourself. ;)
  19. Zop

    Changing character list

    Yeah my bad, The Listbox in FrmChars client sided.
  20. @Rush3r: > @Dezire: > > > You realize thats 2 years old, right? > > Maybe they didn't make a new game in these 2 years? ;D _**(Don't know, I never played Zelda.)**_ you've never played zelda :| i'm actually playing it right now xDzelda is an epic game.
  21. Zop

    Changing character list

    Would i be able to change the character list from a list box? I want to customize my character select screen as much as i can and the List box just isn't doing it for me.. Is there any way of changing it so that it lists them differently and without the white box behinde it or.. So that it lists the 3 chars for example seperatly with a gap between the characters? For example.. [CHAR1] -Space- -Space- [CHAR2] -Space- -Space- [CHAR3] -Space- -Space-
  22. I swam in a long well before. a 10ft long well. :) Fresh spring water, rather cold.. but interesting xD anyway gratz on your achievement.
  23. Yeah, I'm just curious.. But what version of eclipse are you using? This problem seems to pop up every now and then.. and it seems to be the same one >_> replace ur entire onDeath sub with that. The reason ur getting errors is because it's using Target instead of Index >.> ``` Sub OnDeath(Index) If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) Else Map = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map")) X = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "x")) Y = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "y")) Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map, X, Y) End If Call SetPlayerHP(Index, GetPlayerMaxHP(Index)) Call SetPlayerMP(Index, GetPlayerMaxMP(Index)) Call SetPlayerSP(Index, GetPlayerMaxSP(Index)) Call SendPlayerData(Index) End Sub ```
  24. @Ddunit: > @CrAzY: > > > @Ddunit: > > > > > If the host of that server closes his server, then every game is down. > > > > No? > > Yes. Because if the server hosting all the server or the master server, decides to shutdown, all the servers are down. i thought the OP meant there was basically.. A list which say.. Contacts all the current online servers but has no direct like link to them.. SO basically it's just a list which finds out if the server's online or offline (all servers) and then gives u a option to start the game. .. which is pointless so i guess i got it wrong aswell, can someone clarify what he means then?
  25. You'd still have to download all the files etc so technically.. All it'd be doing is like providing you with a list of servers then running the client for you when u want to play.. What's so difficult about doing that urself o-o just a waste of time imo.
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