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Posts posted by defendersdef

  1. Bread, Diaper, Ostonnaise, Pot, Gnome Food, a finger, Dog Turd, Lucious-milky-sweet chocolate, Renzo eye, dick, Vaginal Discharge, bulging mass of green slime, Hairy Armpit, spongebob, crushed glass, two hot chicks, bread, used condom, sean's twinkey, kangaroo balls, santa, bread.
  2. well somebodys mad cause they didnt get some yet…

    Bread, Diaper, Ostonnaise, Pot, Gnome Food, a finger, Dog Turd, Lucious-milky-sweet chocolate, Renzo eye, dick, Vaginal Discharge, bulging mass of green slime, Hairy Armpit, spongebob, crushed glass, two hot chicks, bread, used condom, sean's twinkey, bread.
  3. Bread, Diaper, Ostonnaise, Pot, Gnome Food, a finger, Dog Turd, Lucious-milky-sweet chocolate, Renzo eye, dick, Vaginal Discharge, bulging mass of green slime, Hairy Armpit, spongebob, crushed glass, two hot chicks, bread, used condom,used moldy bread that was jizzed on by bat man and shit on by robin.
  4. Bread, Diaper, Ostonnaise, Pot, Gnome Food, a finger, Dog Turd, Lucious-milky-sweet chocolate, Renzo eye, dick, Vaginal Discharge, bulging mass of green slime, Hairy Armpit, spongebob, crushed glass, two hot chicks, bread, bread.
  5. no pictures cause im at school. :/

    ok simple steps
    1: what scripted spell number is it.
    2: put that in under edit spells option in sdmin menu
    3: put in how much mana(mp) and animation you want
    4: open item editor
    5: place the spell number that you made it, not the scripted number, in the slider after you clicked spell in the drop down menu
    6: find item icon
    7: hen you get that item. double click to learn spell
    8: double click it on spells menu on left hand side of client (2.7+)
    9: use insert button on top of del to use it.
    10: use it on monster or npc and watch the fireworks
  6. ok, under the scripts, there is a number like scripted 1 or something. you put that number into the spells so like there is a slider that you slide to the number the spell is on. after you make the spell, make how much mana(mp) it will use and battle animations, it will close out of the window. open up the item editor and click  on the drop down button and select spells. put it to the number you made the spell for ( i.e slow on number 3) and choose the icon you want to use for it and how much it costs. now, whenever you get that item, you double click it and it will say spell learned or if you already learned it it will say spell already learned. now, go to your spells list (on the left hand side for eclipse 2.7+) and double click that spell. you use with the insert button.

    any more questions?
  7. Driven by the Drug War, the U.S. prison population is six to ten times as high as most Western European nations. The United States is a close second only to Russia in its rate of incarceration per 100,000 people. In 2000, more than 734,000 people were arrested in this country for marijuana-related offenses alone.

    The US war on drugs places great emphasis on arresting people for smoking marijuana. Since 1990, nearly 5.9 million Americans have been arrested on marijuana charges, a greater number than the entire populations of Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming combined. In 2000, state and local law enforcement arrested 734,498 people for marijuana violations. This is an increase of 800 percent since 1980, and is the highest ever recorded by the FBI.

    As has been the case throughout the 1990s, the overwhelming majority of those charged with marijuana violations in 2000– 646,042 Americans (88 %) -- were for simple possession. The remaining 12% (88,456 Americans) were for "sale/manufacture", an FBI category which includes marijuana grown for personal use or purely medical purposes. These new FBI statistics indicate that one marijuana smoker is arrested every 45 seconds in America. Taken together, the total number of marijuana arrests for 2000 far exceeded the combined number of arrests for violent crimes, including murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.

    Like most Americans, people who smoke marijuana also pay taxes, love and support their families, and work hard to make a better life for their children. Suddenly they are arrested, jailed and treated like criminals solely because of their recreational drug of choice. State agencies frequently step in and declare children of marijuana smokers to be "in danger", and many children are placed into foster homes as a result. This causes enormous pain, suffering and financial hardship for millions of American families. It also engenders distrust and disrespect for the law and for the criminal justice system overall. Responsible marijuana smokers present no threat or danger to America or its children, and there is no reason to treat them as criminals, or to take their children away. As a society we need to find ways to discourage personal conduct of all kinds that is abusive or harmful to others. Responsible marijuana smokers are not the problem and it is time to stop arresting them. 

    Once all the facts are known, it becomes clear that America's marijuana laws need reform. This issue must be openly debated using only the facts. Groundless claims, meaningless statistics, and exaggerated scare stories that have been peddled by politicians and prohibitionists for the last 60 years must be rejected.
  8. @Ninja-Tech:

    > Hey guyus i just got my wifi back up and was wondering who has mario kart wii and who wants to playy

    i can play u this weekend. ill post my freind code friday
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