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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. ah, k, well guess I won't stop with my game and wait on this. Anyway, good luck with this, looks pretty awesome.
  2. I might wait a bit for this thing…. is there a date when this might come out?
  3. well ,thanks anyway. I'll try learning sadscript myself, so I don't have to spam everyone with my posts lol :P. Anyway, night, thanks for the help anyway.
  4. wait wait wait wait… skills as in spell? go to your monster, and go to droppings, set it up to the number that the item with the spell is on, and the monster can drop the spell. OR you can go to item (on attributes in "edit map") and just set the item with the spell on it down anywhere you want.
  5. like, as in enchant the item so that, well idk, it gets +15 attack to it. If there is a currently an enchant already on the item, it will override that. Sorry if I'm acting noobish :P I'm coming back to eclipse after like a year of not updating my game.
  6. eh nevermind, the ressurect thing aint gonna work either… but, can you make a wizards spell to "enchant" weapons?
  7. Guardian

    I am wasted

    First off, which version of eclipse are you using? Second off, you should be able to press f1, go to "edit items" make a currency, then go to "edit shops" make a shop, then place it within the specific area that you want. Then, you can check off whether you want it to sell, buy or repair items. If that doesn't work, then you might need to rescript stuff.
  8. Hey everyone, I'm looking for a scripter who can help me with my game… For the ranger class in my game, I want them to have the ability to summmon a pet. Also, I want the priest in my game to have the ability to ressurect. If anyone could help me, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to scripting.
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