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Everything posted by adamsharp

  1. ``` If R = 1 Or R = 2 Or R = 3 Or R = 4 Then ```Whats wrong with this?
  2. yes that worked thank you Now I have a problem with my new script WoodCutting! ``` Case 1wc(Index) Dim R R = Rand(1,5) If CanTake(Index, 250, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to get wood...", 10) If R = 1 Or If R = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Woodcutting successful! Found 1 evergreen log!", 10) End If If R = 3 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Woodcutting successful! Found 2 evergreen logs!", 10) End If If R = 4 Or If R = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Woodcutting failed, hatchet damaged!", 12) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index,"You don't have a hatchet!", 12) End If End Sub ```Regards, Adamsharp.
  3. If you can fix this the fixer can use it in thier game. ``` Sub Brsm(Index) Dim br Dim ir Dim st Dim si Dim go Dim test test = Rand(1,2) si = Rand(1,2) go = Rand(1,2) st = Rand(1,2) ir = Rand(1,2) br = Rand(1,2) If CanTake(Index, 201, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to smelt...", 10) If br = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Smelt successful! You get a bronze bar!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 211, 1) Call TakeItem(Index, 201, 1) End If If br = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to smelt, ore destroyed", 12) Call TakeItem(Index, 201, 1) End If Else If CanTake(Index, 202, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to smelt...", 10) If ir = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Smelt successful! You get a iron bar!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 212, 1) Call TakeItem(Index, 202, 1) End If If ir = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to smelt, ore destroyed", 12) Call TakeItem(Index, 202, 1) End If Else If CanTake(Index, 203, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to smelt...", 10) If st = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Smelt successful! You get a steel bar!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 213, 1) Call TakeItem(Index, 203, 1) End If If st = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to smelt, ore destroyed", 12) Call TakeItem(Index, 203, 1) End If Else If CanTake(Index, 204, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to smelt...", 10) If si = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Smelt successful! You get a silver bar!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 214, 1) Call TakeItem(Index, 204, 1) End If If si = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to smelt, ore destroyed", 12) Call TakeItem(Index, 204, 1) End If Else If CanTake(Index, 205, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to smelt...", 10) If go = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Smelt successful! You get a gold bar!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 215, 1) Call TakeItem(Index, 205, 1) End If If go = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to smelt, ore destroyed", 12) Call TakeItem(Index, 205, 1) End If Else If CanTake(Index, 206, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to smelt...", 10) If test = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Smelt successful! You get a 206 bar!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 216, 1) Call TakeItem(Index, 206, 1) End If If test = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to smelt, ore destroyed", 12) Call TakeItem(Index, 206, 1) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index,"No Ore To Smelt", 12) End If End Sub ``` Regards, Adamsharp.
  4. nothing is happening at all also what is wrong with this? ``` ' Executes every second, based on the server time. Sub TimedEvent(Hours, Minutes, Seconds) If Minutes = 0 Then If Seconds = 0 Then Call AdminMsg("Don't Forget To Read The News At Tlomaw.com", YELLOW) Call AdminMsg("Look Its The Start Of A New Hour Here Have 25 Gold!", 10) Call GiveCurrency(Index, 1, 25) End If End If End Sub ```thank you Regards, Adamsharp.
  5. What Is Wrong With This? ``` Case 6 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You Drink The First Part Of The Potion", 10) Call SetPlayerHP(Index,GetPlayerHP(Index) + 75) Call TakeItem(Index, 250, 1) Call GiveItem(Index, 251, 1) Exit Sub ``` Regards, Adamsharp.
  6. I WANT TO MAKE IT SO YOU NEED HIGER THAN LEVEL ONE TO MINE THIS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Debugg This For Me Please! ``` Sub Brmi(Index) Dim R R = Rand(1,5) If GetVar("skills.ini", "MINING", GetPlayerName(index)) => 1 then If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 10) If R = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful! Found a bronze ore.", 10) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 1) End If If R = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful! Found a bronze ore.", 10) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 1) End If If R = 3 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful! Found 2 bronze ores!", 10) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 2) End If If R = 4 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to mine, pickaxe damaged!", 12) End If If R = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to mine, pickaxe damaged!", 12) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index,"You don't have a pickaxe!", 12) End If End Sub SubMiningExp(index, EXP) Dim oldexp oldexp = getvar("skills.ini", "MINING", GetPlayerName(Index)) Call PutVar("skills.ini", "MININGEXP", GetPlayerName(index), OldExp + Exp) If GetVar("skills.ini", "MININGEXP", GetPlayerName(index)) => 100 Then Call PutVar("skills.ini", "MININGEXP", GetPlayerName(index), 0) Call PutVar("skills.ini", "MINING", GetPlayerName(index), GetVar("skills.ini", "MINING", GetPlayerName(index)) + 1) End If End Sub ```
  8. can someone please tell me how to add a skill to this? ``` Sub Brmi(Index) Dim R R = Rand(1,5) If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 0) If R = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful! Found a bronze ore.", 0) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 1) ElseIf R = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful! Found a bronze ore.", 0) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 1) ElseIf R = 3 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful! Found 2 bronze ores!", 0) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 2) ElseIf R = 4 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to mine, pickaxe damaged!", 0) ElseIf R = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed to mine, pickaxe damaged!", 0) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index,"You don't have a pickaxe!", 0) End If End Sub ```so like you cant mine it at mining skill level of 1?
  9. @AkselJ: > What excactly are you doing? What items have you got? I need details! i dont have a pickaxe and its NOT TELLING ME THAT! The Case Is You Stand On The Tile!
  10. okay so if the sub wrong or the case and please correct it for me ``` Sub Brmi(Index) Dim R R = Rand(1,5) If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 0) If R = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful. Found A Bronze Ore.", 0) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 1) End If If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 0) If R = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful. Found A Bronze Ore.", 0) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 1) End If If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 0) If R = 3 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mine successful. Found 2 Bronze Ores!", 0) Call GiveItem(Index, 201, 2) End If If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 0) If R = 4 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed To Mine Pickaxe Damaged.", 0) End If If CanTake(Index, 200, 1) Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Attempting to mine...", 0) If R = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Failed To Mine Pickaxe Damaged.", 0) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index,"You don't have a pickaxe", 0) End If End Sub ```and the case ``` Case 3 Call Brmi(Index) Exit Sub ```
  11. Please Help People There Is Something Wrong With This. ``` Case "/500" If GetPlayerLevel(Index) > 499 Then Call AdminMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " Has Just Hit Level 500!", 0) Exit Sub ```
  12. adamsharp


    sounds cool!!! btw my names adam =]
  13. but isnt there a code i can put in the script?
  14. okay.. How Do I Make It So My OnClick Tile Is Blocked? Thanks AdamSharp
  15. @~SW~: > I responded then without bothering to even try you spammed the shoutbox… so i removed this post wtf? i only a begginer i only got this 7 hours ago jees!
  16. well im trying to make it so if you've had a joke one time it makes it so you cant get it again this is what ive got so far. ``` Public Function Rand(ByVal Low As Long, _ ByVal High As Long) As Long Rand = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd) + Low End Function Private Sub Label1_Click() BJ = Rand(1, 6) Dim BJ1 If BJ = 1 Then If BJ1 = 0 Then MsgBox "What do a bowling ball and a blonde have in common?", 32, "Question" MsgBox "Chances are they'll both end up in the gutter!", 32, "Answer" Set BJ1 = 1 End If If BJ = 2 Then MsgBox "What do you call a blonde with half a brain?", 32, "Question" MsgBox "Gifted!", 32, "Answer" End If If BJ = 3 Then MsgBox "What's the difference between a blonde and a solar powered calculator?", 32, "Question" MsgBox "The blonde works in the dark!", 32, "Answer" End If If BJ = 4 Then MsgBox "How do you make a blonde's eyes twinkle?", 32, "Question" MsgBox "Shine a flashlight in their ear!", 32, "Answer" End If If BJ = 5 Then MsgBox "What does a blonde and a beer bottle have in common?", 32, "Question" MsgBox "They're both empty from the neck up!", 32, "Answer" End If If BJ = 6 Then MsgBox "Why did the blonde tattoo her zip code on her arm?", 32, "Question" MsgBox "So her mail would get delivered to the right house!", 32, "Answer" End If End Sub ```please help thanks adamsharp
  17. i got the randomizer in google now i need someone to help me make it so i can make it so like if the randomer gets 1 it does something then if it gets 2 it does something ect ect till it gets to 6 this time in VBScript please.
  18. @Lord: > ok use this > > ``` > *form name*.visible = false > *new form name*.visible = true > > ``` well no you see the page is already made i just want to warp to the page
  19. can some one help me please i need a randomizer for VB6.0
  20. the message im currently getting with this code ``` Private Sub Label1_Click() Randomize DieValue = Rnd() * 6 If DieValue = 1 Then MsgBox "1", 1, "1" ElseIf DieValue = 2 Then MsgBox "2", 1, "2" ElseIf DieValue = 3 Then MsgBox "3", 1, "3" ElseIf DieValue = 4 Then MsgBox "4", 1, "4" ElseIf DieValue = 5 Then MsgBox "5", 1, "5" ElseIf DieValue = 6 Then MsgBox "6", 1, "6" End If End Sub 'initilize the randomizer Randomize a = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1) MsgBox a ``` it says compile error only comments may appear after end sub, end function, or end property thats exactly what it says and it highlights Randomize after 'initilize the randomizer
  21. now it says compile error only comments blah blah blah…
  22. ``` Private Sub Label1_Click() Randomize DieValue = Rnd() * 6 If DieValue = 1 Then MsgBox "1", 1, "1" End If ElseIf DieValue = 2 Then MsgBox "2", 1, "2" End If ElseIf DieValue = 3 Then MsgBox "3", 1, "3" End If ElseIf DieValue = 4 Then MsgBox "4", 1, "4" End If ElseIf DieValue = 5 Then MsgBox "5", 1, "5" End If ElseIf DieValue = 6 Then MsgBox "6", 1, "6" End If End Sub 'initilize the randomizer Randomize a = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1) MsgBox a ``` It Says Else Without If Can Some One Help?
  23. can someone please tell me whats wrong with this? ``` ' Executes whenever a scripted NPC does an action. Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted NPC has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case 1 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Howdy Partnet", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "I Bet You're Wondering Why That Tile Is Differant, Well Its A Portal.", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Portals Can Take You To Around The World Or In This Case Over A River.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case 2 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "To Read Signs Like That Gold One Over There Face Upwards At It Then Press Enter", WHITE) Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No NPC script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Sub ```Regards Adamsharp
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