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Fallen Empire

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Everything posted by Fallen Empire

  1. Well hello everyone,I figured I would release a little bit about the project I have been working on for 3 years now.I am just about to finish and release it to eclipse it shall be called Eclipse Fire (server) and ice (client).It's a 3-d engine that will allow you to make a game in3-d.Coded in c++ with a little bit of python. Most all is done,I would still like to finish a pvp system and a quest system before I release it.It will NOT be a standalone server example you won't be able to download it extract it and play it you will have to use MySQL 6.0 and Sqllog.This engine will be by far from easy to use you will have to know knowledge in how to setup a Mysql inorder for it to work and inorder to have a game that isn't like everyone else's you will have to know how to use python lang. There is no editor within this engine you will have to look towards other art renders and such to get maps made and such. below is a few pics of starting some maps and a few pics of game play as I said it is far from finished,only reason I made a topic is to get the hype up a little bit Map maker autodesk 3-d map editor 2010 edition http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2474371cc51ed9014bbbd28085b65cca.jpg after finished you to can have a game like this http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/7f815abba4086a69ca2ff2f8809c1ee3.jpg I tryied to mix it between world of warcraft and guild wars to make it look good but have all the features 3 years and I still have about 2 months of work left before release but after it's out the pic above is what it will look like I plan on fixing quests I do have a simple quest system in it now and I plan on adding in a few more hotkeys
  2. Thanks marsh!! @ Robin idc what damain says he doesn't have to work on es for people to like it you seem like your getting upset because 1 person simpile said they prefer es
  3. I agree the shoutbox is epic but i searched for ee and es and didn't find maybe im just blind 0.0
  4. This post wasn't ment to knock eo,just to ask what everyone feels.I think eo is ok but i would prefer to use es,or ee.I think it's not far to people who would like to use them,i have had a decently popular game with es before
  5. People,look around what is happening to TOD forums. (Touch Of Death)Where on earth is EE,ES?I mean crap where is the old library files?Seems as to me that eclipse surrounds its self by eo,to be honest is not that good.What has TOD came to,i believe it's time for a change within the next few months,your TOD will change. Me and a few member anticipate a few engines to be released a .net engine is looking bright and as for the other engine well lets just say it will blow your mind with 3-d abilitys.I guess what i am asking in this post,is to tell us all as a community what your feeling toward the new site are?
  6. i assure u if u see them any where it's cuz i drew them myself and only a few select people have my permission to use them my colors were added by professional pixel artists i draw coworkers pixel/shade Thanks guys i will continue to show u samples of my work
  7. joe this topic isn't for you if you can't understand what HELPING others is.Alot of people on here know me well enough to know how sincere i am (kris,Evilbunnie,Tdog,Soul,Marsh)probably many others i haven't minchened,the fact is i am feeling bad for what i haven't done witch is to help others you don't have to believe us we ain't asking you in particular to donate.My team and i are trying to help weather anyone donates or not i will sleep better knowing i have and that i have tryed to get others to. I can't force anyone to donate all i can do it ask if there is anyone kind enough to if you do i assure you the respectable charity will write you a letter and tell you how much you have helped them,i'm sure the person we help will also.
  8. Ever wanted to help out a charity or just sumone who really needed it? Now you can me and my team/coworkers are taking just today to do requests u want a great map for your game, sum new sprites,weapons,armors GUI custom buttons,We will do anything u request all we ask from you is a little donation 90% of your donations will go to a charity the other 10%will go to help one person in need (no food no job a person really in need) With the economy like it is we all need to stand up and do what we can to help others,if you can't afford to help donate we could still use your help in making this happen. We also will do scripts nothing unreasonable though please If you want to help out and/or donate then pm me or add me to msn [email protected] Thanks for your time Respect Dexter HotandcrazyArt Alyxandyr Obama Art and the rest of us from Sacred Life Online
  9. Rule i think that should be strictly inforced I think we should be forced to lock topics that have been resolved,due to the fact i am sure marsh dosn't have infinite memory on this webpage. Also lock topics that have started flame wars or contribute to any rules being broken.I understand that we as a community won't be able to weed all spammers,flamer,troller out. But if we all try to do are part we will see this community thrive and grow to extreme amounts. So i request that rule to help better Eclipse,TouchOfDeath community.
  10. on the top left corner is the tile is runs off of say that tile is Red for example and all other ones are bblack it will only read red as tranparent
  11. Es stable has no bugs that i have found but i would like to trade currency and stackables besides that i have no issues with it maybe get minus tiles to work
  12. Fallen Empire

    Error 6

    Run-Time Error: 6 - Overflow Event: unknown. Version: any. Cause: some value(s) used are out of bound meaning that they're over the limits. Fixes: check your INI files (e.g. class files). Correct soul limit is 255 would be a easy source edit to do but really check into ES 1.2 damian might of altered it but not sure
  13. Run-Time Error: 6 - Overflow Event: unknown. Version: any. Cause: some value(s) used are out of bound meaning that they're over the limits. Fixes: check your INI files (e.g. class files).
  14. yea should of said i have over 35 different colors
  15. i am only showinf the front veiws due to i don't want these wings to be used just to see what you guys think of them [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/71ca63c87102ac2289b4468fcf513fe0.PNG)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#71ca63c87102ac2289b4468fcf513fe0.PNG)
  16. i have searched for the issue with the main menu music and have found nothing that help you and the alot of others say it is in the client ini well i for one tell you it isn't i have check of course and even added it myself and it still won't work.I thank you for your help but being a smartass i assure you wins you no awards "There's this cool feature on the board called search, use it." I have been around long enough to know about the search bar and it is wrong of you to assume i didn't use it already!
  17. In a Land once so bright people lived in harmony,happy;and joyess.This land was called tevem all people on this land were skilled in many fashions some Marksmens some swordsman some Wizards Until One day 2 Children went missing,the town gathered there best men and traveled in search of the 2 children,they searched what seemed like everywhere and yet they still did not find the children so they returned home in hope of what the morning may bring.it was early when the towns people heard a loud noise coming from just outside the town walls they all awoke and ran down to see what it was to there dismay there were tens of thousands of monster. Monsters so horrific the near site of them turned many to stone.the town was torn to shreds the monsters killed everyone. 20 years later As it may the children that went missing known as Teryr and Melite were not murdered infact they had begun to repopulate the world.they and there children built many of towns and defended them though the mass infestions of monster still existed they they did all they could to keep them out of the towns. 40 Years Later(Present Day) Teryr had passed and Melite growing old in her age.had gathered all the town folks to carry out her last of wishes witch was to find out why the monsters came to tevem And to protect The Sacred Life.After them words she had passed The Town Folk didn't understand they spoke:"what is this sacred life she speaks of" Still to this day no ones knows will you be the one to find out? Join Others To Defeat The Monsters And See What is really behind all this madness I am looking for 1 mapper and 1 pixeler,if you have no experience or aren't that good please don't pm me.I have put alot of time into what has been done so far and i only strive for the best on this project. ERA OF TIME THAT SLO TAKES PLACE IN If i had to say it i would say a midevil time that is also fantasy. Features 1: fishing 2:mining 3: crafting 4:swimming 5:hunting 6:huge maps 50x50 7:90%custom tiles (yet to be added) 8:partial custom sprites 9:attack animation 10:soon to be custom quests 11:Fully custom GUI/Music 12:Custom Spells Features are included but not limited to all these more will be added soon Here will be a few screenshots but most of these maps aren't finished as we are working as hard as we can with a team of only 2 [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/c93e3224117ad6f6f4bae0cdfb07c2d2.bmp)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#c93e3224117ad6f6f4bae0cdfb07c2d2.bmp) [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/080e14a767be7bbf18eeb206d3e6b36f.bmp)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#080e14a767be7bbf18eeb206d3e6b36f.bmp) http://sacredlifeonline.webs.com
  18. how do i call a SWF video in a script,How do i call a custom menu to pop up displaying a msg when player first logs on (first time only)?Lastly,does Es 1.2 come with a main menu music feature?Example mainmenumusic=u add ur song name here and it playes on main menu?
  19. i curently own a p's and my rates of exp are great stats on weps are good and armor u don't get 60 stat points per lvl like most eo p's we also have over 200 custom weapons and armors and 5 new NPC's working on pets atm.everything is hard to get but not so hard u can't get it player base is ehhhhhh not to good but thats because we are working everything out so we have alot of server reboots but soon i mean really soon i think it may just be epic
  20. I come to you all today to only speak from my heart and to ask Mods/Admin fix this forums i love eclipse.But it isn't the same eclipse i came to 8 months ago back then there was no spammers,Thiefs,Flammers or Trollers now today thats all i see.I should say that a different way there was them type of people but they were delt with now things seem to be getting out of hand.i have given Eclipse everything i can i have helped so many newbs i have gave stuff i worked so hard on to help peoples games,i have always gave credit were credit is due.The only reason i have stuck to this forums and no one elses is because it is Moderated people don't get away with stupid stuff i am so tired of seeing ignorant people.and now it tears me up to see this forum go down hill like it has i hate to say this but i will be leaving and never coming back if this isn't fixed i love eclipse to much to see it go down. i log on today to hear someone (no names tobe minchened)say they are gonna steal some stuff from another game then i see spammers and flammers on all topics everyday i see shout box being spammed i see flamers on there aswell it never stops,i can't stand it anymore i mean this in no negative way to anyone or to this forum i just want to gget this out there to the ones who need to hear it before it is to late I have locked this topic so i don't contribute to the mess of things that has been happening Sincerly Respect
  21. If you wanted others to connect to your game you would upload ur client to a file hoster site and then give them the download link they would connect to your server with your External Ip (the one u get from ipchicken.com)
  22. [qoute]change your destop colour depth down to 16 bit not 32bit. this will fix your RTE-480[/qoute] i had her change it and she still has same issue i am confused to why it is like that. @harrison858 How do i test such files to be corrupt no one else has any issues but her so that i wonder about i really am leaning towards her p.c having the issue and no my client isn't encrypted and yes i transfered from EE2.8 to ES then from ES to ES1.2
  23. my friend who plays my game says now she can't see items/weps/armors but can still see info about them and when she clicks on them she get the error Run-Time Error: 480 - Can't create auto redraw image i have tryed the fix listed in RTE guide didn't work i am using ES 1.2 have had this problem since ES (First one) i have had her reinstall Directx9 ELI9 and new client still she gets these problems If Anyone is willing to help pleasee do i really don't understand Why she is having these issues she plays eo guildwars eor many other games and dosn't have problems with them why only mine?
  24. i don't see why anyone should be banned for such a topic i vote yes unless he changes his ways i for one do not want to see him go just for him to act his age i have a 4 y/o daughter who dosn't act the way he does
  25. ok i found this from urbandictionary.com i found it to be funny so figured i would post it here post all definitions of any words you may find funny also (Follow Forums rules of course) This is copy and pasted directly from urban dictionary Definition For:"skeet" To release a massive load of sperm, To remove the semen from a male body. Or in slang terms: to cum all over that bitch. "Oh my! I got skeet in my eye", said Mildred. "I'm terribly sorry.", said Eugene.
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