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Posts posted by dthnote801

  1. I would love to play this o.o   

    but I find one flaw with your story.  From what I learned from the show, you have to be:  A: Born to the nation that you're a bender of..  and B:  You're born with the ability to bend it's not learnable. . .  (It's learnable to master I know this much, but I mean to learn it from scratch)  But seeing as how it's completely different from the series, I can understand it.  But if you need a mapper.  I 'll help
  2. ```
    ' Module: OnDeath.ess '
    ' Author: Stephan J.R. van Schaik '
    ' Date: August 30th, 2009. '
    ' Version: 1.0.0 '

    ' Function: OnDeath '
    ' Brief: executes when a player dies outside of an arena. '
    ' Parameters: '
    ' Index: the index number of the player who died. '
    Sub OnDeath(Index)
    If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then
    Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index))
    Map = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map"))
    X = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "x"))
    Y = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "y"))

    Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map, X, Y)
    End If

    Call SetPlayerHP(Index, GetPlayerMaxHP(Index))
    Call SetPlayerMP(Index, GetPlayerMaxMP(Index))
    Call SetPlayerSP(Index, GetPlayerMaxSP(Index))
    Call SendPlayerData(Index)
    End Sub

    ```that's my Ondeath.ess
  3. Hi, I'm working on a mmo called Tears of the Moon IX (Name not solidly placed yet) and I was wondering if I can get a spriter, scripter, and some mappers.

    Pm me if you want to work on it.

    Story:Several years ago,the world was surrounded by darkness,and seven warriors stepped up to the challenge.They were brave and fought hard,and in the end they won.It's been 2000 years.The date is 5236 and the forces of darkness rise again. As Hades's commands his troops for battle,as does Zeus.Will you help defend the gods,or use demonic powers to destroy the gods?

    Info: Tears of the Moon IX is a mmorpg to test what I know about mmorpg making and to make a good fun mmorpg for people to play.

    Time Era: No Set Time.

    Gameplay: Fantasy, Good vs Evil.

    Features: PvP arena (The only place for PvP battles) there is no pking.

    Screenshots: There are none, maps are currently being made so this will be updated when I get the maps completed.
  4. I started by having my friend download my game, and the library files, then i went to finish the port forwarding, then i had him start the game and have him change the ip server to my i.p. Then i went to try the Hamachi way, and had him type in my hamachi I.P while i had the server.exe file open.  and nothing worked…
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