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[EO:Event System 3] Some bug fixes


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Here are some bugs I found and hopefully fixed.

> Sometimes in bank you can't withdraw currency items.
> This will fix it.
> This fix is client side only.
> Replace this wich is in frmMain:
> ```
> Private Sub lblCurrencyOk_Click()
> ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
> If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
> If IsNumeric(txtCurrency.text) Then
> If Val(txtCurrency.text) > GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem) Then txtCurrency.text = GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem)
> Select Case CurrencyMenu
> Case 1 ' drop item
> SendDropItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> Case 2 ' deposit item
> DepositItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> Case 3 ' withdraw item
> WithdrawItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> Case 4 ' offer trade item
> TradeItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> End Select
> Else
> AddText "Please enter a valid amount.", BrightRed
> Exit Sub
> End If
> picCurrency.Visible = False
> tmpCurrencyItem = 0
> txtCurrency.text = vbNullString
> CurrencyMenu = 0 ' clear
> ' Error handler
> Exit Sub
> errorhandler:
> HandleError "lblCurrencyOk_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
> Err.Clear
> Exit Sub
> End Sub
> ```
> With this:
> ```
> Private Sub lblCurrencyOk_Click()
> ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
> If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
> If IsNumeric(txtCurrency.text) Then
> Select Case CurrencyMenu
> Case 1 ' drop item
> If Val(txtCurrency.text) > GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem) Then
> txtCurrency.text = GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem)
> Else
> AddText "Please enter a valid amount.", BrightRed
> Exit Sub
> End If
> SendDropItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> Case 2 ' deposit item
> If Val(txtCurrency.text) > GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem) Then
> txtCurrency.text = GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem)
> Else
> AddText "Please enter a valid amount.", BrightRed
> Exit Sub
> End If
> DepositItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> Case 3 ' withdraw item
> If Val(txtCurrency.text) > Bank.Item(tmpCurrencyItem).Value Then
> txtCurrency.text = Bank.Item(tmpCurrencyItem).Value
> Else
> AddText "Please enter a valid amount.", BrightRed
> Exit Sub
> End If
> WithdrawItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> Case 4 ' offer trade item
> If Val(txtCurrency.text) > GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem) Then
> txtCurrency.text = GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem)
> Else
> AddText "Please enter a valid amount.", BrightRed
> Exit Sub
> End If
> TradeItem tmpCurrencyItem, Val(txtCurrency.text)
> End Select
> End If
> picCurrency.Visible = False
> tmpCurrencyItem = 0
> txtCurrency.text = vbNullString
> CurrencyMenu = 0 ' clear
> ' Error handler
> Exit Sub
> errorhandler:
> HandleError "lblCurrencyOk_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
> Err.Clear
> Exit Sub
> End Sub
> ```

> I don't remember what this bug did, but it is a bug and needs to be fixed like the others.
> Looks like it's also in the bank.
> And also client side only.
> Replace this line, wich is located in "Private Sub picBank_DblClick()" inside the frmMain:
> ```
> If GetBankItemNum(bankNum) = ITEM_TYPE_NONE Then Exit Sub
> ```
> With this:
> ```
> If Item(GetBankItemNum(bankNum)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_NONE Then Exit Sub
> ```

> Another bank bug, when you move the mouse over a bank item, you don't see the picture.
> This will fix it.
> Also client side only.
> Add:
> ```
> LastItemDesc = Bank.Item(bankNum).num
> ```
> Under this, wich is in "Private Sub picBank_MouseMove" in frmMain.
> ```
> UpdateDescWindow Bank.Item(bankNum).num, x2, y2
> ```

> This is more an uncoded part than a bug actually, you can't see the attack animation of other players.
> This will fix it.
> It's server side only.
> Search for this, inside your server source project:
> ```
> ' Send this packet so they can see the person attacking
> ```
> And add under it, this:
> ```
> Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
> Buffer.WriteLong SAttack
> Buffer.WriteLong index
> SendDataToMap GetPlayerMap(index), Buffer.ToArray()
> Set Buffer = Nothing
> ```
> On the same sub("Sub HandleAttack"), search for:
> ```
> Dim x As Long, y As Long
> ```
> Add under it:
> ```
> Dim Buffer As New clsBuffer
> ```

That's all.

Feel free to ask me if you need any help, because I like to help.

EDIT: Idk why the code looks like this… But I couldnt make it look better.. But you can just copy/paste it.
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Today I came to check the forum out and looks like my IP is unbanned..

I am not planning to get banned anymore so, I will even only be around on the source section just as a hobby…

Btw, I was banned for ignoring warnings and multiaccounting etc...
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