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Viewing Event Data with the GUI


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We haven't planned out what a potential quest system would be like. One thing I can say for sure is that the current event editor will not be in this version of Eclipse.
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> So quest log for event system…

Something like that.

> We haven't planned out what a potential quest system would be like. One thing I can say for sure is that the current event editor will not be in this version of Eclipse.

Okay, but I think Eclipse is a bit overdue for a built in quest system.
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There will be one, I totally agree with having one in there. We just don't want to get to the point where most of the other engines have gotten to in that they're almost pre-made games and no one even bothers editing them to try and create a unique game anymore.
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> We just don't want to get to the point where most of the other engines have gotten to in that they're almost pre-made games and no one even bothers editing them to try and create a unique game anymore.

True, but good quests can mean the difference between a unique game and a clone. The results depend on the designer of course.
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