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What do you think of this idea for my game:

Admiral Refuge

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Me and a friend are planning on creating a game, I have not downloaded Eclipse yet, because I am still waiting on a script request, and reading on how to use the newest version and all…

The game itself will be mostly black and white, and be made up with stick figures... bullets, blood, and other very small things will be in color, but everything else is black and white...

There will be 4 classes, the Mage, the Dueler, the marksmen, and the warrior(I think that's the classes)

The Mage will start off as a normal mage with his weapon being a magic wand, once the mage is a certain lvl(I forget which, I think it's like, lvl 10ish or somthing like that, not too high of a lvl) he can be promoted to a Battle Mage or Mystic Mage. The battle mage can use the low lvl magic wand, or the new weapon, the staff... he still can cast spells, not too strong ones, and he fights melee... the mystic mage fights with magic, and can learn more powerful spells.

The Dueler is sort of a warrior that can hold two weapons. Since he can't hold a shield, he has high def and attack, probably the most powerful of any of the classes...

The Marksmen can use ranged weapons, bows and arrows, guns, etc... Since they fight from a distance, their def is low...

The warrior, is able to use a shield and weapon, their defense isn't too high, but that's why they use the shield.

You will be able to do alot of stuff in-game, including creating weapons, mining, fishing, maybe cooking.... probably other stuff too....

So, any opinions/suggestions?

PS: My spelling isn't the greatest, I'm disgraphic
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