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Dark Crusade

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To make it a little easier, i've put all the previous recommendations from this thread: http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,14824.0.html onto this thread. If you have a recommendation to add, put it on the previous thread, and i'll add it to this list if its a reasonable request.

Ok here they are:

1\. When learning a spell, Apart from level being a requirement, it would be good if you could make magic and strength requirements on spells. For example:
Firebolt- Requirements: Str-2 Magic-4 Lvl- 2 Class- Spellcaster

2\. Even Bigger Monsters (bigger then 'big npcs')

3\. Ability to make characters as "big npcs", and make items bigger in the paperdoll sheet. Handy for when u want someone to have a big sword which won't fit in the single item tile.

4\. Monster attack speed (so you can make some monsters attack say ever 0.40 seconds or 1.2 seconds etc)

5\. Pets and summons which can have timed durations before they are unsummoned, can learn spells and autocast them, and hold and equip items.

6\. Ranged npc attackers and magic users

7\. flying monsters: that some npc don't stop moving their wings because when they stay in one place they look weird with their wings without movement

8\. glove and boots for paperdoll!

9\. For the equips, it would be really neat if it had a spot for footwear and gloves.

10\. With shops, it would be good if you could craft: eg- to make a healing potion you need to give the shopkeeper 5 mushrooms and 3 leaves or something. When i make crafting shops in ee2.1, i am only able to pick one currency per shop, which is hard when u want a crafting shop, because you have to make multiple shops with different ingrediants and you cant make it that it costs 2 different types of ingrediants to make an item.

11\. Monsters should have a 'pie graph' style drop ratio. For example, there is a monster called 'Bandit' who can drop short sword, bow, gold or bandana. You should be able to make he only can drop 1 item at a time, and have a percentage for all drops that add up to 100%. For example:
10% chance to drop short sword
15% chance to drop bandana
5% chance to drop bow
5% chance to drop 5 gold
5% chance to drop 7 gold
5% chance to drop 9 gold
5% chance to drop 10 gold
50% chance to drop Nothing

All of these recommendations would improve EE2 a lot!
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