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Help with modTypes


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Could someone help me make a modTypes for a Pokemon engine, I'm kinda having a hard time with the logic of it…

I know PokemonRec will have Sprite, Cry, Attack, etc but there are some stuff related to combat and other to the species itself.

Really need help with it :\
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Its rather simple.

In modTypes, at the top, put there something like this.


public Pokemon(1 to MAX_POKEMON) as PokemonRec

Private Type PokemonRec

'values go here

end type


This is the basic structure. If you still don't understand how it works, I'll explain it.
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LOL, I know how it works, I just think I'm missing some varibles or doing something I shouldn't



Public Const MAX_POKEMON_IN_BAG As Long = 6

Public Const MAX_POKEMONS As Long = 2

Public Const MAX_POKEMONITEMS As Long = 1000

Public Const MAX_POKEMonmoveS As Long = 3


Public Pokemon(1 To MAX_POKEMONS) As PokemonRec

Public PokemonInBag(1 To MAX_POKEMON_IN_BAG) As PokemonInBagRec

Public Bag() As BagRec

'Public PokemonPokemonBank(1 To MAX_PLAYERS) As PokemonPokemonBankRec

'Public PokemonItemBank(1 To MAX_PLAYERS) As PokemonItemBankRec

'Public PokemonItem(1 To MAX_POKEMONITEMS) As PokemonItemRec

Public Pokemonmoves(1 To MAX_POKEMonmoveS) As PokemonmovesRec

Public PokemonDefence As PokemonDefenceRec

Public Type PokemonDefenceRec

Normal As Long

Fire As Long

Water As Long

Electric As Long

Grass As Long

Ice As Long

Fighting As Long

Poison As Long

Ground As Long

Flying As Long

Psychic As Long

Bug As Long

Rock As Long

Ghost As Long

Dragon As Long

Dark As Long

Steel As Long

End Type

Public Type PokemonRec

ID As Long 'pokedex id

Name As String * NAME_LENGTH 'Bulbasaur

Sprite As Long

PartySprite As Long

Type1 As Long 'Grass,Normal,etc...

Type2 As Long

Description As String 'pokedex desc

Cry As Long

Footprint As Long

EvolutionPokemon As Long 'pokemon to which it envolves

EvolutionLevel As Long 'at which level it envolves to that pokemon

EXPCurve As Byte 'fast,slow,medium,etc

HP As Long

Attack As Long

Defense As Long

SpAttack As Long

SpDefense As Long

End Type

Public Type BagRec

Type As Byte 'If 1-Items,2-Pokeballs,3-KeyItems,4-TMs/HMs

Name As String * NAME_LENGTH

Desc As String

Script As Long

End Type

'Public Type PokemonPokemonBankRec

' PokemonInBagRec(1 To MAX_BAGPOKEMON) As Long

'End Type

'Public Type PokemonItemBankRec

' PokemonItem

'End Type

'Public Type PokemonItemRec

'End Type

Public Type PokemonmovesRec

Name As String * NAME_LENGTH

Type As Long

CurPP As Long

PP As Long

Power As Long

Accuracy As Long

StatusAilment As Byte

StatusAmount As Long 'for -Defense -Attack and stuff

Animation As Long

Script As Long

End Type

Public Type PokemonInBagRec

BagSlot As Integer

Data() As PokemonRec

Name As String * NAME_LENGTH

Level(1 To 100) As Integer

Shiny As Boolean

Status As Byte 'poisoned etc

StatusRounds As Byte 'durations in rounds of the status ailment

Moves(1 To 4) As PokemonmovesRec

'hp up,pp up,attack up and that shits XD

HP_Up As Long

Attack_Up As Long

Defense_Up As Long

SpAttack_Up As Long

SpDefense_Up As Long

Consumable_Limit As Long 'don't want pokemons with +100000 attack XD

Accuracy As Long 'raised to 3 with Growl or whatever, remember to refresh after battle if finished

Wild As Byte ' 1 wild, 2 npc, 3 human

End Type

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The great thing about variables, you can always add more later if you realize you don't have enough ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) That being said, I doubt anyone knows enough about what you are planning on doing to actually go through and make sure you have variables for everything. That being said, I don't see anything for current health, just HP. Maybe it is somewhere else in the coding, but I just see an HP (whether that is supposed to be max hp, or just hp idk.
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> 'Public Type PokemonItemBankRec
> ' PokemonItem
> 'End Type

> Public Type BagRec
> Type As Byte 'If 1-Items,2-Pokeballs,3-KeyItems,4-TMs/HMs
> Name As String * NAME_LENGTH
> Desc As String
> Script As Long
> End Type

All the problems I could find are in these recs.
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> The great thing about variables, you can always add more later if you realize you don't have enough ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) That being said, I doubt anyone knows enough about what you are planning on doing to actually go through and make sure you have variables for everything. That being said, I don't see anything for current health, just HP. Maybe it is somewhere else in the coding, but I just see an HP (whether that is supposed to be max hp, or just hp idk.

Pokemon have an HP formula that it based on their BaseHealth ([http://bulbapedia.bu….net/wiki/Stats](http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Stats))

That HP is the base health of the pokemon
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> Its rather simple.
> In modTypes, at the top, put there something like this.
> ```
> public Pokemon(1 to MAX_POKEMON) as PokemonRec
> Private Type PokemonRec
> 'values go here
> end type
> ```
> This is the basic structure. If you still don't understand how it works, I'll explain it.

Matt, let's not forget where this should be placed in the recs. You should probably have it places under PlayerRec or NpcRec. Depends on if you're defining the npc as a Pokemon Type in the editor or when this Pokemon is on the team of a player…for example>

Like Matt said.


Public Pokemon(1 To MAX_POKEMONS) As PokeRec

In Private Type PlayerRec.


' Pokemon

Team(1 To 6) As PokeTeamRec

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> Matt, let's not forget where this should be placed in the recs. You should probably have it places under PlayerRec or NpcRec. Depends on if you're defining the npc as a Pokemon Type in the editor or when this Pokemon is on the team of a player…for example>
> Like Matt said.
> ```
> Public Pokemon(1 To MAX_POKEMONS) As PokeRec
> ```
> In Private Type PlayerRec.
> ```
> ' Pokemon
> Team(1 To 4) As PokeTeamRec
> ```

He asked

> Could someone help me make a modTypes for a Pokemon engine, I'm kinda having a hard time with the logic of it…

so I tried to make it as simple as possible.
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Public Moves(1 To MAX_MOVES) As MoveRec


For an example of the Move code, just a snippet of what I contain in a project of mine.


Public Sub SendSaveMove(ByVal movenum As Long)

Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

Dim MoveSize As Long

Dim MoveData() As Byte

Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

MoveSize = LenB(Moves(movenum))

ReDim MoveData(MoveSize - 1)

CopyMemory MoveData(0), ByVal VarPtr(Moves(movenum)), MoveSize

Buffer.WriteLong CSaveMove

Buffer.WriteLong movenum

Buffer.WriteBytes MoveData

SendData Buffer.ToArray()

Set Buffer = Nothing

End Sub


You'd have to handle moves via editor unless you wanted them ini based in which would be horrid.
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