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Player stats


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How the player stats works?

I have 15 point in Int and I have 1810 mana in lv 100, but I'm not a mage

And my friend have 100+ points in Int and and have 1000- mana in lv 100, and he's a mage

How the STR, END, AGI, INT and WILL works?
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Depends on your engine. These are examples.

By default, intelligence is used only for MP. For HP/MP:
>! ```
>! Function GetPlayerMaxVital(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Vital As Vitals) As Long
>! If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function
>! Select Case Vital
>! Case HP
>! Select Case GetPlayerClass(Index)
>! Case 1 ' Warrior
>! GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150
>! Case 2 ' Mage
>! GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Endurance) / 2)) * 5 + 65
>! Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default
>! GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150
>! End Select
>! Case MP
>! Select Case GetPlayerClass(Index)
>! Case 1 ' Warrior
>! GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 5 + 25
>! Case 2 ' Mage
>! GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 30 + 85
>! Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default
>! GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 5 + 25
>! End Select
>! End Select
>! End Function
>! ```

Endurance increases hp (as in first spoiler) as well as block chance & defence:

>! ```
Function CanPlayerBlockHit(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
>! Dim I As Long
>! Dim n As Long
>! Dim ShieldSlot As Long
>! ShieldSlot = GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Shield)
>! If ShieldSlot > 0 Then
>! n = Int(Rnd * 2)
>! If n = 1 Then
>! I = (GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Endurance) \ 2) + (GetPlayerLevel(Index) \ 2)
>! n = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
>! If n <= I Then
>! CanPlayerBlockHit = True
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
>! End Function
Function GetPlayerProtection(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
>! Dim Armor As Long
>! Dim Helm As Long
>! GetPlayerProtection = 0
>! ' Check for subscript out of range
>! If isPlaying(Index) = False Or Index <= 0 Or Index > Player_HighIndex Then
>! Exit Function
>! End If
>! Armor = GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Armor)
>! Helm = GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Helmet)
>! GetPlayerProtection = (GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Endurance) \ 5)
>! If Armor > 0 Then
>! GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Armor).Data2
>! End If
>! If Helm > 0 Then
>! GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Helm).Data2
>! End If
>! End Function

Str works to increase dmg
>! ```
>! Function GetPlayerDamage(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
>! Dim weaponNum As Long
>! GetPlayerDamage = 0
>! ' Check for subscript out of range
>! If isPlaying(Index) = False Or Index <= 0 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then
>! Exit Function
>! End If
>! If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, weapon) > 0 Then
>! weaponNum = GetPlayerEquipment(Index, weapon)
>! GetPlayerDamage = 0.085 * 5 * GetPlayerStat(Index, Strength) * Item(weaponNum).Data2 + (GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 5)
>! Else
>! GetPlayerDamage = 0.085 * 5 * GetPlayerStat(Index, Strength) + (GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 5)
>! End If
>! For weaponNum = 1 To Equipment.Equipment_Count - 1
>! If Player(Index).Equipment(weaponNum) > 0 Then
>! GetPlayerDamage = GetPlayerDamage * (1 + Item(Player(Index).Equipment(weaponNum)).DMGPercent)
>! End If
>! Next
>! End Function
>! ```
and ability to parry
>! ```
>! Public Function CanPlayerParry(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
>! Dim rate As Long
>! Dim RndNum As Long
>! CanPlayerParry = False
>! rate = GetPlayerStat(Index, Strength) * 0.25
>! RndNum = rand(1, 100)
>! If RndNum <= rate Then
>! CanPlayerParry = True
>! End If
>! End Function
>! ```

Agility is for dodge and critical rates:

>! ```
Public Function CanPlayerCrit(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
>! Dim rate As Long
>! Dim RndNum As Long
>! CanPlayerCrit = False
>! rate = GetPlayerStat(Index, Agility) / 52.08
>! RndNum = rand(1, 100)
>! If RndNum <= rate Then
>! CanPlayerCrit = True
>! End If
>! End Function
>! Public Function CanPlayerDodge(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
>! Dim rate As Long
>! Dim RndNum As Long
>! CanPlayerDodge = False
>! rate = GetPlayerStat(Index, Agility) / 83.3
>! RndNum = rand(1, 100)
>! If RndNum <= rate Then
>! CanPlayerDodge = True
>! End If
>! End Function

Willpower only increases regeneration rate:
>! ```
Function GetPlayerVitalRegen(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Vital As Vitals) As Long
>! Dim I As Long
>! ' Prevent subscript out of range
>! If isPlaying(Index) = False Or Index <= 0 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then
>! GetPlayerVitalRegen = 0
>! Exit Function
>! End If
>! Select Case Vital
>! Case HP
>! I = (GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Willpower) * 0.8) + 6
>! Case MP
>! I = (GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Willpower) / 4) + 12.5
>! End Select
>! If I < 2 Then I = 2
>! GetPlayerVitalRegen = I
>! End Function
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Considering your mana problem, I'm guessing your Mage class isn't class #2 in your game. Easiest to just edit that part of the code accordingly. Those equations are all server-side, by the way, so no worries about players needing any updated clients!

(Excuse the double-post. Post edits seem to ruin code nesting for me.)
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Again, it depends on your engine.

Somewhere, server-side in modCombat, Sub Cast Spell, you should see a line like```

Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital

This is the damage calculation. It's used for damaging spells as well as healing spells. If you'd like to change all spell damages, replace that with something like:```

Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital * GetPlayerStat(Index,Willpower)/50

This example would add 2% spell damage per willpower, rounded after the calculation. You'll have to fiddle with it to get something balanced. (IMO 2% per will is overpowered… maybe 1% from /100). You could also do something like:```

Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital + GetPlayerStat(Index,Willpower)/4

This would add 1 dmg per 4 points of willpower and is similar to the old formula from Mirage Source.

If you'd like a different formula for each spell type, find that first vitals formula and stick something like this in right after it:


Select Case Spell(spellnum).Type


Vital = Vital * GetPlayerStat(Index, Willpower) / 30


Vital = Vital * GetPlayerStat(Index, Willpower) / 20


Vital = Vital * GetPlayerStat(Index, Willpower) / 70


Vital = Vital * GetPlayerStat(Index, Willpower) / 40

End Select


You'll want to double-check that the type names are correct for your engine. I'm not sure, but I think they're the same across the board.
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So, if I use


Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital + GetPlayerStat(index, Willpower) / 7

This would add 1 dmg per 7 will points?

And if I use this in the End code


Case HP

I = (GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Willpower) * 0.8) + 6

This would add HP regen?

That's correct?
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> Thanks
> So, if I use
> ```
> Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital + GetPlayerStat(index, Willpower) / 7
> ```
> This would add 1 dmg per 7 will points?

Yes, if replacing the similar line in Sub CastSpell.

My bad, this has a minor flaw. IIRC, automatic type conversions round towards the nearest even number. You won't see your first bonus until 7 willpower, but then the second at 11, and the third at 21, fourth at 25, … A little wonky. You can use Int(GetPlayerStat(Index,Willpower)/7) to round down ( + 1 at 7, 14, 21, 28, ...), or Int((GetPlayerStat(Index,Willpower)/7)+.5) to round up (+1 at 4, 11, 18, 25, ...).

> And if I use this in the End code
> ```
> Case HP
> I = (GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Willpower) * 0.8) + 6
> ```
> This would add HP regen?

If you're talking about spells, this wouldn't add regen. To add hp regen in spells, you want vitals-over-time, (which is already built into EFF - the engine you're on yeah?) All this does is change the value of the variable I. How that variable is used still depends on the context.
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