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Game idea i'm not using.


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Well i was planning to make a game with good and evil, you start on a typical newbland and from there you can chooes to join either side, this will be shown by the guild you join. Each side has their own island and fight for control of other islands and can even invade eachothers island. I'm no longer using this idea and i figured if anyone else thinks it would make a fun game then you can use it for your game. Only problem i see is making sure both sides have equal amounts because 20 evil vs 4 good would be bad  :sad:, I was also planning on having each side run by an admin.
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thats the problem between 1 side vs another games
the idea yo have is very general, and lots of people have had that idea in the past
and i've had it too lol

but thats the problem
another problem is you need lots of people online/joined up to make it fun
or like spanion did in his 7 nations have guards and stuff
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Well you can't really play on a full PvP game with Eclipse, because the player population will never be there for it. Well, you can have it, but with such a small relative population it is much harder to balance. You'll have to have some fun things someone can do by themselves, or simple cooperative stuff as well.

Not that an epic-scale PvP idea is a bad thing either, it just doesn't work as a game focus. Even a good Eclipse game has potential, but it won't get enough to make PvP-centric game worthwhile; it's like RO private servers, the guild wars  (WoE) were always jokes, and was pretty much one person defending 5 castles and things got taken over when the other players couldn't be online… unfortunately that was what happened with Seven Nations also.
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My project is "faction" based in part, and there is little control I have over future "choosing of sides".
But Each faction (of the main three you can choose when making a new character) has different bonuses, for example one side gives increased credits for new chars, another increase in skills, ect.
If its just "good or bad" then its hard if not impossible to control, bud if there are different incentives for each side, equally balanced, then it somewhat makes an appealing balance.

Beyond that, during gameplay, the developer would have to monitor faction strengths and provide some sort of support options to sides heavily outnumbered to even the balance a little, Dev's call.

Tricky no matter how you do it.  But Warcraft seems to have no real issues with it, that I've seen.
People tend to be evenly diveded if the sides are equal in value
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yea, with WoW, at any given time you can find enough horde/alliance on

the thing is, once your game is up, youll see whcih side players will flock too
for numerous reasons

1\. a player is messed up high level, and people join him
2\. a group of friends join a side

if your populatinos isnt big enough small things like this could change the balance
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