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Alright so the last few things I asked help with weren't really helped but that doesn't matter I figured it out.

I have a rather large issue that I can't seem to fix…

I ran my game, and everything worked fine...

I decided to change some stats on the classes and saved it, restarted the server and when I went to character creation, there were no sprites.

Apparently, my sprites sheet no longer exists, even though it hasn't been altered since the last time i logged in. It's still in my GFX folder but for some reason it's not being read.

If ANYBODY knows how to fix this I would really appreciate it.

please and thank you.
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like I said I didn't edit the sheet at all since I put in the new sprites a week ago, and it worked fine, and I checked the numbers they're fine, the file name is still Sprites, I put the classes back to their original form but that hasn't worked.

The sprites just appear as a white box in character creation, and when I use the character it says my sprite file doesn't exist and shuts down the game.
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