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NeonCube Autopatcher


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Hello, here you'll learn how to make an autopatch to your Eclipse game using the NeonCube…

* * *

* [NeonCube 1.2 (click to download)](http://patch.neon-cube.net/download/NeonCube-1.2.zip)
* [NeonCube 1.1 (BETA) (click to download)](http://patch.neon-cube.net/download/NeonCube-1.1.zip)
* A good hoster to your files
* An Eclipse game

**Why 2 NeonCube versions?**
One you'll use the application because it's better (1.2), the other you'll create a .grf file (1.1).

**Step 1: Setting Up the NeonCube**
Extract your NeonCube versions every one in a singular folder, then open your NeonCube 1.2 folder and enter in the "neoncube" folder inside it. There you'll find 3 folders, **_skin_Template**, **skin_default** and **skin_red**. But open the file **neoncube.ini** in your notepad… Go down until desappears the **;** of the left side, it will be **[server]** the first thing. Now we start modifying it:

> [server]
> server_name = put the name of your server
> notice_url = the URL to your news file (withour **www.**)
> patch_site = your website address (with **www.**)
> patch_port = the port of your patch address (if you don't know/have, left it how it is)
> patch_list = your patchlist.txt (can change the name, but the extension not), needs a **/** at the start of it
> patch_folder = your patch folder (if you have some thing like **public_html** in your host, don't use it, like **/patchs/**)
> executable = the name of your executable (your game)
> registration_link = your website address
> skin = your skin (we'll talk about it later)
> grf_file = your **.grf** file (we will talk about it later)
> Backup_GRF = it'll make a backup of the **.grf** file after the update (0 to off; 1 to on)
> startup_option = 1= Can start the game anytime; 2= Can start the game only AFTER the patch process has completed (if the connection/download fails it won't start); 3= Can start the game only AFTER the patch process has completed (if it fails to connect/download it'll start)
> [general]
> ;debug_mode = not needed
> archive_passphrase = if you want to use a password in your patchs, put it here

If you want, you can change the name of your **NeonCube.exe** to anything (with the **.exe**!)

**Step 2: The .grf file**
Now, open your other NeonCube folder and the neoncube folder inside it (the 1.1). Then open the **Create.exe**. It'll create a **data.grf**. Now take the **data.grf** and the **data.grf.txt** and paste them into your NeonCube 1.2 folder (not **NeonCube 1.2/neoncube/**! Only **Neoncube 1.2/**). Rename your **data.grf** to whatever you want, then open the **neoncube.ini** and locate this line:

> grf_file = something.grf

Change that **something** to the name you gave to your **data.grf**.

**Step 3: Sed to Others! (there's other steps!)**
Want to send to others? All files you need are these:

* **neoncube** folder
* **neoncube.exe** or whatever you put as its name
* **data.grf.txt**
* **yourdata.grf**
* **neoncube.exe.Manifest**

Put them in your game folder, compact/make an install and send it (tell players to open your NeonCube file!)

**Step 4: Your Patchs**
NeonCube supports two kind of patchs, the **FLD** and the **GRF**. We will use the **FLD** because it's easier and it's very small.
First, download something like WinRAR or 7ZIP, or whatever that makes **.zip**, **.7z** or **.rar** files. Well, you need to tell the program you use to save the address of the file, like this: **GFX\Arrows.bmp** (or with the **/** I don't remember). Put all files ou want to update inside your compacted file. If you want password protect, put it in the file and needs to be the same of the password you put in

> archive_passphrase =

of your **neoncube.ini**. Then upload it to the folder you put in

> patch_folder =

of your **neoncube.ini**.

**Step 5: Your Patch List **.txt****

> patch_list =

remember? There needs to be the full name of the file with a **/** at the start of it (like **/patchlist.txt**) and needs to be a **.txt** file. Create one anywhere. Inside it, you put something like this:

> 1 FLD yourpatch1.rar
> 2 FLD yourpatch2.zip
> 3 FLD yourpatch3.7z

You don't need to put it in every extension. Now upload it to your

> patch_folder =

of your **neoncube.ini**.

You can change the skin! Copy one of the skin folder already in your **neoncube** folder, change the name to **skin_yourskin** and modify the files inside of it. Change the

> skin =

in your **neoncube.ini** and put the name of the folder.

* Needs to start with **skin_**
* DO NOT TOUCH **_skin_templte** FOLDER! IT IS NEEDED TOO!

Done. Your NeonCube is working. You can use Resource Hacker to change the icon of your neoncube, but I don't know where to download it. Good luck!
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  • 7 months later...
This doesnt work for me, dunno why, I downloaded both files got to the step where I had to open create.exe, but there isnt a create.exe, how do you get it?  :huh:
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