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Borne Online[Recruiting]


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**WIP Website: [http://www.borne.p0op.com/](http://www.borne.p0op.com/)**

Source Editor

**Game Name**: Borne Online
**What it's About**: Long ago people were born and trained at birth to kill. At the age of ten they have already mastered the skills to fight in war. They are then sent to war on the task to kill or to be killed. Out of war and destruction comes a city called Everdale, the city was made to be a Utopia. Many people have looked for it and tried to build it but all have failed. That doesn't mean that humans should give up on reaching Utopia. As long as we try there is hope! But the civilians living in Everdale will soon realize that Everdale is no where near a Utopia.
Everdale is hidden in the Forest Of Eden, no one has found it but no one has gotten out of it. Why must they call it a Utopia when there is no freedom? Outside of Everdale is war, destruction, evil and countless obstacle. But how can you make a true Utopia without knowing the keys of not making one?
Acting as knights, archers, mages or assassins, players are faced with the challenge of developing the skills and power of their selected characters, exploring a large variety of areas, towns and dangerous caves and interacting with other players.
… To Be Continued
**Sum Up**:
It's a strange concept, because the place was made for all the good people to stay in and all the bad people to stay out, so people that are in there cannot leave because they are the reason it's a utopia. The place is hidden in the forest of eden that is the main reason why people cannot find it nor get out of it. But if you look at it again, a utopia is pretty much another word for perfect, but how is that concept perfect? I never finished the story line, so it's abit messy
Wood Cutting
Personal Player Shops
**Quest System**:
There are three types of quests in Borne Online
1\. Kill x amount of units or get x amount of items.
2\. Figure out a riddle and go there.
ex. The more you walk the more you leave behind
A: Go to the beach
3\. A quest that leads to a different quest.
**Growth System**:You start out as a kid and as you level you'll gain new skills and grow up!
At level 80 you'll be able to advance to an adult which allows you new skills and also new weapons.
**Login Screen**
**Main Menu**
**Screen Shots**:
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Oh wow, I know this is a recruiting topic and not a WIP/beta testing topic, but I must say-

This game looks great, your mapping is very good, your GUI's are very neat, and the topic well organised. Best of luck with your game.

(I don't like the bear edit or the child sprites though, and the last screenshot's tileset looks like a completely different game)
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The feature list are the features I current have atm(can be improved) I don't put features I don't have which are alot because I don't have anyone to code it for me. So pretty much instead of putting in alot of features that I plan on having but might not have I just put up the ones I have.
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