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Tower Defense - A short game made in 3 hours.


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So a while back I created a very short tower defense game in 3 hours and I figured I'd post it here. Timing yourself and setting goals like this are super fun! I love developing right up to the last second.

**A few things to note**

- Naturally the game is very short and also a little bit complicated (due to me not adding any instructions).

- After the 3 hours I updated it the next morning, so technically the version you are downloading is 3 and a bit hours but the premise remains. 

- I don't think there are any bugs with it, but there might be so let me know.


- [Download the game here](http://malicoxon.co.uk/portfolio/tower_defense_3_hours/tower_defense.jar)

- The game was developed in Java using Slick2D and the sourcecode (very messy) can be found [here.](http://malicoxon.co.uk/portfolio/tower_defense_3_hours/tower%20defense%20source%20code.rar)

**Some screenshots**

>! ![](http://puu.sh/3x2Wg.jpg)

>! ![](http://puu.sh/3x2XP.jpg)

**How to play:**

Click on the squares which are moving towards the left, hold down your mouse to deal damage to them.

The bottom 3 buttons are upgrades which you can purchase using your score.

H = Health boost

S = Stops all enemies for a few seconds

T = Sends out a black trooper guy thing, which does damage to all ground units as it passes.

When your castle health reaches 0 you are dead.

Post your high score below!
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