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I have been thinking… A lot haha! Since a new EE version is going to be coming out with lots of nice features, I thought I would work on a game again.

But here is my idea, I was thinking about making, instead of a game focused around leveling a character, a game simply meant to tell a story. Although this may sound like a single player style RPG, I was hoping to get that feeling within an multiplayer environment.

I haven't worked out all the kinks in this idea quite yet, but I feel like this could be an interesting project!  :P

Tell me what you guys think about it. If my explanation wasn't clear feel free to ask me any questions.

Also, I actually have a story that I worked on quite a while ago that I wouldn't mind bending to be fit into a game environment.
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I wish I could hard code it, but to be honest I barely know the Eclipse source… So I may just have to stick to scripts.

Also, Ninja nice point I didn't even think about Guild Wars, they did have "sort" of a story. My game would work something along those lines, but rather be more focused on the story than GW was.
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Those are good points. But in the case of my story, it may end up being a little more linear, sort of play out like a book per-se but you are involved. So in my case the decisions for the user may not work the best, but I suppose I'll just have to experiment once I start to work on it more.
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Haha ok thanks man, I'll do the same for you if you need it. The Eclipse implementation of my project will not be for quite some time seeing as how I really don't want to make the stuff and have to transfer/convert whatever to get it to work in 3.0\. Aside from that I'm excited about experimenting with this idea.
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