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speaking of steak, the other day I had epic orange chicken. The chicken was sooo damn crispy and sooo damn orange. GOD I LLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Oranges. they're like the best fruit ever. I guess apples are good. One time, I had this apple pie. The crust really sucked, but the filling was good. In my opinion, the filling is the best part of the pie. One time, I had pie filling on my pancakes. I think the restaurant was IHOP, or maybe Denny's. It was good, but it kind-of made me sick. Like the time I went to Disneyland and ate a cheese sandwich for breakfast. I was so damn sick I couldnt even shit. Only time I felt worse was when I played soccer, which I guess is a good game. I never really watch it, but Argentina is supposed to be good. As I heard.

Wow, im sure good at staying on topic. =D
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On the topic of orange argentinian pie… I like oranges, but not orange flavored cough drops.. They taste bad..

Anyways I used to player soccer, but then I started going to school in a public school and didnt have time for it anymore... soooooo... now I dont like to play it because running sucks...

I hate running, I have to run the mile in PE like once a week and I always go slower than anyone else... I guess thats cause im built huge... But other than that, I outlift my whole gym class by at least 70 pounds...
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