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Races of Cyrus: Chaos Dynasty


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First race:


They where originally humans. The was a mad alchemist named Yul Alagatn. He want to make himself stronger to get back at those who mocked him for being a screw up in the royal family's eyes. He formed a group of stone brained villagers and brought them into his lab. His intentions where to harness the power of the pandas ferocity and strength but leave behind their love for everything and everyone. He had everyone drink the potion. He screwed up the potion (i guess the royal family isnt wrong) and it turned everyone into a panda with the intelligence of a human. They were later banished from the city being called outcasts and freaks. The settled their own village in the deep woods of Ayreos and focus on bringing love and peace to the land.

Second race:


Orcs where sent from the heaven realm to kick the humans out of power. The Keeper of heaven thought this was necessary because he feared they where to close to finding the four secret realms of Ayreos. When the orcs came to the land they built their kingdom in the largest desert of Ayreos. Because of the location of the Orc kingdom the battles between the Orcs and Humans are usually fought on the human territory and always end in human victory. Humans treat Orcs like dirty and think they are weak but they do not know

what is up their sleeve. For months orcs have been harnessing a magical power the found while mining for copper in the desert. It has been known to rip the skin of orcs who mine without granite armor for protection.

Third race:


When humans started to industrialize, the poured all of the waste into the seas. This cause mutations in the marine life. Simple fish men evolved into intelligent beings. The Izgars believe that the humans gave them the curse of intelligence. They are the seconds threat to humans in the land of Ayreos. ( They really screwed up lol) Izgars tend to team up with the Orcs because of the shared hatred for humans. The leader of the Izgars onced lived in the human kingdom. He was the first known Izgar by the humans. He came to the kingdom doors and demanded to speak to their king. Guards locked him in a box and brought him to the kings royal palace. When he asked for humans to stop dumping into the seas, the king laughed and ridiculed his race. His exact words where "BHAHAHAHA! A smelly mule-licking fish like you should go back to your seas and stay away from the Superior race." When he was kicked out of the kingdom he declared war on the humans.

Forth race:


The humans where the first race in the land of Ayreos. At first they lived of the land and where peaceful. When the orcs came into the world they started to industrialize. The built a wall around their kingdom and made mechs to destroy intruders. Their whole life revolved around war. The Orc and human war was started by the humans. The humans wanted to be the only race in Ayreos. They sent a letter saying to get out of the land or else. Orcs laughed at their letter and attacked. The battle killed thousands on both sides. It set back the revolution of humans and cause them to start to use black magic. This cause the creation of the Izgars and Zyronians.

The think they are a joke made from the gods but in reality they made them. The gods are very displeased with the humans atitude and some prophets say the end is near.

These are the races of my game. Sorry for the wall of text lol. I will try to give some more info when im not so tired.

These are the classes each can use.

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