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Ps4 and why im not getting xbox 1


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First a video.


In the video the guy brings up a great point.

Xbox might have "fixed" their problems like the check or kinect being forced but if they took it away that easy, how easy would it be to bring it back.

Heres a scenario that the guy in the video made up

Imagine a guy in crappy clothing coming to your door selling some crappy product. You say im not buying your crap and slam the door.

Say he comes back the next day in a suit and tie selling the same product. Do you want it? No. Its still the crap that you didnt want.

The guy in the scenario and Microsoft want money. Thats why they changed somethings so you would buy.

This guy made complete sense to me.

I always wanted ps4 but i hope this changes some peoples decisions on what system to buy so they dont get screwed over in the long run.

Plus who wants cable service in their console, thats why i pay the comcast cable bill.
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Shakedown, I watch him sometimes but this time all I gotta say is good for him. Microsoft just removed some things people complained about, is that so wrong that they want as much customers as possible. Pretty sure if people complained about something specific in your game you would want to change it to get those people back.

I'm getting XBone, my Gold ends sometime next year summer and everyone of my close friends and family are planning on getting it. PS4 I would lose out on an established list of people I know and have to dish out 50 bucks to play online and let the rest of my 60 bucks go to waste. Not saying I don't plan on getting PS4 one day because I do love me some RPG's and Sony always seem to do good on that front.

Both are looking good, get the system that fits you.
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