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A guide to using Neoncube


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What is Neoncube?

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Neoncube is a Ragnarok Online Patcher. What it is basically used for is for patching your server files and keeping your server up to date. It basically makes your life easier instead of releasing a client everytime you update something.

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What is it used for?

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Neoncube is used for one purpose: to patch your player's data files and to keep them up to date. Neoncube can be used to patch only 2 things (if I'm wrong correct me) your GRF file if you're using one or a data folder.

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What are the requirements to use Neoncube?
Neoncube files: ( http://patch.neon-cube.net/download/NeonCube-1.2.zip )
A webhost, free or a paid host

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How to use it

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So you were wondering how the heck do I use Neoncube..Well here's how.
Make a new folder on your destop call it patcher unpack the neoncube files there, next browse the patcher folder then into the neocube folder and open the neocube.ini file now look for something similar to this:
server_name= myRO
notice_url    = yourdomain.com/notice.html
patch_site    = yourdomain.com
patch_port    = 80
patch_list    = /patchlist.txt   
patch_folder= /patcher/

executable    = yourclient.exe
registration_link= http://yourdomain.com/cp

skin= skin_default

grf_file= yourdata.grf
Backup_GRF= 1
startup_option= 3


;debug_mode = 0
archive_passphrase =
Remember to replace the following
yourdomain.com (replace with your real domain)
yourclient.exe (replace with your real client example servername.exe)
yourdata.grf (replace with the actual grf )

Ok lets continue after you found this heres what you need to do
server_name = myRO (replace this with your server name.)
notice_url = yourdomain.com/notice.html (this is where you put things such as updates for the server replace it with the actual location of the notice,html)
patch_site = yourdomain.com (replace with the domain you will host the patcher)
patch_port = 80 (dont change this unless your host uses a diferent port)
patch_list = /patchlist.txt (this is how you distribute the patches remember that it needs to have (/) in front of it or else it will not work if you have this in another place such as /patcher/patchlist.txt remember the foward slash
patch_folder = /patcher/ (this is where you place all the updates wich are in gpf format or rar if your using a data folder. this must also start with a (/) or else it will not work.
executable = yourclient.exe (this is where you place your client name the client that starts your server.)
registration_link = http://yourdomain.com/cp (place your registration link here remember it must start with http:// first or else it wont work)
skin = skin_default (Do not change it unless you are using a custom skin)
grf_file = yourdata.grf (this is where you place the name of your grf remember to put .grf not just data it must be data.grf)
Backup_GRF = 1 (do not change it unless you know what its used for)
startup_option = 3 (do not change it.)
debug_mode = 0 (do not change)
archive_passphrase = (do not change)

So now that we have change the settings on the Neoncube it is time to work on the webhost, now remember that in the Neoncube we said that the directory for the patches would be yourdomain.com/patcher/ now we need to acces our file manager or use ftp access and create a directory called patcher now this is where you place the GPF files which are your updates. now look back where the patchlist miniguide is and you must do the same create a text document file on your computer and upload it where you placed it in your neocube.ini

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What is a GRF?

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For me a GRf is just an easier way to manage my server files its a cleaner way and its better than using a data folder, its safer to use. well not safe safe to say but it will keep a couple of server noobs out of your files.

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How to make a GRF

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What you need:
gryff (Link: [[1]](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=43596.msg439224#msg439224) )
Data folder: (find one in eathena.ws or if you have one use it.)
Ok, now that you have these two files. Go open the gryff and right click add directory look for your data folder remember the folder needs to be called data. Now click save on the top you should see something that looks like a floppy disk thats how you save after you clicked save look for a place were to save it remember to name it yourdata.grf it doesnt necesarly need to be yourdata.grf is just an example remember.

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Making a GPF

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First off a GPF is what you use to update your GRF now the same way you make the GRF is how you make the GPF. The only diference is you name it yourupdate.gpf instead of .grf. Now remember when you make an update you do not need to put all ur server files into it again all you need to do is know the name other folders and place the updates there and pack them and put the on the patcher folder in ur webhost now once you do that you now need to update your patchlist.

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Using a RAR

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Now, if you're new to all of this, you can use the data folder method, instead of the GRF method for your server.
If your using this method, you will need to get a program that can compress your data-folder into a RAR archive:
WinRAR (Link: http://www.rarsoft.com )
One of these programs should be effect and easy to use to do the job, I personally suggest Winrar (Link: http://www.rarsoft.com ) because it's free and easy to use and comes in multiply languages.
once you've got one of these programs, create a data-folder and add your updated files into that in a similar format below:
data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\¿© (Female Headgear Sprites)
data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³² (Male Heagear Sprites)
data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ (Drop Sprite Folder)
data\sprite\npc (NPC Sprite Folder)
data\sprite\¸ó½ºÅÍ (Monster Sprites)
data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\item (Item / Skill Icon Folder)
data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\collection (Collection Bitmap)
data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\illust (Pet and NPC Images)
data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\cardbmp (Custom Card Images)
data\texture\effect (Auras/Magic Targets/SplashEffects)
These are only the most basic of directories and files inside the data-folder that are used, now once you added the files, simply right click and compress the whole of the updated data folder into a RAR file and upload it to the correct directory, as stated above: and follow the guide below to know how to edit the patchlist.txt using the data folder method of patching your server.

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Using patchlist.txt

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Now everytime you upload a patch you need to update your patchlist.txt.
Now lets say your update is called sclientupdate.gpf , You need to put this link in your patchlist.txt

001 GRF update.gpf

Remember to start at 1 or start at any mumber you want but lets say you do start at 1 you need to follow it like this .

Every time you update something the number has to change.
Now, if your using the data folder method for your server, then you will need to add your updated data folder into a .rar file. Winrar or Winzip, should be capable of compressing your updated data folder. Now when adding a rar file to the patch list, it has a slightly different format:
001 FLD NewPatch.rar
now, once you have added that, simply upload the NewPatch.rar to your patch folder on your webhost and the new patchlist.txt.

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Q: My Neoncube does not read the patchlist?
A: If your Neocube does not read the patchlist from a directory like for example the patchlist.txt is located in yourdomain.com/patcher/patchlist.txt place it in yourdomain.com/patchlist.txt and it should work.

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I did NOT make this, note the wrong spelling.

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