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Are Keybindings possible? It'd be nice for players to set controls based on their own individual keyboard. Not all keyboards are the same.

If it's not possible then how do I change the controls with source edit? I can always just change the controls to something easier for the general gamer.
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Well, first of all, look into a chat system that requires you to push enter to chat. That's a good place to start.

As for key bindings, all keys are numeric. For instance, the "A" key is 65\. All you'd have to do is store the key code for the pressed key in a variable, like "AttackKey = 65". Then, in the source, where it says things like "If KeyPressed = VBKeyCTRL", you could do something like "If KeyPressed = AttackKey". You'd have to make edits to most/all of the key-based functions of Eclipse to accomplish this, but it's not too hard; it's just a lot of tedious work.
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